
Trade Unions Today and Tomorrow

Vol. II: Trade Unions in a Changing Workplace

by George Spyropoulos (Volume editor)
©1999 Others 212 Pages


Labour relations at the enterprise level are nowadays tending to assume increasing importance in Europe. We are witnessing major changes in the labour force both as regards the characteristics of workers (the supply side) and the characteristics of the work available (the demand side). Changes in product markets and production technologies place different demands on enterprises. New technologies are changing the quantity and quality of work and new relations are introduced into the workplace as a result of managerial initiatives. Moreover, workers are increasingly interested in the quality of their working life. These changes imply an adjustment of trade unions to meet these new situations. The studies included in this volume focus on some of the recent changes in the workplace and the trade union response to them.


ISBN (Softcover)
Maastricht 1986. 212 pp., 6 tables

Biographical notes

George Spyropoulos (Volume editor)

The Editor: Georges Spyropoulos studied law at the Universities of Athens (Diploma of Law), Nancy and Paris (Doctor's degree Ph.D.) in law, Laureate of the University of Paris. Spend 28 years with the International Labour Office (1957-1985). His last position in the ILO was Director of the Working Conditions and Environment Department (1980-1985). Presently, he is a consultant of the International Institute for Labour Studies of the ILO and member of the Board of Trusties and Chairman of the Programme Committee of the European Centre for Work and Society (Maastricht, Netherlands). He is the author of several books and a great number of articles on topics such as freedom of association, collective agreements, labour relations, participation, social aspects of European integrating, quality of working life, working conditions, etc.


Title: Trade Unions Today and Tomorrow