
River Flowing North

Migration Generating Geographies and International Irregular Migrations

by Suat KOLUKIRIK (Volume editor) Elif Gün (Volume editor)
©2020 Edited Collection 336 Pages


The phenomenon of migration, whose boundaries cannot be drawn, is not only a process that needs to be resolved economically, but also a multidimensional phenomenon that encompasses many areas in political, cultural, legal and social terms. Although the people built nations for themselves, set borders and established a relationship of belonging on certain lands, migration has always existed and continues to exist as a reality that pushes the limits of countries. In particular, the flows and possibilities that globalization has brought have enabled the phenomenon of migration to gain a different dimension and to be practiced and experienced in different ways in different parts of the world. Today, migration has ceased to be a phenomenon that affects only the countries that receive and produce migrants and that are located on the migration routes, and has become a series of events that occur on a transnational plane and await solutions. Now, the phenomenon of migration has become a problem of humanity, not a problem of individual communities and nations, and has become an important issue that needs to be approached on an international and global level.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright
  • About the editors
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Preface
  • Contents
  • List of Contributors
  • Notes on Contributors
  • Introduction
  • Precarity, Gender and Migration: The Case of the Professional Syrian Male Migrants in Turkey: (Burcu ŞENTÜRK)
  • Syrian Disabled Migrants and Family Member Women Taking Over Home Care Burden: (İpek AGCADAĞ ÇELİK and Feride VURAL)
  • Urban Loneliness Perception of Migrant Youth: A Qualitative Study: (Gül AKTAŞ)
  • Refugee Camps: Reflection of Irregular Migration on the Living Space: (Elif Fatma SALİHOĞLU)
  • Reflection of the Migration Phenomenon on Women’s Everyday Lives: (Hülya ÇAKIR)
  • Refugee-focused NGOs in Turkey: Difficulties and Expectations: (Asuman Özgür KEYSAN)
  • The Concept of Resilience as a Buffer Mechanism and Factors Affecting the Formation of Migrant Resilience: (Merve ÇALHAN)
  • The Changing Definitions of Diaspora: The Case of Turkish Albanians: (Halil Saim PARLADIR and Afife Büşra IŞILDAK)
  • Daily Life Experiences of Asylum Seekers in the Context of Disaffiliation and Social Contacts: (Mine KARAKUŞ YETKİN and Bilhan KARTAL)
  • Perception of Syrians in Turkish Society: Social Dynamics Affected by Permanent Syrians: (Gökhan V. KÖKTÜRK and Özen Özlem ÖZCAN)
  • Integration of Syrian Refugees Through Education Policies in Turkey: (Ebru EREN)
  • Irregular Migration, Refugee Children and Special Needs: (Gizem Yağmur DEĞİRMENCİ)
  • Migration and Intercultural Sensitivity: (Kasım YILDIRIM and Savaş ÇAĞLAYAN)
  • From the Netherlands to Karaman: Remigration, Definite Return and Social Adaptation: (Cevdet YILMAZ and Tuğba KIRPINAR)
  • Effect of Refugees on the Components of Economic Misery: An Empirical Analysis of Top Refugee-Hosting Countries: (Figen BÜYÜKAKIN, Yüksel BAYRAKTAR and Ayfer ÖZYILMAZ)

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List of Contributors


Prof. Dr. Suat KOLUKIRIK


Akdeniz University

Department of Sociology


Res. Asst. Elif GÜN


Akdeniz University

Department of Sociology


Chapter 1

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu ŞENTÜRK


Ege University

Department of Business


Chapter 2

Asst. Prof. İpek AGCADAĞ ÇELİK


Kilis 7 Aralık University

Department of Sociology


Feride VURAL


Social Worker

Türk Kızılay Kilis Community Center


Chapter 3

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gül AKTAŞ


Pamukkale University

Department of Sociology


Chapter 4

Res. Asst. Elif Fatma SALİHOĞLU


Kocaeli University

Faculty of Architecture and Design


Chapter 5

Asst. Prof. Hülya ÇAKIR


Bozok University

Department of Sociology


Chapter 6

Dr. Asuman Özgür KEYSAN


Middle East Technical University

Gender and Women’s Studies


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Chapter 7

Dr. Merve ÇALHAN


Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Directorate of Communications


