
Arabs in the Americas

Interdisciplinary Essays on the Arab Diaspora

by Darcy A. Zabel (Volume editor)
©2006 Textbook X, 238 Pages


Arabs in the Americas: Interdisciplinary Essays on the Arab Diaspora comprises twelve essays by Arab and non-Arab writers from the United States, Canada, Latin America, and the Middle East. Offering more than just an introduction or a celebration of the Arab American presence in the Americas, the essays aim at expanding readers’ understanding of what it means to be part of the Arab diaspora and to live in the Americas. Chapters are written from a wide range of experiences and academic disciplines, and focus on ethnic and cultural studies, American studies, and Arab studies and examine important aspects of the Arab diaspora in the United States, Canada, and Latin America. Organized into four sections, "Arriving in the Americas," "The Experience of the Americas," "Assessing the Americas," and "After 9/11," this book features different experiences of Arabs living in North and South America from a perspective that is both scholarly and reflective.


X, 238
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Arabischer Einwanderer Arab /Latin America Nordamerika Stereotyp Ethnische Identität Aufsatzsammlung Arab /United States Arab /Canada Arab American Arab Diaspora
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2006. X, 238 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Darcy A. Zabel (Volume editor)

Darcy A. Zabel is a Phi Beta Kappa cum laude graduate of Mount Holyoke College. She earned her M.A. and her Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut, where she was the English Coordinator for the Center for Academic Programs’ Student Support Services Pre-Collegiate experience, a program designed to increase access to higher education for high-potential students who come from underrepresented ethnic or economic backgrounds and/or are first-generation college students. Zabel’s research and publication interests include American literature, world literature in translation, creative writing, literary theory, and the multiethnic literature of the United States. Zabel is currently Associate Professor of English at Friends University, where she also serves as the Vice Chair for the Religion and Humanities Division.


Title: Arabs in the Americas