
Harnessing Tangible and Intangible Assets in the context of European Integration and Globalization: Challenges ahead

Proceedings of ESPERA 2019

by Luminita Chivu (Volume editor) Valeriu Ioan-Franc (Volume editor) George Georgescu (Volume editor) Jean-Vasile Andrei (Volume editor)
©2021 Conference proceedings 620 Pages


The volumes are dedicated to the 30th anniversary of "Costin C. Kiritescu" National Institute for Economic Research and its research network of the return under the aegis of the Romanian Academy.
The NIER’s network of incorporated research institutes and centers under its scientific coordination include the Institute of National Economy, the Institute of Economic Forecasting, the Institute of Agricultural Economics, the Research Institute for Quality of Life, the Institute of World Economy, the Centre of Industry and Services Economics, the Centre for Financial and Monetary Research, the Centre for Studies and Research on Agricultural and Forest Biodiversity and the Centre for Economic Information and Documentation. Also, under NIER’s umbrella six unincorporated research entities are set up: the Centre for Complex Research, the Romanian Centre for Comparative Economics and Consensus, the Centre for Macroeconomic Modelling, the Centre for Demographic Research, the Centre form Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency and the Centre for Mountain Economics.


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Economic growth Energy European integration Financial crises Forecasting tools Globalisation impact Human capital Economic convergence Innovation International investments International trade Labour market Migration Natural Resources
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2021. 620 pp., 122 fig. b/w, 91 tables.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Luminita Chivu (Volume editor) Valeriu Ioan-Franc (Volume editor) George Georgescu (Volume editor) Jean-Vasile Andrei (Volume editor)

Chivu Luminita is General Director at the National Institute for Economic Research, Romanian Academy. She is a member of the Editorial Review Board, International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management. Ioan- Franc Valeriu is General Deputy Director at the National Institute for Economic Research, Romanian Academy. He is the head of the Centre for Economic Information and Documentation and Editor-in-chief of NIER publications. Georgescu George is General Deputy Director at the National Institute for Economic Research, Romanian Academy. He is a member of the National Statistical Council. Andrei Jean-Vasile is Assistant professor at Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Department of Business Administration. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management and Associate Editor of Economics of Agriculture.


Title: Harnessing Tangible and Intangible Assets in the context of European Integration and Globalization: Challenges ahead