Foreign Language Training in Translation and Interpreting Programmes
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Series Page
- Title
- Copyright
- About the authors
- About the book
- This eBook can be cited
- Acknowledgements
- Foreword
- Preface
- Contents
- List of Contributors
- 25 years of research on language training in TI programmes: Taking stock and ways forward
- 1 Introduction
- 2 First steps towards the development of TILLT: late 1990s
- 2.1 Integrating language teaching into TI programmes
- 2.2 Towards a specific teaching approach
- 3 2000–2010: Defining a translation-oriented teaching approach
- 3.1 Orientation towards translation competence models
- 3.2 Preparing students for translation classes
- 3.3 Proposals with a strong focus on grammar
- 3.4 Differences to language teaching in philology degree programmes
- 3.5 Professional language use
- 4 TILLT after Bologna: 2010–2020
- 4.1 Methods and teaching approaches
- 4.1.1 TILLT and the communicative approach
- 4.1.2 Languages for translation
- 4.2 New trends in curricular design
- 4.2.1 Communicative skills and teaching models
- 4.2.2 Other holistic proposals
- 5 Conclusions
- References
- ‘Translation and Interpreting oriented Language Learning and Teaching’ (TILLT) als hochschuldidaktische Professionalisierung
- 1 Einleitung
- 2 Akademische Lehrkompetenz
- 2.1 TILLT und fachsensible Hochschuldidaktik
- 2.2 Studierende als Forschungspartner
- 3 TILLT aus Studierendenperspektive
- 3.1 Methodisches Vorgehen
- 3.2 Einblicke in die Studierendensicht auf TILLT
- 3.2.1 Sprachenbezogene Fragen
- 3.2.2 Fragen zu Sprachkursen und translatorischen Kursen
- 3.2.3 Fragen zu Präferenzen im Rahmen von TILLT
- 3.2.4 Der studentische Blick auf Konzepte von TILLT
- 4 Das Potenzial dialogischen Austauschs
- 5 Lehrende als Forschende und didaktische Implikationen
- 5.1 TILLT als Feld der Sprachlehr- und -lernforschung
- 5.2 Didaktische Implikationen
- Bibliografie
- LSP and Additional Language Teaching for translators: New researched-based evidence
- 1 Introduction
- 2 State of the Art
- 3 Answering some of the hows
- 3.1 How to determine the learners’ specific linguistic needs and align these with the expected targets (and scratching the surface of how to develop and/or adapt materials to enable needs-responsive instruction)
- 3.1.1 Establishing initial vs. target values: systematically testing language competence
- 3.1.2 Establishing initial vs. target values: systematically testing vocabulary
- 3.2 How to develop responses to the learner’s specific needs
- 4 Conclusions
- References
- Methodologische Überlegungen hinsichtlich einer TILLT-DaF-Ausbildung: ein holistisches handlungsorientiertes Unterrichtsmodell
- 1 Einführung
- 2 Qualitative Umfrage
- 2.1 Neuzugänger
- 2.2 Studienabgänger
- 2.3 Ehemalige Studenten des Instituts für Translationswissenschaft
- 3 Werbekampagne
- 4 Lehrwerksanalyse
- 5 Methodologische Überlegungen hinsichtlich einer TILLT-DaF-Ausbildung
- 5.1 Handlungsorientierter TILLT-Unterricht für Übersetzer und Dolmetscher
- 5.2 Handlungsorientiertes Mehrphasenmodell. Unterrichtsziel: Verbesserung der Text(sorten)kompetenz
- 6 Abschließende Bemerkungen
- Bibliografie
- Cómo introducir la perspectiva de género en la enseñanza de la L2 para la traducción: primeros resultados de una experiencia docente
- 1 Introducción
- 2 ¿Qué es una docencia con perspectiva de género?
