
Community-Owned Knowledge

The Promise of Collaborative Action Research

by Gilberto Arriaza (Author) Lyn Scott (Author)
©2022 Textbook XXIV, 200 Pages


This book aims at providing the framework and the tools for the transformation of the workplace. The core framework here proposed to teachers, school administrators, counselors, parents, and education leaders from kindergarten to college consists of building domestic knowledge. Unearthing and fostering an organization’s own knowledge, the book posits, translates into collectively shared understandings, skills, and dispositions which, in the aggregate translates into local capacity. The more members of an organization become involved in knowledge production, the denser its ability to deliver its stated mission. When an organization systematically implements a critical, intentional, and collective action to dig into its own day-to-day practices and brings up to the surface knowledge that has not been systematized, the higher the chances for the organization to create a shared sense of purpose and the know-how to deliver its promises. Thus, the book walks the reader from the very first to the last step of this knowledge making through an innovative approach to collaborative action research.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Contents
  • List of Illustrations
  • List of Tables
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • 1 The Concept
  • Nature of Collaborative Action Research
  • Core Components
  • Agency and Agents
  • The Value of Collaboration
  • Collaboration Is Socially Situated
  • Principal and Support Teams
  • Collaboration within and across Disciplines
  • Action and Social and Cultural Capital
  • Action
  • Social and Cultural Capital
  • Key Chapter Learning
  • Essential Questions
  • Activity
  • Resources
  • 2 The Challenge
  • CAR, Culture, Climate, and Structure
  • The Focal Issue
  • Identification: Learning and Cultural Habits
  • Situating the Issue
  • The Action
  • Evidence
  • Attribution
  • Fallacies
  • Key Chapter Learning
  • Essential Questions
  • Activity
  • Resources
  • 3 The Question
  • The Research Question
  • Summarizing the Challenge
  • Examining the Factors within the Challenge
  • Building Consensus
  • Asking What-How Questions
  • Operationalizing of the Research Question
  • Variables
  • Factors
  • Items
  • Question Design
  • Define the Question
  • Operationalize the Question
  • Measure the Question
  • Build Reliability in a Question
  • Build Validity in a Question
  • Questions at the Ground Level
  • Ten Pitfalls to Avoid in Formulating Questions
  • Key Chapter Learning
  • Essential Questions
  • Activity
  • Resources
  • 4 What Is Known and What Is Possible
  • Sources of Information
  • Identifying Sources
  • Access to Sources
  • Credibility of Sources
  • Diversity of Source Authors
  • The Literature Review
  • Peer-Reviewed, Published Research
  • Developing a System to Manage What Is Known
  • Building Tables to Summarize the Literature
  • Keeping a Table of Definitions
  • Managing Time
  • Search Basics
  • Becoming Familiar with Online Databases
  • Using Descriptors
  • Maintaining a List of References
  • Reading and Analyzing Published Information
  • Notetaking and Annotations
  • Writing the Literature Review
  • Revising the Literature Review
  • Key Chapter Learning
  • Essential Questions
  • Activity
  • Resources
  • 5 The Method
  • Features of Qualitative Methodology
  • Data Strength
  • Data Collection and Organization
  • Observation
  • Observation Steps
  • Participant Observer
  • Field Notes
  • Interviews
  • Wording Questions
  • Types of Questions
  • Piloting the Questionnaire
  • Varieties of Interviews
  • Conducting the Interview
  • Shadowing
  • Key Chapter Learning
  • Essential Question
  • Activity
  • Resources
  • 6 The Analysis
  • Data Reduction
  • Chunking
  • Slicing
  • Coding
  • Grouping
  • Categorizing
  • Themes
  • Tracking Reduction
  • Data Display
  • Inspiring Quotations
  • Supportive Statements
  • Evidentiary Material
  • Vignettes
  • Profiles
  • Composites
  • Quantifying Words
  • Bringing It All Together: Reporting Findings
  • Organizing Findings around the Research Question
  • Organizing Findings around Themes
  • Executive Summary
  • Key Chapter Learning
  • Essential Question
  • Activity
  • Resources
  • Index

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By Tony Smith*

You are holding an invitation. This book is an opportunity to claim a most precious gift; use it to make a difference. Your voice, your insight, and your experience have immense value and the authors of Community-Owned Knowledge: The Promise of Collaborative Action Research want the world to benefit from what you know. By sharing examples of people reflecting on their practice, considering evidence, and asking questions about what they are seeing, they help us practice inquiry as we read along. The authors believe there is value in learning by observing and pitching in and that knowledge that helps the community is coproduced. They explicitly deconstruct existing structures in an attempt to produce new entry points for all practitioners to share what they are doing. The book is both technical and adaptive in its portrayal of doing and sharing collaborative action research (CAR) that produces more harmony and belonging.

There have been other books about collaborative action research. Something that makes this effort special is that it is an expression of deep care for the wisdom of practitioners everywhere. What you know and do in your daily practice has immense value. Something you will see as you read this book is that when you work with others in CAR communities of practice, you begin to grow collaborative capital in the process and that energy can create systemic transformation. The experience of people living in social and material conditions working ←xvii | xviii→to understand and change the world takes center stage in this book. Peeling back the layers of our own assumptions allows us to see new ways to meet challenges and increase authentic belonging. Beyond recognizing the centrality of practitioners, the book demystifies the process of producing “scholarship” that can impact a broader audience.


XXIV, 200
ISBN (Hardcover)
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2021 (December)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2022. XXIV, 200 pp., 29 b/w ill., 1 color ill., 24 tables.

Biographical notes

Gilberto Arriaza (Author) Lyn Scott (Author)

Gilberto Arriaza (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley) is Professor at California State University, East Bay where he teaches research methodology. Arriaza is the coauthor of The Power of Talk: How Words Change Our Lives and Collaborative Teacher Leadership: How Teachers Can Foster Equitable Schools as well as numerous scholarly articles around social and cultural capital, community empowerment, and school reform. Lyn Scott (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley) is Associate Professor at California State University, East Bay. A bilingual educator, Scott serves on the Board of Californians Together, a coalition championing the success of English learners, and is a past president of the California Association for Bilingual Teacher Education.


Title: Community-Owned Knowledge