
Sustainable Landscape Planning and Design

by Murat Özyavuz (Volume editor)
©2017 Edited Collection 524 Pages


Theoretical foundations, theories, methods, and applications are essential parts of this reference book for landscape architects and other planning and design professionals. In addition, it addresses several very different subjects of study; landscape management, biodiversity, landscape restoration, landscape design, urban design, urban planning and architectural design related to theory, practice and the results are covered. Due to the varied usage of the term Planning/Landscape Planning, the intended readership for this book is a broad audience including environmentalists, landscape architects, architects, environmentalists, botanists, urban and regional planners, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, agricultural organizations, students at all levels, research organizations, international organizations and all interested parties. Landscape architecture is one of the most important of the sustainable planning and design professions. It is the design of outdoor and public spaces to achieve environmental, socio-behavioral, and/or aesthetic outcomes. It involves the systematic investigation of existing social, ecological, and geological conditions and processes in the landscape, and the design of interventions that will produce the desired outcome.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the editor
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Contents
  • Influence of Urban Furniture Design on Environmental Behavior (Seda H. Bostanci / Pınar Öztürk Demirtaş)
  • Permeable Pavements for Pedestrian Use (Fatma Aşilioğlu)
  • Sustainable Design Approaches in Children’s Playgrounds (Habibe Acar / Demet Ülkü Gülpinar Sekban / Cengiz Acar)
  • Urbanization in Tekırdag and a Case Study about Children’s Independent Mobility (Okşan Tandoğan / Deniz Yetkin Aker)
  • Bim for Sustainable Landscape Design (Suzan Girginkaya Akdağ)
  • Evaluation of User Perception on the Effects of Landscape Changes: Topography and Ecophysiology (Ercan Gökyer)
  • Evaluation of Sustainable Urban Planning Approaches in Terms of the Possibilities for Social Interaction (Aslı Korkut / Tuğba Kiper / Tuğba Üstün Topal)
  • Sustainable Ecosystem Services (Murat Atasoy / Filiz Guneysu Atasoy)
  • Recent Urban Spaces Produced by the Consumer Society: Shopping Malls (Aysel Yavuz)
  • Writing in the Disciplines: Aiding Discipline Specific Writing with a Data Driven Learning Approach (Elif Tokdemir Demir)
  • Social Dimension of Squares’ Contributions to Urban Life (Murat Özyavuz / Beste Karakaya Aytin / Deniz Gözde Ertin)
  • Universal Design in Public Outdoor Space (Nazan Kuter / Mihriye Çakmak)
  • Assessment of the Safety of Playgrounds in Terms of Surface Material and Equipment (Rukiye Duygu Çay)
  • Cultural Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being (E. Seda Arslan Muhacir)
  • Industrial Heritage Sites (Elif Ebru Şişman / Pınar Gültürk)
  • Imagine Accessible Cities for Everyone (H. Candan Zülfikar / Aysel Yavuz)
  • Conservation of Safranbolu – Bağlar Settlement in the Context of Sustainability (Suat Çabuk)
  • Biotope Mapping in Landscape Planning (Aysel Gürkan)
  • Rural Tourism and Traditional Turkish Villages in the Development Process (A. Esra Cengiz, Çiğdem Kaptan Ayhan, Aybike Ayfer Karadağ / Demet Demiroğlu)
  • Driver and Passenger Perception Along the Roadside Landscapes: Safety and Recreation (Melih Öztürk)
  • Sustainable Space-Sustainable Living: Physical Activity Friendly Urban Open and Green Spaces (Ayça Yeşim Çağlayan / Betül Atakan Öznam)
  • Analysis of Urban Green Spaces; Case Study of Çankiri (B.Cemil Bilgili / Mustafa Ergen / İbrahim Aytaş)
  • Designing of a Summer House in the Vineyards of Kayseri (Kemal Demir)
  • Participatory Approach Model in Protected Areas: Biosphere Reserves (Yasin Dönmez)
  • Water Garden Design in Landscape Architecture (Mahire Özçalik / Murat Özyavuz)
  • Use of School Gardens for Sustainable Urban Agriculture (Özgür Burhan Timur / Buse Yazici)
  • A Review of the Karabuk University Iron and Steel Campus According to Planting Design Principles (Ömer Lütfü Çorbaci)
  • Evaluating Landscape Changes in a Coastal City: Case Of Amasra City, Turkey (Türker Oğuztürk / Ercan Gökyer / Ömer Lütfü Çorbacı)
  • Conservation of Steppe Vegetation and its use in The Processes of Adaptation to Climate Change (Zuhal Dilaver / Emel Baylan)
  • Today’s Sustainable Placements: Ecovillages (Aybike Ayfer Karadağ / A. Esra Cengiz / Demet Demiroğlu)
  • Age Friendly Landscape Design (Tahsin Yilmaz)
  • Key Parameter for Enhancing Sustainable Urban Design: Thermal Comfort in Outdoor Urban Spaces (Ülkü Duman Yuksel)
  • Postafter Republic Housing in the Edirne City Center (Timur Kaprol)
  • The use of Sustainability in Landscape Design (Aylin Salici)
  • Energy Efficient Landscape Planning and Design Approach for Sustainability (Nurgül Arisoy)
  • Evaluation of Sustainable Lighting Systems in the Context of Landscape Design (Ahmet Benliay / Orhun Soydan)
  • Sustainability as a Design Strategy: a Case Study of Three Public Buildings (Deniz Dokgöz / Ferhat Hacialibeyoğlu)
  • Importance of Greenways for Sustainable Cities (Umut Pekin Timur / Özgür Burhan Timur / Ferhat Özden)
  • The Evaluation of Sanliurfa Traditional City Center in the Framework of Ecological Design (Hülya Öztürk Tel / Elmas Erdoğan)

Murat Özyavuz (ed.)

Sustainable Landscape Planning
and Design

About the editor

Murat Özyavuz is an Associate Professor at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Namık Kemal University. He studied Landscape Architecture at Ankara University and obtained a Ph.D. degree from the Landscape Architecture Department of the Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences. He is the author of many national and international publications and has worked for many research projects.

About the book

Theoretical foundations, theories, methods, and applications are essential parts of this reference book for landscape architects and other planning and design professionals. In addition, it addresses several very different subjects of study; landscape management, biodiversity, landscape restoration, landscape design, urban design, urban planning and architectural design related to theory, practice and the results are covered. Due to the varied usage of the term Planning/Landscape Planning, the intended readership for this book is a broad audience including environmentalists, landscape architects, architects, environmentalists, botanists, urban and regional planners, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, agricultural organizations, students at all levels, research organizations, international organizations and all interested parties. Landscape architecture is one of the most important of the sustainable planning and design professions. It is the design of outdoor and public spaces to achieve environmental, socio-behavioral, and/or aesthetic outcomes. It involves the systematic investigation of existing social, ecological, and geological conditions and processes in the landscape, and the design of interventions that will produce the desired outcome.

This eBook can be cited

This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.


Seda H. Bostanci, Pınar Öztürk Demirtaş

Influence of Urban Furniture Design on Environmental Behavior

Fatma Aşilioğlu

Permeable Pavements for Pedestrian Use

Habibe Acar, Demet Ülkü Gülpinar Sekban, Cengiz Acar

Sustainable Design Approaches in Children’s Playgrounds

Okşan Tandoğan, Deniz Yetkin Aker

Urbanization in Tekırdag and a Case Study about Children’s Independent Mobility

Suzan Girginkaya Akdağ

Bim for Sustainable Landscape Design

Ercan Gökyer

Evaluation of User Perception on the Effects of Landscape Changes: Topography and Ecophysiology

Aslı Korkut, Tuğba Kiper, Tuğba Üstün Topal

Evaluation of Sustainable Urban Planning Approaches in Terms of the Possibilities for Social Interaction

Murat Atasoy, Filiz Guneysu Atasoy

Sustainable Ecosystem Services

Aysel Yavuz

Recent Urban Spaces Produced by the Consumer Society: Shopping Malls

Elif Tokdemir Demir

Writing in the Disciplines: Aiding Discipline Specific Writing with a Data Driven Learning Approach

Murat Özyavuz, Beste Karakaya Aytin, Deniz Gözde Ertin

Social Dimension of Squares’ Contributions to Urban Life←5 | 6→

Nazan Kuter, Mihriye Çakmak

Universal Design in Public Outdoor Space

Rukiye Duygu Çay

Assessment of the Safety of Playgrounds in Terms of Surface Material and Equipment

E. Seda Arslan Muhacir

Cultural Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being

Elif Ebru Şişman, Pınar Gültürk

Industrial Heritage Sites

H. Candan Zülfikar, Aysel Yavuz

Imagine Accessible Cities for Everyone

Suat Çabuk

Conservation of Safranbolu – Bağlar Settlement in the Context of Sustainability

Aysel Gürkan

Biotope Mapping in Landscape Planning

A. Esra Cengiz, Çiğdem Kaptan Ayhan, Aybike Ayfer Karadağ, Demet Demiroğlu

Rural Tourism and Traditional Turkish Villages in the Development Process

Melih Öztürk

Driver and Passenger Perception Along the Roadside Landscapes: Safety and Recreation

Ayça Yeşim Çağlayan, Betül Atakan Öznam

Sustainable Space-Sustainable Living: Physical Activity Friendly Urban Open and Green Spaces

B.Cemil Bilgili, Mustafa Ergen, İbrahim Aytaş

Analysis of Urban Green Spaces; Case Study of Çankiri

Kemal Demir

Designing of a Summer House in the Vineyards of Kayseri←6 | 7→

Yasin Dönmez

Participatory Approach Model in Protected Areas: Biosphere Reserves

Mahire Özçalik, Murat Özyavuz

Water Garden Design in Landscape Architecture

Özgür Burhan Timur, Buse Yazici

Use of School Gardens for Sustainable Urban Agriculture

Ömer Lütfü Çorbaci

A Review of the Karabuk University Iron and Steel Campus According to Planting Design Principles

Türker Oğuztürk, Ercan Gökyer, Ömer Lütfü Çorbacı

Evaluating Landscape Changes in a Coastal City: Case Of Amasra City, Turkey

Zuhal Dilaver, Emel Baylan

Conservation of Steppe Vegetation and its use in The Processes of Adaptation to Climate Change

Aybike Ayfer Karadağ, A. Esra Cengiz, Demet Demiroğlu

Today’s Sustainable Placements: Ecovillages

Tahsin Yilmaz

Age Friendly Landscape Design

Ülkü Duman Yuksel

Key Parameter for Enhancing Sustainable Urban Design: Thermal Comfort in Outdoor Urban Spaces

Timur Kaprol

Postafter Republic Housing in the Edirne City Center

Aylin Salici

The use of Sustainability in Landscape Design

Nurgül Arisoy

Energy Efficient Landscape Planning and Design Approach for Sustainability←7 | 8→

Ahmet Benliay, Orhun Soydan

Evaluation of Sustainable Lighting Systems in the Context of Landscape Design

Deniz Dokgöz , Ferhat Hacialibeyoğlu

Sustainability as a Design Strategy: a Case Study of Three Public Buildings

Umut Pekin Timur, Özgür Burhan Timur, Ferhat Özden

Importance of Greenways for Sustainable Cities

Hülya Öztürk Tel, Elmas Erdoğan

The Evaluation of Sanliurfa Traditional City Center in the Framework of Ecological Design←8 | 9→

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seda H. Bostanci1
Assist. Prof. Dr. Pınar Öztürk Demirtaş2

Influence of Urban Furniture Design on Environmental Behavior

1Namık Kemal University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Political Science and Public Administration Department

2Okan University, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Industrial Product Design Department

1. Introduction

Today, at different scales, design products have become the main research area for designers in urban to neighborhood scale design, allowing them to communicate with the user and to meet the user’s behaviors, tendencies, and anticipations. This approach in the field of environmental psychology emerged from a combination of experimental and behavioral issues, which are aesthetic dimensions in the formation of innovative research. Developments in the field of environmental psychology have been demonstrated by various pieces of social, cultural, cognitive and experimental research by experts in this field, where positive urban experiences are seen to cause a change of behavior beyond a change in people’s taste and a level of happiness with aesthetic, cognitive, semantic, functional and perceptual variables [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6].

Sustainability is a framework concept that includes economic, social and ecological dimensions to form what we consider to be a human-focused environmental approach, and one that seeks to find an equilibrium between the resources available today and a rational and decent usage of these by future generations, as well as striking a balance between urban conservation and development. The work on sustainability means that the community can fulfill its responsibilities in this field by developing a community structure which is itself sustainable [7]. Sustainable communities are those where there is harmony between nature and the environment. Their lifestyle inspires thoughts about sustainable development and sustainable governance [8]. We can see that the cultural, sociological and economic strata that build diversity and difference within the development of the environmental consciousness, as well as the environmental values of societies among themselves are as decisive in this area as they are elsewhere. It may be thought that some societies need to be directed in←9 | 10→ the field of environmentalism whereas others set a precedent for their traditions in this area. The design of urban furniture can be seen as an innovative tool to design and guide the environmental awareness of social life for the inhabitants of urban open spaces.

Academic studies intended for fostering environmentally friendly behavior are increasing in the fields of product design and marketing [9; 10; 11]. “ ‘Design for Sustainable Behavior’ (DfSB) is a new field of enquiry exploring how design can influence user behavior to reduce negative social or environmental use impacts” [12].

Urban furniture has the main function of improving the quality of life in public spaces such as lighting at night, comfortable elements in parks, garbage collection, recycling of waste, navigation and wayfinding. This study discusses the effects of urban furniture on environmental sustainability. By studying sustainable design concepts with different aspects, the design processes of urban furniture are discussed considering the relation between environmental psychology and design. The study brings forward suggestions about the future of this field by giving examples of local governments, non-governmental organizations and university studies on the achievements of urban furniture design which aims at sustainability.

2. Sustainable Design Approaches

The responsibility of the designer is influential in the effectiveness of the design in terms of sustainability. Design can contribute to sustainability in many ways, such as the use of materials, the form of production, environmental awareness, and the orientation of user behavior. It is important to develop the life cycle of the products [13]. Within the framework of sustainable design, ecosystem design for the environment is included in relevant literature and research. The definitions regarding where the concept of “environment” in terms of sustainability appears in the study can be presented with the titles of design for environment – DfE, eco-design, eco-effective design, environmentally responsible manufacturing, green design and life cycle design. Tingstrom (2007), basing his work on a broad set of references, explained the definitions of these concepts as follows: “Design for environment-DfE: Systematic consideration of environmental, human health and safety impacts in design products and processes. Eco-design: Multi-dimensional features of environmental values to be considered before the cost in product design. Eco-effective design: Design function, quality, product and process targeted at the efficiency and productivity of environmental performance. Environmentally responsible manufacturing: Promotion of the adaptive approach, as in the design←10 | 11→ process of resource use. Green design: An innovative design concept that is seen as an opportunity in the design process, in the direction of sustainable goals of protecting environmental values. Life cycle design: A design concept that evaluates recycled materials by taking the design product as a life cycle” [14].

Considering the above concepts, it is apparent that there are environmental sustainability approaches such as function, cost, quality, minimizing environmental effects, preventing waste formation and environmental sensitivity. Accordingly, the design itself must bear environmental responsibility in terms of structure and function – it should be able to create an environmental point of view for the user and be responsible for creating social behavior.

Recycling waste packaging such as plastic bottles, batteries and beverage cans, as well as receiving a payment or an award in return, is another example of this approach. These recycling vehicles, which are located in public areas, either open or closed, have widespread use in many countries [15].

Urban furniture, open to public use and designed for the city, is important in terms of environmental responsibility. From this point of view, there are many design approaches to achieve sustainable behavioral habits. For example, garbage separation and the development of people-oriented design is an approach to direct behavior towards waste separation; and today, as seen in Figure 1, it is used as a social responsibility and policy in many countries.

Figure 1: Developing behavioral patterns for environmental sustainability–Waste disposal– Düsseldorf / Germany (Photo by Pınar Öztürk Demirtaş).


Cultural differences among societies have brought with them different behavioral habits. These differences must be taken into account when creating design approaches to develop environmental responsibility in the community. For example; in some societies, seed sales and consumption have become a habit in open spaces, in parks and in coastal areas, and as a result, seed shells create an←11 | 12→ environmental problem. As shown in Figure 2, it may be a matter of design to develop a behavioral model for the user to solve this problem.

Figure 2: Student design project on seed sales and garbage collection unit in areas such as park, coastal region, etc. (Okan University – Department of Industrial Product Design).


“It is aimed to make people do the things – that they are not willing – voluntarily by performing a positive action. It seems that the designed product is a ‘seed sales unit’ which gives back some of the money as a “deposit” when it is given the garbage. It is planned that the user will be rewarded when the refuse provided during the sale is filled and returned” [16].

Figure 3. Urban road separator areas, the use of waste tires to create an environmental layout in green islands–Düsseldorf–Germany (Photo by Pınar Öztürk Demirtaş).


←12 | 13→


One of the methods for sustainability is using a recyclable material for the design of the chosen material, whereby the expired products can be reused for different purposes is another solution,– as we can see in the example in Figure 3. The design area produces creative solutions with environmental values and sustainable and user-friendly product development interface.

3. Urban Furniture in the Context of the Environmental Behavior and Design Relation


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2018 (August)
Landscape architecture Urban design Ecological design Plannning theory
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2017. 524 p., 145 b/w ill., 44 b/w tables.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Murat Özyavuz (Volume editor)

Murat Özyavuz is an Associate Professor at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Namık Kemal University. He studied Landscape Architecture at Ankara University and obtained a Ph.D. degree from the Landscape Architecture Department of the Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences. He is the author of many national and international publications and has worked for many research projects.


Title: Sustainable Landscape Planning and Design