
The Black Professoriat

Negotiating a Habitable Space in the Academy

by Sandra Jackson (Volume editor) Richard Greggory Johnson III (Volume editor)
©2011 Textbook VI, 254 Pages


Although Black faculty have been present in the academy since the late nineteenth century, it has been during the twentieth century that they have established a presence which has had political, cultural, and epistemological implications. This book focuses on contemporary, successful Black scholars in the academy: they have become tenured and promoted; been recognized as noteworthy scholars, researchers, and as excellent teachers; and have served in leadership capacities. Through autoethnographic narratives that illustrate and interrogate experiences about being in the academy as gendered, race, classed, and sexually oriented others, this book captures the diverse voices of Black men and women achievers who have not only survived, but also thrived. Their candor will inspire others to negotiate normative milieu and make manifest their legitimacy and right to belong.


VI, 254
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
ISBN (Softcover)
Black faculty education diversity tenure
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2011. VI, 254 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Sandra Jackson (Volume editor) Richard Greggory Johnson III (Volume editor)

Sandra Jackson is Professor of Women and Gender Studies and Director of the Center for African and Black Diaspora at DePaul University. Her areas of interest include feminist theorizing, women’s autobiography, girls’ studies, young adult literature and representations of gender, science fiction, utopian and dystopian literature and film, and gender and higher education. Dr. Jackson is widely published. Richard Greggory Johnson III, Phi Beta Kappa, is Associate Professor in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Program and faculty in the Masters of Public Administration Program at the University of Vermont. He is widely published and serves as an executive editor for Peter Lang’s Black Studies and Critical Thinking series. Dr. Johnson is a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity.


Title: The Black Professoriat