Shaping the Field of Translation In Japanese ↔ Turkish Contexts II
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Acknowledgments
- About the editors
- About the book
- Citability of the eBook
- Contents
- List of Contributors
- History of Turkish Translation in Japan and Its Problems
- Translation Flows from Japanese Literature into Turkish between 1959–2017
- Turkish Tales in the Japanese Juvenile Magazines before World War I
- Translating the Phonetic Elements of Divan Poetry into a Japanese Syllabic Poem Using Kundoku
- Preliminaries to Translating the Ottoman Prose
- A Discovery: A Direct Literary Translation from Japanese into Turkish Dating 1938
- Turks in Japanese “Oriental History” and Translations of Old Turkic Inscriptions
- Thinking the Key Concepts of Nishida’s Aesthetics of Nature in Turkish
- Tennō in the Japanese Constitutions
- The Use of Verbs in Turkish →Japanese Translation by Turkish Learners of Japanese
- Translation and Culture Teaching
- Using “Translation” as a Language Teaching Device
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
Esin Esen is a Japanologist, who specializes in Japanese language and literature, translation from Japanese and Japanese women’s literature (Nara-Heian Periods). She applied cognitive poetics and relevance theory to develop a method for translation of reader responsibility features of Japanese language into Turkish. Her PhD is on the Man’yōshū – the reader responsibility approach and cognitive poetics theory. She translated Murasaki Shikibu Nikki into Turkish from classical Japanese and Sasameyuki by the famous Japanese writer Tanizaki Jun’ichirō. She has been translating since the 1990s (Japanese, Spanish and English, Classical Japanese, Turkish (native)). She also teaches theoric and applied translation courses at university level in these languages. Founder of Kotodama Istanbul book project themed Japan in Turkey and Turkey in Japan. (For details please see
Ryō Miyashita (宮下 遼) Assoc. Prof. Dr. at Osaka University, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Turkish Section. He specializes in History of Turkish Literature and presented his PhD on city images of 16-17th century Istanbul in Divan poetry and has published as Tagensei no Toshi Istanbul: Kinsei Osman Teito no Toshi-kûkan to Shijin, Shomin, Ihōjin [The City of Pluralism: Poet, Populace, Traveler in Ottoman Classical Istanbul], Osaka Univ. Press. Osaka, 2018. In addition co-authored Sekai no 8 Dai Bungakushō [The World Eight Literal Award], Rittō-sha, Tokyo, 2016; Kyōi no Bunka-shi: Chûtō to Europe wo Chûshin ni [The Cultural History of Marvel], Nagoya Univ. Press, Nagoya, 2015, etc.; translated Orhan Pamuk’s The White Castle, Fujiwara Shoten, Tokyo, 2009; The Museum of Innocence, Hayakawa Shobō, Tokyo, 2010; My Name is Red, Hayakawa Shobō, Tokyo, 2011; Snow, Hayakawa Shobō, Tokyo, 2012; Strangeness in My Mind, Hayakawa Shobō, Tokyo, 2016; Latife Tekin’s Berji Kristen The Tales from Garbage Hill, Kawade Shobō Shinsha, Tokyo, 2014, etc. into Japanese.
Özlem Berk Albachten is professor in the Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul. Her research interests include translation history, intralingual translation, Turkish women translators, and autobiography/life writing. Her working languages are Turkish, English, German, and Italian. She has published widely on Turkish translation history focusing mainly on issues such as modernization, identity formation, and translation and cultural policies. She is the author of Translation and Westernisation in Turkey (2004) and Kuramlar Işığında Açıklamalı Çeviribilim Terimcesi ←9 | 10→(2005) and the co-editor (with Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar) of Perspectives on Retranslation: Ideology, Paratexts, Methods (2018).
Nobuo Misawa (三沢伸生). Turkologist scholar, works on the relationship between Japan and the Islamic World. Languages: Japanese, the modern Turkish and the Ottoman Turkish, English. Main Works: Verification for the Achievements of a Japanese Merchant in Istanbul: personal history of Torajirō Yamada, Tokyo 2017, “The beginning of the Japanese language education in the Ottoman Empire”, Osmanlı Araştırmaları (41), 2013, 253–278 (with Göknür Akçadağ), Türk - Japon Ticaret İlişkileri, İstanbul 2011.
Shingo Yamashita (山下 真吾) is a historian, working at Hōsō University and Takasaki City University of Economics (part-time lecturer). His research field/current subject is the Ottoman prose literature and historical thoughts in the classical period. His main languages are Japanese, Turkish and Ottoman Turkish. Some of his studies on Ottoman Turkish-Japanese are as follows: “Ottoman Historiography with the Example of Ahmedi’s ‘Book of Alexander,’ ” World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies, Universitat Autonoma, Barcelona, 19 July 2010.
Gülzemin Özrenk Aydın, Her PhD is on Japanese Turkologist Kōji Ōkubo. She is specialized in Japanese language and language policy. She completed her MA in Asian Languages and Literature at University of Washington in 2001, her MA in Eastern Languages and Literature at Ankara University in 2010. Her MA thesis was on Japanese language policy. She did BA in Japanese Language and Literature Department at Ankara University, in 1997. She has been working at the Turkish Language Institute since 2002. She also edited PIAC Proceedings, 2003. She has several publications both academic and popular context about Japan and Japanese language.
Iku Nagashima (永島 育) His PhD is on Turkish History in the Department of Oriental History, Faculty of Letters, Waseda University. He is a Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. He is working on Ottoman Modern History. He knows Japanese, Turkish and Ottoman. Some examples of the previous studies: 2016. “Ottoman Empire, Privileged Province “Bulgaria”, and System of Berlin Treaty (1876–1909)”, MA Thesis; 2014. “Abdulhamid II and the Ottoman Empire at the Dusk & Dawn of the Century as Seen through the Hejaz Railway”, Shikan, 171, 44–65.
İbrahim Soner Özdemir is an aesthetician and art historian. He is a lecturer in the Department of Basic Art Sciences, at Düzce University, Turkey. His ←10 | 11→research fields include philosophical aesthetics, modern and contemporary art, Japanese aesthetics, and the Kyoto School of philosophy. He completed his Ph.D. on the aesthetics of Kitarō Nishida in the Department of Philosophy at the Middle East Technical University. His native language is Turkish, and he works with French, English, and Japanese. Some of his publications are: “Tasarım and Design: Reflections on a Semantic Gap,” Words for Design III: Comparative Etymology and Terminology of Design and its Equivalents (2010); “Yerin Güzelliği: Kyoto Okulu Estetiği ve İlişkisellik” [The Beauty of Place: Relationality and the Aesthetics of the Kyoto School], Türkiye’de Japonya Çalışmaları II (2015); “Fūdo ve Japon Yağmurları” [Fūdo and Japanese Rains], Kotodama İstanbul Hajimari 2015 (2016). He has translated Gilles Deleuze’s Cinéma 1: Image-Movement into Turkish and he is currently working on the Turkish translation of the aesthetical essays of the Kyoto School philosophers.
Sinan Levent is a full-time faculty member at Ankara University, in Turkey, Faculty of Languages, History and Geography. He holds a Major in Political History of Japan and History of Japanese Diplomacy. Mr. Levent is fluent in Japanese, English; he possesses an advanced reading level in Korean and his native language is Turkish. Among his main works we can list the following: Books: Levent, S. (2014). Senzenki-Senchūki ni okeru Nihon no “Yūrashia Seisaku” -Tūranshugi, Kaikyō Seisaku, Hanso Hankyō Undō no Shiten kara (Eurasian Policy of Imperial Japan Before and During World War II), Tokyo: Waseda University Press Monograph 107. Levent, S. (2015). İkinci Dünya Savaşı Yolunda Japonya -Cumhuriyet Gazetesi Üzerinden Türk Basınında Japonya İmajı (1933–1941)- (Japan on the Way to the Second World War -Images of Japan Created by the Inter-war Turkish Press The Role of Cumhuriyet, Turkish Daily Newspaper 1933–1941), İstanbul: Kitapdostu Yayınları. Levent, S. (2016). Japon Turancılığı (Turanism in Japan), İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yayınları. Levent, S. (2018). Militarizmden Pasifizme Geçişte Japonya (Japan in Transition from Militarism to Pacifism), İstanbul: Doğu Kütüphanesi Yayınevi. Translations: Eylül 2011, (together with Masumi Tani) Gönül Bağı Türk-Japon İlişkilerinin 120. Yılı (Kizuna -Toruko to Nihon no 120 Nen-), Japon-Türk Kültür Derneği. Ryōichi Tobe, E. (2009) İkinci Dünya Savaşı Sırasında Türkiye’deki Japon Büyükelçiliği(Dai Ni Ji Sekai Taisenka no Zai Toruko Nihon Taishikan). Prof. Dr. A. Mete Tuncoku (edit.) Japon Araştırmacıların Gözünden Türkiye Sempozyumu, pp. 37–50.
Barış Kahraman earned his PhD from Hiroshima University Graduate School of Education. His research interests lie in the field of psycholinguistics, second language acquisition and Turkish-Japanese linguistics. He worked at several ←11 | 12→universities in Turkey and Japan. During his academic career he taught various classes including Turkish-Japanese translation.
Derya Akkuş Sakaue earned her PhD at the Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University. Her research interests cover Turkish-Japanese linguistics, language acquisition, pragmatics and cross-cultural communication. From 1999 to 2014, she worked in the Department of Japanese Language Education at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University.
Yukiko Kondo (近藤 幸子) graduated from Aoyama Gakuin University, Faculty of Education. From 1993 to 2014, she worked as a lecturer in the Department of Japanese Language Education at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. She taught many Japanese classes, including Turkish-Japanese and Japanese-Turkish translation.
Okan Haluk Akbay. Selcuk University, Faculty of Letters, Japanese Language and Literature Department. Department Head. Main Works: Japon Öykü Seçkisi [Japanese Short Stories: An Anthology] (2012), Haiku Seçkisi [Selected Haiku] (2012), Japon Kültürü Terimler Sözlüğü [Dictionary of Japanese Culture] (2012), Geleneksel Japon Mizahı [Traditional Japanese Humor] (2014), Kojiki – Japon Mitolojisine Bir Yolculuk [Kojiki – A Survey of Japanese Mythology] (2014), Fudoki – Antik Çağ Japon Söylenceleri [Fudoki – A Record of Ancient Japan] (2014), Lafcadio Hearn’den Japon Halk Hikâyeleri [Japanese Folktales from Lafcadio Hearn] (2014), Kültür Bağlamında Japon Masalları [Japanese Fables and Japanese Culture] (2015), Japon Atasözlerinden Seçmeler [Selected Japanese Proverbs and Sayings] (2015)
Aytemis Depci. She has been Japanese and English Instructor since 2010 and currently employed at Iskenderun Technical University, Turkey. Her research fields include Japanese and American Literature and linguistics. Her Phd is about “Other and Shadow in Haruki Murakami’s Novels” in Ankara University. She was graduated at Ankara University, Japanese Language and Literature department, Turkey. She also studied Spanish at University of Utah, USA. She holds MA degrees in both, Japanese Language and Literature and English Language and Literature departments. She knows Turkish, English, Japanese, Spanish and German. She has published eight articles in international refereed journals.
Ryō Miyashita & Esin Esen (eds.)
History of Turkish Translation in Japan and Its Problems
This book is the second volume of the world’s first academic books about Turkish↔Japanese translation which represent a genuine effort to contribute to this field since they address the subject matter in a large scope considering the diverse academic perspectives. While the first volume gathered discussions on translation studies with theoric and applied aspects, literature, linguistics, and philosophy, this second volume deals with the history of translation, philosophy, language education, and law. It also covers the translation of historical materials and divan poetry.
We both editors the Turkologist Ryō Miyashita and the Japanologist Esin Esen, besides being academicians and translators in this field, are dedicated different aspects of translation activities including university level translation education. Miyashita is the translator of many Turkish novels of nobel-prize-winning novelist Orhan Pamuk and other modern authors. He also makes translations from Turkish Ottoman. Esen, made first direct translation from Heian period Japanese and also translates Man’yōshū poems from Old Japanese. Being this engaged in translation activities, the editing process has been a great enthusiasm and vigor for us. We learned a lot with each article we have edited. We realized again and again how wide is the field and there are endless topics one can dedicate whole life to. We feel that, all contributors of these books are shaping our field together, like paving small stones to the tower of Babel. Being a part of this is a great honor.
Turkology and Translation in Japan
In the beginning of the first volume we have dealt with Japanology and translation in Turkey. Now we would like to focus on Turkology and translation in Japan.
Japanese people have been aware of the “Turks” since a long time. It is believed that by 8th century AD, information about Turkic nomads in Mongolia and Siberia – like the Di and Turkic Khaganate – had been transmitted to Japan through Chinese resources. However, no one was interested in this “Turks”(teki, 狄) far from Japan, which was just a “name” written in the book. In the 15th century, ←13 | 14→Portuguese and Spanish missionaries, and later on Dutch merchants, shared their knowledge regarding the Ottoman. One of the first Japanese accounts of the nation of Turkey was written by Hakuseki Arai (1657–1715) in 1715. However, his descriptions were mostly based on Dutch and Chinese texts and interrogations of Italian missionaries who were held captive in Edo.1 As displayed by this fact, Turkey and Japan seem to have been in indirect contact for a long time. Although Japan opened its ports and cities for trade in 1868, relations between the two countries were very limited. This can be attributed to the fact that Turkey was not on the shipping route from Japan to Europe.2
- Pages
- 242
- Publication Year
- 2019
- 9783631789223
- 9783631789230
- 9783631789247
- ISBN (Hardcover)
- 9783631781739
- 10.3726/b15591
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2019 (June)
- Keywords
- Japanology Translator Turkology Translation studies
- Published
- Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2019. 242 pp., 26 fig. b/w, 10 tables.
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG