
Continuity, Quantum, Continuum, and Dialectic

The Foundational Logics of Western Historical Thinking

by Mark E. Blum (Author)
©2006 Monographs XVIII, 498 Pages


Continuity, quantum, continuum, and dialectic are foundational logics of Western historical thought. The historiographical method to discern them is a critique of historical reason. Through ’stylistics’ Mark E. Blum demonstrates how the inner temporal experience of the person shapes both judgment and historical action. Blum’s work augments the epistemology of Immanuel Kant, Wilhelm Dilthey, and Edmund Husserl. Studies of significant persons from Shakespeare through the Framers of the American Constitution, as well as contemporary adolescents, illustrate the intergenerational presence of these historical logics. Courses in historical method, phenomenological philosophy, cognitive psychology, linguistics, and literary theory can benefit from Blum’s findings and approach.


XVIII, 498
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Geschichtsphilosophie Historiography Phenomenology Historical reason Linguistic Geschichtsschreibung Stylistic
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2006. XVIII, 498 pp.

Biographical notes

Mark E. Blum (Author)

The Author: Mark E. Blum is Professor of History at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. He earned his Ph.D. in Austrian history at the University of Pennsylvania. Blum was Fulbright Fellow at the University of Vienna and Visiting Fellow at Carl Rogers’ Center for Studies of the Person in La Jolla, California. He is the author of The Austro-Marxists 1890-1918, A Psychobiographical Study (1985) and has published widely in journals. His interest in phenomenological historiography and stylistics stems from his studies of Austrian and German culture.


Title: Continuity, Quantum, Continuum, and Dialectic