Chapter 8

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Saim PARLADIR


İzmir Katip Çelebi University

Department of Sociology


Res. Asst. Afife Büşra IŞILDAK


İzmir Katip Çelebi University

Department of Sociology


Chapter 9



Anadolu University

Faculty of Open University Sociology Program


Prof. Dr. Bilhan KARTAL


Anadolu University

Faculty of Open University


Chapter 10

Asst. Prof. Gökhan V. KÖKTÜRK


Akdeniz University

Department of Sociology


MA. Özen Özlem ÖZCAN


Akdeniz University

Department of Sociology


Chapter 11

Asst. Prof. Ebru EREN


Yeditepe University

Department of Political Science and International Relations


Chapter 12

Res. Asst. Gizem Yağmur DEĞİRMENCİ


Hacettepe University

Department of Child Development


Chapter 13

Prof. Dr. Kasım YILDIRIM


Department of Elementary School Classroom Teaching

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University


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Asst. Prof. Savaş ÇAĞLAYAN


Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University

Department of Sociology


Chapter 14

Prof. Dr. Cevdet YILMAZ


Süleyman Demirel University

Department of Sociology


Ph.D. Candidate Tuğba KIRPINAR


Süleyman Demirel University

Department of Sociology


Chapter 15

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Figen BÜYÜKAKIN


Kocaeli University

Faculty of Economics


Prof. Dr. Yüksel BAYRAKTAR


İstanbul University

Faculty of Economics




Gümüşhane University

Faculty of Economics


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Notes on Contributors

Suat KOLUKIRIK is the head of department at the Sociology Department, and the director of the Center for Social Policies and Migration Studies at Akdeniz University. He received his bachelor’s degree in sociology from İnönü University, his master’s degree in sociology from Süleyman Demirel University and his PhD in Sociology from Ege University. He completed his post-doctoral studies at the University of Utah Middle East Center, Department of Political Sciences. Prof. Dr. Suat Kolukırık, who has carried out projects on regional development and urbanization policies, continues his studies on international migration, cultural studies and disadvantaged groups.

Elif GÜN is a research assistant in the Department of Sociology at Akdeniz University in Turkey and continues her doctoral education in the same department. She received a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in sociology from Ege University in İzmir. During her bachelor’s degree, she studied at Technische Universität Chemnitz in Germany through the Erasmus Program and successfully completed all requirements of a Minor Program in the Department of Psychology at Ege University. Her current research areas are migration, cultural studies, digitalization, crime and probation.

Burcu ŞENTÜRK is an associate professor in Ege University, Business Administration Department. She graduated from Boğaziçi University, Department of Politics and International Relations, and received an MA degree in sociology from Middle East Technical University. She holds a PhD in politics from the University of York. Şentürk has published books and book chapters with IB Tauris, Routledge, Palgrave and İletişim Publishing. Her academic interests include gender, discrimination, work and organizational studies.

İpek AGCADAĞ ÇELİK was born in Kahramanmaraş in 1986. After completion of her elementary, middle and high school education in Antalya, she has got her bachelor’s degree in sociology from Akdeniz University, Faculty of Letters, Sociology Department in 2009. Then, she has got her master’s degree from Akdeniz University, Institute of Social Sciences in 2011, and her PhD degree after finishing the program of Ege University, Institute of Social Sciences Sociology Branch in 2017. She works at the Department of Sociology of Kilis 7 Aralık University, Kilis, Turkey. Her fields of interests are sociology of work, sociology of consumption and sociology of migration, and she has a number of articles in these fields.

