
Current Issues in Turkish Economics

Problems and Policy Suggestions

by Çağlar Yurtseven (Volume editor) Mahmut Tekce (Volume editor)
©2019 Edited Collection 204 Pages


The book covers a wide range of issues in Turkish economy and aims to discuss the problems, challenges and potential of Turkey in various sectors. The topics covered in the book include areas related to macroeconomics and monetary economics (inflation expectations, determinants and conduct of monetary policy), labor economics (earning differences, overeducation in labor markets), health economics (adult obesity), tourism economics (tourism response to disruptive events) and energy economics (solar energy systems). The book is written in a format so that general readers who are interested in the Turkish economy can easily read and have a deep understanding of the current economic issues in Turkey. In addition, the book is suitable for usage in the related courses as a textbook at the undergrauate and masters level in the fields of economics and business.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Foreword
  • About the editors
  • About the book
  • Citability of the eBook
  • Contents
  • List of Contributors
  • Taylor Rule for Turkey under Multiple Structural Breaks
  • Returns to Overeducation
  • Adult Obesity: Decomposition Analysis
  • Monetary Policy in Turkey
  • Internal Migration and Wages
  • Anchoring of Inflation Expectations
  • Flat-Plate Solar Collectors
  • Determinants of Interest Rates
  • Tourism Response to Domestic Disruptive Events
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables

List of Contributors

Barış Soybilgen

Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of Economics,

Adress: Eski Silahtarağa Elektrik Santralı Kazım Karabekir Cad. No: 2/13 34060 Eyüpsultan / Istanbul / Turkey

email: baris.soybilgen@bilgi.edu.tr

Bilge Eriş Dereli

Marmara University, Department of Economics

e-mail: bilge.eris@marmara.edu.tr

Burak Alparslan Eroğlu

Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of Economics,

Adress: Eski Silahtarağa Elektrik Santralı Kazım Karabekir Cad. No: 2/13 34060 Eyüpsultan / Istanbul / Turkey

email: burak.eroglu@bilgi.edu.tr

Burcu Düzgün Öncel

Marmara University, Department of Economics

e-mail: burcu.duzgun@marmara.edu.tr

Çağlar Yurtseven

Bahcesehir University, Department of Economics

Adress: Çırağan Caddesi, Osmanpaşa Mektebi Sokak, No: 4 - 6

34353 Beşiktaş, Istanbul / Turkey

e-mail: caglar.yurtseven@eas.bau.edu.tr

Dinçer Dedeoğlu

Bahcesehir University, Department of Economics

Adress: Çırağan Caddesi, Osmanpaşa Mektebi Sokak, No: 4 - 6

34353 Beşiktaş, Istanbul / Turkey,

e-mail: dincer.dedeoglu@eas.bahcesehir.edu.tr

Deniz Karaoğlan

Bahcesehir University, Department of Economics

Adress: Çırağan Caddesi, Osmanpaşa Mektebi Sokak, No: 4 - 6

34353 Beşiktaş, Istanbul / Turkey

e-mail: hanifedeniz.karaoglan@eas.bau.edu.tr

Erhan Aslanoğlu

Piri Reis University, Department of Economics and Finance,

e-mail: easlanoglu@pirireis.edu.tr

Hakan Acaroğlu

Department of Economics, Eskisehir Osmangazi University

Adress: 26480 Eskisehir / Turkey

e-mail address: hacaroglu@ogu.edu.tr

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Haluk Yener

Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of Economics

Adress: Eski Silahtarağa Elektrik Santralı Kazım Karabekir Cad. No: 2/13 34060 Eyüpsultan / Istanbul / Turkey

email: haluk.yener@bilgi.edu.tr

Hüseyin Kaya

Istanbul Medeniyet University, Department of Economics

Adress: 34000 Kadikoy / Istanbul /Turkey

e-mail: huseyin.kaya@medeniyet.edu.tr

Kaan Öğüt

Bahcesehir University, Department of Economics

Adress: Çırağan Caddesi, Osmanpaşa Mektebi Sokak, No: 4 - 6

34353 Beşiktaş, Istanbul / Turkey

e-mail: kaan.ogut@eas.bahcesehir.edu.tr

Kıvanç Karaman

Bogazici University, Department of Economics.

e-mail: kivanc.karaman@boun.edu.tr

Mahmut Tekçe

Department of Economics, Marmara University

e-mail: mtekce@marmara.edu.tr

M. Celalettin Baykul

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Eskisehir Osmangazi University

Adress: 26480 Eskisehir / Turkey.

e-mail address: cbaykul@ogu.edu.tr

Özer Selçuk

Department of Economics, Istanbul Medeniyet University

Adress: 34000 Kadikoy, Istanbul / Turkey,

e-mail: ozer.selcuk@medeniyet.edu.tr

Pınar Deniz

Marmara University, Department of Economics

e-mail: pinar.deniz@marmara.edu.tr

Seçil Yıldırım-Karaman

Altınbaş University, Department of Economics.

Serkan Yeşilyurt

Bahcesehir University, Department of Economics and Finance

Adress: Çırağan Caddesi, Osmanpaşa Mektebi Sokak, No: 4 - 6

34353 Beşiktaş / Istanbul / Turkey

e-mail: serkan.yesilyurt@eas.bau.edu.tr

Barış Soybilgen, Burak Alparslan Eroğlu and Haluk Yener

Taylor Rule for Turkey under Multiple Structural Breaks

Estimating the Forward-Looking Taylor Rule for Turkey under Multiple Structural Breaks

Abstract: We estimate a forward-looking Taylor rule for Turkey covering both implicit and explicit inflation-targeting periods. In this analysis, we also consider the presence of structural breaks in the policy coefficients. Even though the Turkish economy has been undergoing several structural changes since 2002, the previous studies that estimate the monetary policy rule for Turkey disregard structural breaks, while fitting a policy reaction function. In this study, we examine a Taylor rule for Turkey using a two-stage least square regression that is coupled with the analysis of multiple structural breaks with unknown dates. By using this methodology, we show that the monetary policy function of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey exhibits four different periods. This result demonstrates that it is crucial to take account of structural breaks, while estimating monetary policy rules.

Keywords: Taylor rule, monetary policy, structural breaks


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2019 (April)
Taylor rule overeducation obesity monetary policy internal migrant solar energy inflation targeting human development index
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2019. 203 pp., 60 fig. b/w, 59 tables
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Çağlar Yurtseven (Volume editor) Mahmut Tekce (Volume editor)

Çağlar Yurtseven teaches and researches in microeconomics in the Department of Economics, Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul, Turkey. His research interests include industrial organization and applied economics. Mahmut Tekçe teaches and researches in microeconomics in the Department of Economics, Marmara University in Istanbul, Turkey. His research interests include environmental and agricultural economics.


Title: Current Issues in Turkish Economics