
News for a Mobile-First Consumer

by Paula M. Poindexter (Author)
Textbook XXIV, 272 Pages


The rapid adoption of mobile devices has created a new type of consumer, one who chooses smartphones and tablets over laptops and desktops, TV and radio, print newspapers, magazines, books, and landline phones. This new mobile consumer has not just forced businesses, institutions, governments, and organizations to innovate with mobile solutions; this new mobile consumer has upended the news media landscape, challenging news organizations and journalists to produce news for consumers who have little resemblance to yesterday’s newspaper readers, TV news viewers, and online news consumers.
Based on two national surveys, News for a Mobile-First Consumer introduces a mobile consumer taxonomy comprised of three types of mobile consumers: mobile-first, mobile specialists, and mobile laggards. The demographics of these mobile consumers as well as their relationship to news and social media are explored in depth. Social media as a competitor to and platform for mobile news are also examined, and special attention is devoted to news apps from the perspective of consumers.
News for a Mobile-First Consumer also provides insight about millennials, racial and ethnic minorities, and women, who are at the forefront of the mobile revolution but less engaged with news. To improve mobile journalism and increase news engagement, «Essentials of Mobile Journalism» are proposed.
As the first book to explore news and consumers in the mobile sphere, this book is required reading for scholars and professionals as well as undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in journalism, communication, strategic communications, advertising, media and society, marketing, and technology courses.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author(s)/editor(s)
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • List of Appendices
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • Chapter 1: The Smart Mobile Landscape
  • Chapter 2: News in the Mobile Age
  • Chapter 3: Social Media on the Mobile Stage
  • Chapter 4: News Consumers’ Preferences in a Mobile Environment
  • Chapter 5: Millennials in a Mobile News and Social Media World
  • Chapter 6: Race, Ethnicity, and Mobile
  • Chapter 7: Women and Men: Divided and Connected in the Mobile Space
  • Chapter 8: Political Identity, News, Social Media, and Mobile
  • Chapter 9: Doing Journalism in a Mobile World
  • Chapter 10: The Future of News in a Crowded Mobile Landscape
  • Appendices
  • References
  • Index

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Figure 1.1: Mobile Consumer Types

Figure 1.2: Factors Facilitating and Impeding News Seeking and Engagement in the Mobile Landscape

Figure 2.1: How Mobile Device Owners Engage with News

Figure 9.1: Smartphone Screenshot of News and Social Media Apps

Figure 10.1: Best Practices for Covering and Engaging the Millennial Generation

Figure 10.2: How Snapchat Compares as a Gateway to Mobile News

Figure 10.3: Essentials of Mobile Journalism: A Plan for Journalism and News to Thrive in the Mobile Age

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Table 1.1: Specialists in the Mobile Landscape

Table 1.2: Comparing Daily News Engagement in the Mobile Landscape

Table 2.1: Confidence in the Press and Other Institutions

Table 2.2: Trust of 12 Sources of News

Table 2.3: Mobile Types’ Trust of News Sources

Table 2.4: News in Three Periods: Pre-Online, Online, Mobile

Table 2.5: Number of Apps That Mobile Types Have

Table 3.1: Top Social Media Apps

Table 3.2: Mobile Consumer Types Ignoring News on Social Media

Table 3.3: Mobile Types Devoting at Least One-Third of Social Media Time to News

Table 3.4: Who Engages with News at Least One-Third of Social Media Time

Table 3.5: Why Facebook Users Click on Links to News Stories

Table 3.6: Engaging with News Using a Mobile Twitter App

Table 3.7: Twitter News Activity by Days on Twitter

Table 3.8: The Twitter Effect on News Source Trust

Table 4.1: Pathways to News on Mobile Devices

Table 4.2: Impact of News Apps ← xi | xii →

Table 4.3: Most Popular Genres of News

Table 4.4: Summary of Demographics Related to Paying Attention to Breaking News Often

Table 4.5: Three Clusters of News That Attract Consumers

Table 4.6: Demographics of News Clusters

Table 4.7: News Seeking, Mobile, and Social Media Factors Related to News Clusters

Table 5.1: Kid, Teen, and Coming-of-Age Media and Technology Innovations Adopted by Five Generations

Table 5.2: Generations and Mobile Consumer Types

Table 5.3: Millennials, Older Generations, and News Consumption and Attitudes

Table 5.4: Millennials, Older Generations, Social Media, and Mobile News

Table 5.5: Grading Mobile News, Overall News Coverage, and News of Most Important Problems

Table 5.6: News Platforms That Engage Millennials

Table 6.1: Mobile Types by Race and Ethnicity

Table 6.2: News Consumption by Race and Ethnicity

Table 6.3: Platform Used Most to Access News by Race and Ethnicity

Table 6.4: Racial and Ethnic Comparison of Top 5 News Categories Paid Attention to Often

Table 6.5: Beliefs about Being Informed about News by Race and Ethnicity

Table 6.6: Evaluating News Media Performance by Race and Ethnicity

Table 6.7: Sources Trusted for News by Race and Ethnicity

Table 6.8: Mobile News Engagement and Attitudes by Race and Ethnicity

Table 6.9: Social Media, News, and Race and Ethnicity

Table 7.1: Mobile Types by Gender and Generation

Table 7.2: News Engagement by Gender and Generation

Table 7.3: Platform Used to Access News by Gender and Generation

Table 7.4: News Topics by Gender and Generation

Table 7.5: Method Used to Engage with News on Mobile by Gender and Generation

Table 7.6: Number of News Apps by Gender and Generation ← xii | xiii →

Table 7.7: Social Media Apps on Mobile Devices by Gender and Generation

Table 7.8: News Activity on Facebook and Twitter by Gender and Generation

Table 7.9: Comparing Socialization and Responsibility to Be Informed and Seeking News by Gender and Generation

Table 7.10: Benefits of Being Informed and Daily News Seeking by Gender and Generation

Table 7.11: Trust of Local News, National News, Journalists, and Social Media by Gender and Generation

Table 8.1: News Engagement and Political Party

Table 8.2: Platforms Used to Access News by Political Party

Table 8.3: Comparing Democrats, Republicans, and Independents on Social Media, Apps, and News Engagement

Table 8.4: How Independents Compare with Democrats and Republicans in Civic and News Engagement and Attitudes

Table 8.5: Gender Gaps in the Political, Civic, and News Landscape

Table 8.6: Wave I and Wave II Millennials in the Voting, Political, Civic, and News Landscape

Table 8.7: Political Party, Race, News, and Mobile

Table 8.8: Sources Democrats, Republicans, and Independents Trust for News

Table 9.1: Impact of Social Media on Journalism from “The American Journalist in the Digital Age” Survey

Table 10.1: Comparing Getting and Seeking News 7 Days a Week by Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Wave I and Wave II Millennials

Table 10.2: Frequency That News Is Seen on Social Media Apps

Table 10.3: How Consumers Access News on Different Platforms

Table 10.4: Relationship between Responsibility to Be Informed and News Engagement

Table 10.5: Relationship between Responsibility to Be Informed and Paying for News Subscription

Table 10.6: Generations and News Subscription

Table 10.7: Millennials Paying for Subscriptions, Products, and Services

Table Appendix A1: Comparison of Mobile-First Consumer Survey Panel Sample and U.S. Census

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Appendix A: Methodology for News for a Mobile-First Consumer Survey

Appendix B: News for a Mobile-First Consumer Survey Questionnaire

Appendix C: Methodology for News for a Mobile-First Consumer Supplemental Survey

Appendix D: News for a Mobile-First Supplemental Survey Questionnaire

Appendix E: Ethical Guidelines for Journalists Using Social Media

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XXIV, 272
ISBN (Hardcover)
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2016 (August)
News Mobile smartphones Millennials Journalism Journalists Social media News engagement Minorities Women Mobile
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2016. XXIV, 272 pp.

Biographical notes

Paula M. Poindexter (Author)

Paula M. Poindexter (Ph.D., Syracuse University) is a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin. She is author of Millennials, News, and Social Media: Is News Engagement a Thing of the Past? (Peter Lang, 2012). She is a past president of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) and in that role was responsible for creating “News Engagement Day.” Poindexter’s news media experience includes the Los Angeles Times and Houston’s KPRC-TV.


Title: News for a Mobile-First Consumer