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Feride VURAL was born in 1993 in Çorum/Turkey. She completed her bachelor’s degree at Sakarya University, Social Work Department as a third-ranked student in the department between 2011 and 2015, and she also completed her master’s degree at Sakarya University Social Work Department between 2015 and 2018. Besides, she continued her studies abroad in 2013–2014 at Ostrava University in Czech Republic. As of 2016, she has been working in international humanitarian operation in the context of international and temporary protection area with asylum seekers, migrations and refugees in field of Turkey. In addition, she has many academic publications on disadvantaged groups in field of Turkey such as migrations, refugees, culture, violence, unemployment and disability.

Gül AKTAŞ was born in Ankara in 1974. She completed her primary, secondary, high school and university education in Ankara. In 1999, she received “İhsan Doğramacı Outstanding Achievement Award” from the Department of Sociology in the Faculty of Science and Letters in Hacettepe University as the first of her class. She received her master’s degree from the same university in 2004 and her doctorate in 2011. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gül Aktaş works on issues such as gender, young girls, youth and family. Her academic publications on Women in Production, Employment of Women in Rural Areas and Women Entrepreneurs, Family Studies, Women Issues in Urban Life, and Youth were published in national and international journals. She currently continues her studies as an associate professor at Pamukkale University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Sociology.

Elif Fatma SALİHOĞLU is a research assistant at the architecture and design faculty in Kocaeli University. She received her BA and MA degree in interior architecture. Currently, she continues her doctoral thesis studies on migration history related to architecture interactions in the Department of Architecture in Kocaeli University. Her research areas are displacement architecture, Anatolian architecture history and environmental psychology.

Hülya ÇAKIR graduated from Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Sociology in 2010. In 2013, she graduated from Gazi University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology. She completed her PhD in Gazi University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology in 2016. She is currently working as an assistant professor at Yozgat Bozok University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Sociology. Her research and teaching interests are focused on gender and women studies, consumption culture, rural sociology and women in rural areas.

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Asuman Özgür KEYSAN held a PhD in School of Government and Public Policy from the University of Strathclyde, UK. Her thesis was on the contribution of women activists in Turkey to the meaning of civil society. She previously completed two master’s programs in European studies at the Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkey, and in political research at the University of Strathclyde. She is the author of the book titled Activism and Women’s NGOs in Turkey: Civil Society, Feminism and Politics (2019). Her research interests include migration, gender politics, civil society and social movements, Turkish politics and qualitative research methods. She is now a part-time lecturer in gender and women’s studies at METU. She has publications in peer-reviewed journals such as International Migration.

Merve ÇALHAN received her PhD in social policy at Kocaeli University in 2020. Her PhD dissertation title is “Resilience Opportunities of Syrian Children in Education Ecosystem: Darıca Case.” She graduated from Middle East Technical University with an MS degree in Middle East studies in 2008. She wrote her MS thesis about identity constructions of Iranian asylum-seeker children in Turkey. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in sociology in 2005 at Ege University. She worked in various EU-funded projects located in Southeastern Anatolia Region in Turkey. She has worked as a social development expert in social development programs and projects in policy design, implementation and evaluation processes in various regional development agencies of Turkey. Her research interests are identity construction and integration patterns of asylum-seekers and refugees, education resilience, Middle East politics, Iranian studies and regional development. She has written numerous OP-EDs in Middle East and Iranian politics. She is currently working as an expert in Presidency of the Republic of Turkey in Directorate of Communications.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2020 (December)
Economics Globalization Law Marketing Migrant Literature Political Science
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2020. 336 pp., 3 fig. col., 12 fig. b/w, 19 tables.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Suat KOLUKIRIK (Volume editor) Elif Gün (Volume editor)

Prof. Dr. Suat KOLUKIRIK is the head of department at the Sociology Department, and the director of the Center for Social Policies and Migration Studies at Akdeniz University. Elif GÜN is a research assistant in the Department of Sociology at Akdeniz University, Antalya.


Title: River Flowing North