Asian/American Scholars of Education
21st Century Pedagogies, Perspectives, and Experiences
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- About the author(s)/editor(s)
- About the book
- This eBook can be cited
- Advance Praise for Asian/American Scholars of Education
- Table of Contents
- List of Illustrations and Tables
- List of Abbreviations
- Foreword (Sydney Freeman, Jr.)
- References
- Introduction (Nicholas D. Hartlep / Kevin E. Wells / Daisy Ball / Amardeep K. Kahlon)
- What’s This Book About?
- An Updated National Analysis of Endowed Chairs and Distinguished Professors in the Field of Education
- Review of the Literature
- Purpose of the Research
- Research Questions and Hypotheses
- Theoretical Framework
- Status Homophily
- Race and Ethnicity Homophily
- Sex and Gender Homophily
- Education, Occupation, and Social Class
- Methodology
- Data
- Study Participants
- Findings
- RQ1. Are Men or Women More Likely to Hold Endowed or Distinguished Chairs/Professorships in Education?
- RQ2. Are Certain Races More Likely to Hold Endowed or Distinguished Chairs/Professorships in Education?
- RQ3. What Is the Mean Time Since Receiving One’s Ph.D. for Attaining Endowed or Distinguished Chairs/Professorships in Education?
- RQ4. Are Professors Who Earned Their Doctorate from an Elite College/University More Likely to Hold Endowed or Distinguished Chairs/Professorships in Education Than Professors Who Earned Their Doctorate from a Non-elite College/University?
- RQ5. Are Endowed or Distinguished Chairs/Professorships in Education Evenly Distributed Across Regions of the United States?
- RQ6. Which States Have the Most Endowed or Distinguished Chairs/Professorships in Education?
- RQ7. Are Endowed or Distinguished Chairs/Professorships in Education Held More Often by Holders of Ph.D.s or Ed.D.s?
- RQ8. Do Patterns Exist When Examining Recipients of Endowed or Distinguished Chairs/Professorships in Education by Decade?
- RQ9. Are Endowed or Distinguished Chairs in Education More Likely to be Family-Named, Corporate-Named, or University-Sponsored?
- Study Limitations
- Implications for Policy, Practice, and Future Research
- Future Research
- This Book
- Permissions Acknowledgement
- Notes
- References
- Chapter One: A Critical Case for Making the Invisible Known: The Mentorship, Scholarship, and Leadership of Professor A. Lin Goodwin (Crystal Chen Lee)
- Bringing the Teaching Profession to Light: The Work That She Chose to Do
- The Conversation between Blacks, Browns, and Whites (but Certainly Not Asians)
- The Mentorship, Scholarship, and Leadership of Professor A. Lin Goodwin: A Shared Asian/American Experience
- The Spirit of Generosity and Holistic Mentoring
- The Pursuit of Scholarship
- Leadership in Local, National, and International Conversations
- References
- Chapter Two: Scholarship as Meditation: Lessons Calling Us to Theory and Action (Timothy Bolin / Charlotte Achieng-Evensen / Kevin Stockbridge)
- Introduction
- Why a Trialogue?
- Humility (Kevin Stockbridge)
- Strength and Resilience (Charlotte Achieng-Evensen)
- Hope (Timothy Bolin)
- Closing
- References
- Chapter Three: Kioh Kim: No Failure Is Too Great to Overcome (Brian C. Kim)
- Chapter Four: “Then and Now”: Chasing Academic Goals and Living American Dreams, the Dual Narrative of an Asian/American Endowed Professor (David Wesley Lausch)
- Introduction
- The Dream Begins
- Gender and Education
- Trajectory of Teaching
- Teaching During War
- Research Contributions to the Field of Education
- Transitions and American Interactions
- Research Articles
- U.S. University and Personal Finances
- Teaching Contributions
- Chasing Academic Goals and Living “American Dreams”
- Culminating Appointment, the Endowed Professorship
- Engaging Others
- Narrative Interactions
- Reflexive Attention and Limititations
- Notes
- References
- Chapter Five: George Sugai: The Shaping of Success (Laura Kern / Kate Dooley / Brandi Simonsen / Jennifer Freeman / Ed Kame’enui)
- A “Damn Behaviorist”
- George’s Early Learning History and Cultural Background
- Theory of Change: Effecting Change for Individual Students to Systems
- George’s Initial Focus: Improving the Outcomes of Students with Behavioral Disorders Learning History
- Shaping of School Systems to Promote Positive Outcomes for All Students Learning History
- Antecedents
- Behaviors
- Consequences
- Conclusion: Shaping the Future
- References
- Chapter Six: Rice Paddy Resiliency: The Transformation of a Chinese American, Scholar, and Endowed Professor for Global Leadership Studies (Rita Poimbeauf)
- Introduction
- Early Work
- Heartbreak
- More Life Changes
- Golden Mountain
- Yali’s Graduate Degrees
- Early Professional Work
- The University of Houston
