
New Society Models for a New Millennium

The Learning Society in Europe and Beyond

by Michael Kuhn (Volume editor)
©2007 Monographs XII, 636 Pages


As the twenty-first century begins, the world approaches a Learning- or Knowledge-based Society, thus creating a new «era» of humankind. The Learning Society does not merely herald a new «era» or «epoch,» it signals a «transformation» in a global dimension. However, never before in history have so many wars and so much violence inundated the world. However? The world approaching a new era of humankind governed by knowledge and ruled by wisdom, and at the same time drowning in wars and violence and celebrating a renaissance of religions – do these go together? They do.


XII, 636
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Informationsgesellschaft Interkulturelles Lernen Knowledge based Society Global Scale War Violence Religion Aufsatzsammlung
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2007. XII, 636 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Michael Kuhn (Volume editor)

The Editor: Michael Kuhn is Policy Analyst and Director of the Forum for European Regional Research at the University of Bremen. His background is in educational theory, philosophy, and political science. He has worked in numerous international research projects mainly under Programmes of the European Union, including coordinating six socio-economic research projects under European Social Research Programmes. His recent publications include: Who is the European? – A New Global Player? (Peter Lang, 2007); Building the European Research Area: Socio-Economic Research in Practice (Peter Lang, 2005) co-edited with Svend Otto Remøe; and Towards a Knowledge Based Economy? Knowledge and Learning in European Educational Research (Peter Lang, 2006) co-edited with Massimo Tomassini and P. Robert-Jan Simons.


Title: New Society Models for a New Millennium