- 3 El proyecto “Introducció de la perspectiva de gènere als estudis de Traducció i Interpretació”
- 4 La perspectiva de género en la clase de italiano L2 para la traducción
- 5 La asignatura Idioma y Traducción C5 (italiano)
- 6 La unidad didáctica con perspectiva de género
- 7 Resultados obtenidos
- 7.1 Resultados del análisis en el primer texto
- 7.2 Resultados del análisis en el segundo texto
- 7 Conclusiones
- Referencias5
- Fremdsprachenunterricht im Übersetzen und Dolmetschen im 21. Jahrhundert: Ausarbeitung eines auf dem Kognitivismus basierenden Entwurfes eines MOOC für den Unterricht der deutschen Sprache für zukünftige ÜbersetzerInnen und DolmetscherInnen
- 1 Einführung
- 2 Die Suche nach einer translationsorientierten Methode des Deutschunterrichts für zukünftige ÜbersetzerInnen und DolmetscherInnen
- 3 Der Bedarf einer spezifischen Methode
- 4 Hintergrund und aktueller Stand der Forschung
- 5 Zu berücksichtigende Faktoren der Gestaltung des MOOCs
- 6 Schlussfolgerungen
- 7 Bibliografie
- Teaching grammar in Translation and Interpreting in Spain: the trainers’ view
- 1 Introduction
- 2 The teaching of foreign languages in Translation & Interpreting Degrees
- 3 The importance of grammar
- 4 Our study
- 4.1 Results
- 4.2 Discussion
- 5 Conclusions
- References
- Subtitling in language teaching for trainee translators and interpreters
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Language learning for translator and interpreter trainees
- 3 Subtiling in the language classroom
- 3.1 The task and its context
- 3.2 The subtitles produced by the students
- 4 Conclusions
- References
- El desarrollo de la competencia lingüística del intérprete: hacia un fundamento sólido para una actividad cognitiva exigente
- 1 Introducción
- 2 Aspectos cognitivos de la interpretación
- 2.1 Modelos de la representación léxica bilingüe
- 2.2 La interpretación – un paseo en la cuerda floja
- 2.3 La RAL como rasgo distintivo de la competencia del intérprete
- 3 El lugar de la competencia lingüística en la enseñanza de la interpretación
- 3.1 Dos concepciones del papel del conocimiento léxico
- 3.2 Una propuesta integradora
- 4 Enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas para traductores ¿e intérpretes?
- 4.1 La competencia oral
- 4.2 La competencia léxica
- 4.2.1 La perspectiva contrastiva
- 4.2.2 La naturaleza estructurada e interconectada del conocimiento léxico
- 4.2.3 ¿La competencia léxica como indicador de la competencia traductora?
- 5 Conclusiones
- Bibliografía
- Series index
List of Contributors
Heather Adams
Universidad of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
María Ángeles Recio Ariza
Universidad de Salamanca
Enrique Cerezo Herrero
Universitat Politècnica de València
Laura Cruz-García
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Melita Koletnik
University of Maribor
Ulrike Oster
Universitat Jaume I, Castellón
Silvia Roiss
Universidad de Salamanca
Lupe Romero
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Astrid Schmidhofer
Universität Innsbruck
Eva Seidl
Enrique Cerezo Herrero and Astrid Schmidhofer
25 years of research on language training in TI programmes: Taking stock and ways forward
Abstract: Since the first in-depth studies on the subject of translation-oriented language learning and teaching (TILLT) were published 25 years ago, the volume of publications has increased significantly. However, most of these studies have focused on the Spanish university context, while proposals coming from other countries still remain scarce. With this reality in mind, in this paper we will review the state of the art of this area of study and provide some future research avenues with a view to initiating a more global and holistic research.
Keywords: language teaching and learning, language competence, translation and interpreting programmes, foreign languages, TILLT
1 Introduction
Since Translation Studies developed into an academic discipline in its own right in the second half of the past century (cf. Hurtado Albir 2011, 124–125), the areas of interest and research of this discipline have diversified. While at the beginning attention focused mostly on the translated text, other areas, including Applied Translation Studies (cf. Holmes 1982), started to gradually attract scholars. In this branch, particularly the teaching of translation, and to a lesser extent, interpreting, awakened the interest of many scholars and translation and interpreting trainers worldwide. The focus lay, however, almost exclusively on the teaching of translation (and interpreting) per se; other aspects of Translation and Interpreting (TI) university programmes received scant attention. This is particularly true for foreign language teaching within TI programmes, even though language is a sine qua non condition of any form of translation or interpreting practice.
Despite this self-evident assertion, the prevalent view within Translation Studies has long been that language competence is a prerequisite for translating and interpreting that has to be learned elsewhere and is, therefore, not central to the discipline. As a consequence, during the first decades of the existence of Translation Studies as an independent discipline, the acquisition of the necessary language competence for TI activities has only been approached by a few translation scholars. Almost all of them have been lecturers of translation ←17 | 18→and/or foreign languages in TI programmes themselves in search of alternative ways to mainstream communicative language teaching that would cater to the very specific needs of their students. Another reason for the little attention that language teaching has received within Translation Studies is the divide that has long existed between this discipline and Foreign Language Teaching/Acquisition (cf. Schmidhofer 2019).
After this slow start in the 1990s and the first years of this century, the interest and number of publications in this field have risen over the past decade. While the first generation of researchers were almost exclusively from Spain and the teaching and learning contexts were usually linked to Spanish universities, lately the spectrum of research has been much more diverse with contributions dealing with different languages and coming from different countries.
In this paper, we will provide an overview of the development of this area of Translation Studies from its beginnings to date. To this effect, we have divided contributions into three different periods and analysed them according to central aspects that have set a precedent in foreign language teaching as applied to translation and interpreting. Although limitations of space preclude including all papers published in the last 25 years, a comprehensive review has been carried out. The results of our analysis will help shed light on how this area has evolved, where we stand, and where we need to develop in terms of research and teaching practice.
Firstly, we will describe the first endeavours that position language teaching as an integral part of TI programmes and a few fundamental principles established by the authors of this initial period. In the next section, we will observe how research and teaching proposals can become more diversified. Contributions coincide in their assumption that language teaching in TI programmes needs to be different from general language teaching, but differ in their specific focus. This specific focus has been the main criterion for grouping the contributions and determining the structure of this section. Finally, we will describe the process of diversification and internationalisation of the field. We will describe the influence of the Bologna Process and its strong focus on competences. We will also analyse the controversy around the role of communicative language teaching in Translation and Interpreting Language Learning and Teaching (TILLT), examine the relationship between TILLT and LSP, and present innovative teaching proposals for different skills.←18 | 19→
2 First steps towards the development of TILLT: late 1990s
2.1 Integrating language teaching into TI programmes
Hurtado Albir, one of the most renowned scholars in the field of Translation Studies, published two edited volumes about translator training in 1996 (La enseñanza de la traducción) and 1999 (Enseñar a traducir). Both volumes included chapters dedicated to different areas of translator training such as general and specialised translation, working with sources, interpreting and training in the mother tongue and in foreign languages. Both volumes sought to contribute to the development of translation competence, which is understood as “the underlying system of knowledge required to translate” (PACTE 2011, 318).
Despite foreign language teaching being deeply rooted in applied linguistics, the fact that these publications were part of translation training volumes is remarkable, since not only is the importance of language competence highlighted in the translation process, but also the need to address foreign language teaching from the perspective of Translation Studies. Thus, these publications, which can be regarded as the first milestone in TILLT, marked the beginning of a new area of study within TI programmes, since they served to establish foreign language teaching within TI programmes and advocate the specific nature of this teaching. The basic assumption upon which these contributions are based is that the teaching and learning of foreign languages within TI programmes must be geared towards the development of translation competence:
Foreign language training in this context has a specific goal which is quite different from those of other educational settings (Philology Studies, Language Schools and so forth). It aims to lay down the groundwork for instruction in translation in both directions – to and from the mother tongue – each with its own peculiarities and special characteristics in professional practice. (Hurtado Albir, preface in Brehm Cripps 2007, 10)
- Pages
- 224
- Publication Year
- 2021
- 9783631853245
- 9783631853252
- 9783631853269
- ISBN (Hardcover)
- 9783631849880
- 10.3726/b18342
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2021 (July)
- Keywords
- Translation Studies language competence language learning translation competence translation training
- Published
- Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2021. 224 pp., 7 fig. b/w, 14 tables.
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG