
Bullying in the Internet Age

The State of Cyberbullying among Teens in Turkey

by Sinan Asci (Author)
©2020 Monographs 116 Pages


“Bullying in the Internet Age: The State of Cyberbullying among Teens in Turkey”
specifically addresses cyberbullying as an issue to be discussed in the field of media and
communication for uses and literacy. Cyberbullying has become and is still a fragile
problem with the enhancement of contemporary technologies. To determine why young
individuals are engaged in these behaviors is in its infancy because of ever-changing
technology uses in Turkey, and its theoretical underpinnings are still researched. To put a
finer point on these experiences turning into cyberbullying acts is in need of knowing the
social media uses of young individuals, addressing a necessity in defining what
cyberbullying is within Turkey’s context, and examining the types of cyberbullying which
young individuals are confronted with in detail.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • Preface
  • Foreword
  • Acknowledgements
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • Citability of ebook
  • Contents
  • List of Abbreviations
  • 1 Cyberbullying Issues across the Globe
  • 1.1 Media Literacy Course to Prevent Cyberbullying
  • 1.2 Nature of the Problem
  • 1.3 Benefits of This Research Study
  • 1.4 Approaches towards Cyberbullying
  • 1.5 Limitations and Delimitations
  • 2 Having Enough Knowledge to Be on the Stage
  • 2.1 Traditional Bullying versus Cyberbullying
  • 2.2 Similarities and Differences of Cyberbullying
  • 2.3 Legal Issues
  • 2.4 Cyberbullying and the Digital Divide
  • 3 Exploring Understandings and Revealing Experiences
  • 3.1 Research Design
  • 3.2 Sampling and the Sampling Size
  • 3.3 Instrumentation
  • 3.4 Findings
  • 3.4.1 Reliability Analysis
  • 3.4.2 Demographic Features and Social Media Use of Participants
  • 3.4.3 Cyberbullying Experiences of Participants
  • 3.4.4 Data Analysis
  • 3.4.5 Descriptive Analysis
  • 3.5 Discussion of the Findings
  • 4 Nature of Cyberbullying among Teens in Turkey
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • References

1 Cyberbullying Issues across the Globe

14-year-old Justine never imagined that show would become a victim of cyberbullying. Justine was no stranger to personal challenges, but her experience with cyberbullying was really something she was not prepared for. Justine has spent months battling cancer, and after she was told that her cancer was in remission, she felt certain that her struggles were behind her. That was until she began to receive threatening email messages from a mysterious cyberbully. The threatening messages continued and continued until Justine’s inbox held ninety messages. The messages ranged from merely rude to downright frightening. Once the messages escalated into things like, “I’m going to rape you,” Justine’s parents decided to take the issue to the police. The police were quickly able to trace the messages back to Justine’s classmate and surprisingly best friend. The courts required the cyberbully to attend counseling sessions and to write Justine a formal letter of apology. Though Justine’s family felt that this punishment was likely to be too lenient, they were glad that their action did a result in a positive outcome (Retrieved from Dailymail.co.uk, 17.04.2015). This experience seen in the news story may be taken as a good example of how dealing with an action such as cyberbullying leads to some results.

As a similar sample from the real-life and so culturally close to the country where this research study has been carried out, a Turkish-Cypriot living in Australia jumped in front of a speeding train after being targeted by cyberbullies on social media websites, daily Hürriyet reported. Unidentified people hacked into 14-year-old Şeniz Erkan’s social media accounts and sent disgusting messages to her friends, her brother Aykut Erkan said. “There were messages threatening and pressuring her on her mobile phone as well,” Erkan said. The victim’s father, Şenol Erkan, said the young girl seemed to be in good spirits and the suicide came as a shock. He said he had never heard of cyber-bullying until his daughter’s death on January 11. “She never told us anything about it,” Erkan said. Geoff Pell, the principal of Taylor Lakes school, where Erkan was attending, said police launched a large-scale investigation and added that they were looking into claims that Erkan was being bullied at school for some time before her suicide. Australian Prime ←19 | 20→Minister Julia Gillard has assigned the cyber-defense system, which was formed to protect government offices, to fight against cyberbullying in the wake of Erkan’s death. The cyber-defense system would track social networking websites such as Facebook, Google+, MSN, and Yahoo. Gillard called on Australians to report any act of cyberbullying to the authorities (Retrieved from hurriyetdailynews.com, 17.04.2015).

To look at similar experiences on the other side of the daily lives, this phenomenon is not only experienced by such relatively ordinary kids in life but also popular and famous ones. A 14-year-old girl, who as a child was the face of iconic Australian outback hat firm Akubra, has taken her life over online bullying, say her family. In a Facebook post, the father of Amy “Dolly” Everett called for more awareness of bullying, so his daughter’s life “will not be wasted.” In his emotional Facebook post, Dolly’s father, Tick Everett, gave no details of the bullying but said she had wanted to “escape the evil in this world” (Retrieved from bbc.com, 11.01.2018).

Considering these three depressing and life-threatening events experienced by young girls, it seems possible to think of such issues happening to popular or ordinary female young individuals. However, an inference regarding any kind of gender identity cannot be made by just taking the media outlets into consideration. Since there is no other significant and familiar media outlets considering male and young individuals or adolescents, it does not refer to the reality and background of this phenomenon. That’s why these samples could be understood as to how and for whom we can get the meaning of cyberbullying being reflected in the media.


ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2020 (May)
Cyberbullying traditional bullying social media use teenagers digital literacy media studies
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2020. 116 pp., 7 fig. b/w, 12 tables.

Biographical notes

Sinan Asci (Author)

Sinan Aşçı (Ph.D., Galatasaray University) is an assistant professor in the Department of New Media at Bahçeşehir University. His research interests include cyberbullying, social media and cyberculture, digitization, and digital literacy.


Title: Bullying in the Internet Age