
Scientific Researches in Health Sciences

by Fatma Eti Aslan (Volume editor)
©2019 Edited Collection 212 Pages


The increased knowledge in health care and the development of health-care technologies is a great contribution to scientific studies in this field.
In this context, this book will contribute to the development of health sciences and the quality of patient care, with a total of 14 scientific original research articles of which eight are on physiotherapy and rehabilitation, five on nursing, and one on health management.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • Citability of the eBook
  • Foreword
  • Contents
  • List of Contributors
  • Çiçek Duman and Feryal Subaşı: Effects of Pinch, Grip and Upper Extremity Muscle Strength on Fine Motor Skills
  • Gonca Ulker Poschl, Dilber Karagozoğlu Coşkunsu, and H. Serap İnal: Investigation of the Relationship between Physical Activity Level and Postural Changes in Adolescents
  • Hazal Öksüz and Esra Atılgan: Efficiency of Electromyography Biofeedback with Relaxation Training on Muscle Activation, Disability, and Posture in Chronic Neck Pain
  • Jülide Öncü, Ahmet Üşen, Banu Kuran, and Hasan Kerem Alptekin: Changes in Hand Bone Density after Distal Radius Fracture and Correlation with Clinical Parameters: A Longitudinal Study1
  • Emel Özcan, Hasan Kerem Alptekin, Bilal Uysal, Bahar Teksöz, Halim İşsever, and E. Ece Özcan: The Prevalance of Musculoskeletal Diseases and the Physical Risk Factors in Metal Workers
  • Ömer Şevgin, Hasan Kerem Alptekin, Bülent Aksoy, and Jülide Öncü Alptekin: Evaluatıon of the Effectıveness of Home Exercıse Program Method wıth Attentıon Level and Tampa Kınesıophobıa Scale
  • Leyla Ataş Balcı and Lütfü Hanoğlu: Effects of Dual-Task Training and Exercise-Cognitive Activity Combined Training on Gait Speed and Cognitive Skills in Older Adults: A Randomised Controlled Trial Study
  • Leyla Ataş Balcı, Hazal Öksüz, Çiçek Duman, and Hasan Kerem Alptekin: The Attitudes of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Students towards Elderly
  • Hayat Yalın and Necmiye Sabuncu: Handicap and Quality of Life of the Patients after Stroke
  • Fadime Çınar, Fatma Eti Aslan, and Hayat Yalın: An Investigation of X and Y Generation Nurses Ethical Values
  • Fadime Çınar and Fatma Eti Aslan: The Measurement of the Operating Room Nurses’ Compassion Level: Turkish Validity and Reliability Study
  • Fatma Eti Aslan, Semra Bülbüloğlu, and İlknur Yayla: The Intra-Operative Care Safety Study: Medical Errors in the Operating Room
  • Evin Korkmaz Turkurka, Fatma Eti Aslan, and Caferi Tayyar Selcuk: Assessment of Pain Arising During Wound Dressing Change
  • Gökay Kurtulan: Hospital Disaster Plan in Istanbul Hospitals: Evaluation from a Strategic Planning Perspective
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • About the Editor

List of Contributors


Bahçeşehir University Health Sciences Faculty, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department, Istanbul, Turkey

Hasan KeremAlptekin

Bahçesehir University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey

Esra Atılgan

İstanbul Medipol University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey

LeylaAtaş Balcı

Bahcesehir University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey


Department of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Dr. Behcet Uz Child and their Surgery Education and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey


Sabahattin Zaim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Health Management, Istanbul, Turkey


Bahcesehir University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey

FatmaEti Aslan

Department of Surgical Nursing, Health Sciences Faculty, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey


Istanbul Medipol University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Istanbul, Turkey

H. Serapİnal

Bahcesehir University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey


Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Public Health Department, Istanbul, Turkey

DilberKaragözoğlu Coskunsu

Bahcesehir University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey

EvinKorkmaz Turkurka

Bahcesehir University, Institute of Health Sciences Department of Nursing, Istanbul, Turkey


Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Research and Education Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey


Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Health Science, Health Management Department, Istanbul, Turkey

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Bahcesehir University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey

JülideÖncü Alptekin

Health Sciences University, Şişli Hamidiye Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

Emel EceÖzcan Ekşi

Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, Istanbul, Turkey


İstanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Deparment, Istanbul, Turkey


Haliç University School of Nursing, Istanbul, Turkey

Caferi TayyarSelcuk

Dicle University, Medical Faculty, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery and Burn Center, Diyarbakır,Turkey


Beşiktaş Municipality, Directorate of Health Affairs, Istanbul, Turkey


Yeditepe University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey


Istanbul Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Education and Research Hospital, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, Istanbul, Turkey

GoncaUlker Poschl

Bahcesehir University, Institute of Health Sciences, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation


Health Sciences University Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Research and Education Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey


Bolu Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Hospital, Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Department, Bolu, Turkey


İstanbul Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing Department, Istanbul, Turkey


Department of Nursing Management, Acıbadem Health Group, Istanbul, Turkey

Çiçek Duman and Feryal Subaşı

Effects of Pinch, Grip and Upper Extremity Muscle Strength on Fine Motor Skills

Abstract: Introduction Hand use capacity is influenced by many things such as age, gender, and coordination. Beside the importance of the understanding of these parameters’ effects on hand use capacity, other demographics with possible influence on hand function need to be addressed. The aim of this study is to find out how upper extremity muscle strength and grip and pinch strength influence these parameters.

Material and Method This study included 40 voluntary students (50 % of male, 50 % of female). Upper extremity muscle strength was evaluated by Jtech Commander Power Track 2 Muscle Testing Dynamometer. Jtech Hand Grip Dynamometer and Jtech Pinch Grip Dynamometer were used for the assessment of hand grip power and finger pinch grip power, respectively. Moreover, fine motor movements were assessed by Purdue Pegboard Battery.

Results A statistically significant gender difference related to grip & pinch strength and fine motor movement scores (p<0,05) was observed. Furthermore, it is founded that all parameters of the upper extremity such as grip strength, pinch strength and fine motor skills were related to each other. While grip strength and pinch strength had a positive correlation between themselves (p<0,05), they correlated negatively with fine motor movement (p> 0,05).

Conclusion & Discussion It is founded that all parameters of the upper extremity such as grip strength, pinch strength and fine motor skills were related to each other. While grip strength and pinch strength had a positive correlation, they correlated negatively with fine motor movement. We hope that this study will assist the physiotherapists who work related to hand and upper extremity and the future studies.

Keywords: Fine Motor Skills, Grip Strength, Muscle Strength, Pinch Strength


Human hand is one of the most complex organs that is used for grasping and carrying things to explore or manipulate. Fine motor skills are essential for these activities (1, 2). They are defined as the actions requiring degrees of control and accuracy and are controlled by the smaller muscle (3).

Hand use capacity is influenced by many things such as age, gender, and coordination (4). For example, it is a well-known fact that males and females employ different movement strategies in manual tasks, males emphasize speed of performance, whereas females emphasize accuracy (5). In another study done by ←11 | 12→Rodríguez-Aranda et al. (6) in 2016, movement times and kinematics were evaluated to compare hand function between different age groups and it was found that movements of older adults are both slower and qualitatively different from those of younger adults.

Beside the importance of the understanding of these parameters’ effects on hand use capacity, other demographics with possible influence on hand function need to be addressed.

For example, literature says that pinch strength can be used to more accurately examine fine motor skills and task-specific grasping functions (7). However, the majority of the studies were done with children. Similarly, handgrip strength, a measure of maximum voluntary force of the hand, has been described as the simplest, valid, and reliable method in assessing muscle function, but there is a lack of study that shows the relationship between handgrip strength and hand use capacity (8).

The aim of this study is to find out how upper extremity muscle strength and grip and pinch strength influence on these parameters.

Material and Method

This study included 40 voluntary students (50 % of male, 50 % of female) studying in Yeditepe University between the period of February 2015–March 2015.

Inclusion criteria were being voluntary and being between 18 and 27 years old. Individuals who had a nerve damage or fracture in the upper extremity, who had undergone surgery on the elbow area, and who had a cognitive problem that could lead to failure to complete the tests were excluded from the study.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2019 (October)
Muscle Strength Physical activity Musculoskeletal Disorders, Y generation Patient safety
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2019. 212 pp., 14 fig. b/w, 55 tables.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Fatma Eti Aslan (Volume editor)

Fatma Eti Aslan is a Professor of Health Sciences at Bahcesehir University. She obtained her nursing license from the Istanbul University Florence Nightingale Nursing School, her master degree from Istanbul University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, and her doctoral degree from Istanbul University Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing. She has published widely on nursing and health care.


Title: Scientific Researches in Health Sciences