- Global Leadership Institute
- References
- Chapter Seven: The Scholar with Entrepreneurial Spirit: Professor Yong Zhao’s Success Through Passion, Strength, and Value (Yurou Wang)
- Every Challenge Is an Opportunity
- Pursue What You Enjoy Doing
- Refuse to Be Defined by Deficits
- The Courage to Create
- Be of Value to Somebody
- Closing
- Note
- References
- Chapter Eight: Analogies of a BlackBerry: The Foundation and Impact of the Inaugural Morgan and Helen Chu Endowed Chair in Asian American Studies at UCLA (Bach Mai Dolly Nguyen and Cynthia Maribel Alcantar)
- Dr. Teranishi’s Educational and Career Trajectory
- Impact on the Field of Higher Education
- Impact on Asian American Studies and Education
- Impact on Individuals
- Conclusion
- Note
- References
- Chapter Nine: The Development of a Legacy: Paying it Forward (Sheetal Sood / Amy E. Lein)
- Introduction
- Chapter Purpose
- Developing Personal Connections
- The Pursuit of Knowledge
- The Generosity and Strength of Elaborate Feedback
- Supporting Student Interests
- Fostering Collaboration
- Bringing an Academic Profession to Light: Student Induction
- Conclusion
- Note
- References
- Chapter Ten: From Dreaming of Being a Biologist to Becoming an Endowed Professor in Higher Education: When Passion and Diligence Meet Opportunity (Xinye Hu / Yanli Ma)
- Introducing Dr. Shouping Hu
- Research and Teaching Achievements
- Forging a Pathway from Biology to Higher Education
- Research Contributions
- Understanding Financial Influences on Student College Decisions
- Identifying Student Engagement Conducive to Desirable Outcomes
- Connecting Financial Factors and Student Engagement
- The Center for Postsecondary Success
- Our Experiences with Dr. Hu
- From Xinye Hu
- From Yanli Ma
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter Eleven: Lucky to Be Alive: Ming Ming Chiu’s Persistent, Creative Path Via Computer Science, Education, and Statistics (Gaowei Chen)
- Learning
- Teaching
- Post-Graduate Research
- Analyzing Talk with Statistics
- Corruption, Big Data, and Sexual Predators
- Leadership and Service
- Coda
- References
- Afterword: “It Really Ain’t All About Me”: Brief Reflections of a Disenchanted Puerto Rican Endowed Chair Turned Dean (René Antrop-González)
- The Foundational Path to the Endowed Chairpersonship: My Days at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
- My Journey as an Endowed Chair in Education in the New Latinx South
- Final Reflections
- Reference
- About the Book Editors
- About the Chapter Contributors
- Author Index
- Subject Index
- Series index
Table I.1. Mean Time Between Ph.D. and Endowed or Distinguished Chairs/Professorships
Figure I.1. U.S. Census Regional Designations
Table I.2. Endowed or Distinguished Position by Nine Regions of the United States
Table I.3. Endowed Position by Decade
Table I.4. Distinguished Position by Decade
Table I.5. Source of Funding for Endowed or Distinguished Positions
Table 5.1. Key Components of George’s Theory of Change
Figure 11.1. Photo from Press Conference
AACTE American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education
AAPI Asian American and Pacific Islander
AASC Asian American Studies Center
AASCU American Association of State Colleges and Universities
ABA Applied Behavior Analysis
AERA American Educational Research Association
AOP Advanced Opportunity Program
ASHE Association for the Study of Higher Education
BD Behavior Disorders
BIP Behavior Intervention Plan
BRT Behavior Research and Training
CARE National Commission on Asian American and Pacific Islander Research in Education
CBER Center for Behavioral Education and Research
CEHD College of Education and Human Development
CGU Claremont Graduate University
CMSI Center for Minority Serving Institutions
CPS Center for Postsecondary Success
CPRE Consortium for Policy Research in Education
CV Curriculum Vitae
DE Developmental Education ← xi | xii →
DMA Dynamic Multilevel Analysis
DNA Dialogic Narrative Analysis
DOJ U.S. Department of Justice
DP Distinguished Professor
EBS Effective Behavior Support
EC Endowed Chair
EdUHK The Education University of Hong Kong
ELL English Language Learner
ELPS Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
ETS Educational Testing Service
FSU Florida State University
FTIC First-Time-In-College
GED General Education Development
GMS Gates Millennium Scholarship Program
GOA’L Global Oversearch Adoptees’ Link
GOLD Graduate of the Last Decade
GRE Graduate Record Examination
HHS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
HSI Hispanic Serving Institution
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP Individualized Education Plan
IES Institute of Education Sciences
IGE Institute for Immigration, Globalization, and Education
IGLAS Institute for Global-Local Action & Study
IHEP Institute of Higher Education Policy
ISU Illinois State University
KLICK! Kids Learning In Computer Klubhouses
MDA Multilevel Diffusion Analysis
MMSP Model Minority Stereotype Project
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MSI Minority Serving Institution
MSU Metropolitan State University
MSU Michigan State University
MTSS Multi-Tiered Level of Systems of Support
NAPLeS Network of Academic Programs in the Learning Sciences
NAYRE National Association of Year-Round Education
NCLB No Child Left Behind Act
NIE National Institute of Education (see Singapore)
NIMH National Institute of Mental Health
NSSE National Survey of Student Engagement ← xii | xiii →
NORC National Opinion Research Center
NYC New York City
NYU New York University
OSEP Office of Special Education Programs
PBS Positive Behavior Support
PBIS Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
PIRLS Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
PISA Programme for International Student Assessment
PREPARE Promoting Responsible, Empirical, and Proactive Alternatives in Regular Education for Students with Behavior Disorders
PKU Peking University
REAPA Research on the Education of Asian and Pacific Americans, see also SIG
RQ Research Question
SBI Schema-Based Instruction
SDA Statistical Discourse Analysis
SHU Seton Hall University
SIG Special Interest Group
SSCE Social Science and Comparative Education
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
TC Teachers College, Columbia University
TIMSS Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language
UCD University of California at Davis
UCONN Universiy of Connecticut
UCR University of California at Riverside
UCSB University of California at Santa Barbara
UCSC University of California at Santa Cruz
UCLA University of California at Los Angeles
UH University of Houston
UIUC University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
ULM University of Louisiana at Monroe
UMN University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
UO University of Oregon
URI University Research Initiative
USDOE U.S. Department of Education
UW University of Washington
UWM University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
WSA Washington State Achievers Program
WWII World War II
As a millennial who has a goal of becoming an endowed or distinguished professor, I was excited, humbled, and honored when Drs. Nicholas D. Hartlep, Amardeep K. Kahlon, and Daisy Ball asked me to write this foreword. Having written and read extensively about the professoriate, particularly the Black faculty career trajectory, I am very familiar with the many gains that Black faculty have made in ascending to the highest echelons of academe through endowed chair (EC) and distinguished professorship (DP) positions. My exposure to this topic has caused me to have deep concerns about the lack of purposive and strategic development of the next generation of scholars of color and the ways in which they are socialized and supported.
If purposive and strategic development of scholars of color is a goal of academe, as it should be, it is useful to look to the experiences and contributions of those who have succeeded by advancing to the highest echelons of the academy. This unique and important book works toward this goal by providing Asian/American EC/DPs with a platform from which to share their unique experiences, advice, and strategies for a new generation of scholars. This intergenerational text honors the contributions of these trailblazers and suggests a way forward for scholars of color who hope to reach “the mountaintop of the academy” (Thompson, Bonner, & Lewis, 2016).
Asian/American faculty are an oft-overlooked group within the academy, but for a curious reason Asian/Americans are most often associated with the “model ← xv | xvi → minority” stereotype (Poon et al., 2016). As such, they are presumed to be academic superstars, which obfuscates the fact that they are the victims of institutionalized racism (Liu, 2009). This book lays bare the facts, and confirms that Asian/American faculty—as all faculty of color—face institutionalized barriers to success, even those who have earned EC/DP positions. The paucity of literature on this topic further confirms the need for this compendium of seminal scholarship.
- Pages
- XXIV, 204
- Publication Year
- 2018
- 9781433156649
- 9781433156656
- 9781433156663
- ISBN (Hardcover)
- 9781433149474
- ISBN (Softcover)
- 9781433149467
- 10.3726/b13539
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2018 (September)
- Published
- New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2018. XXIV, 204 pp. 2 b/w ills., 6 tables.
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG