Migration and Border Security
Global Perspectives
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- About the editors
- About the book
- This eBook can be cited
- Summary
- List of Contributors
- Introduction (Anna Sroka)
- Cybersecurity and Border Protection (Piotr Potejko)
- Biometric Systems Application to Enhance Border Security of the European Union with Special Reference to the Eastern External Border of the Schengen Area (Magdalena Tomaszewska-Michalak)
- Evolution of the European Regulatory and Competence Framework for Unaccompanied Migrant Minors Legislation (Sagrario Segado Sánchez-Cabezudo and Mimon Mohamed Si Ali)
- Unaccompanied Migrant Boys, Girls, and Teenagers in Spain: Rights and Participation (Sagrario Segado Sánchez Cabezudo and Neus Caparros Civera)
- Social Intervention as Key to Prevent and Intervene in Violent Radicalization (Jesús M. Pérez Viejo, Aida López Serrano and Rubén Darío Torres Kumbrián)
- A Heuristic System of Sociocultural Identification of Immigrants in Poland: Education – Good Practices – Safety (Jacek Schmidt and Piotr Boćko)
- The Influence of Religiosity on the Perception of Immigration and Foreigners in Poland (Anna Sroka)
- Invisible Borders: Undocumented Immigrants and Disaster Management in the United States of America (Magdalena Anna Denham)
- Assessing Binational Disease Surveillance and Prevention along the U.S.–Mexico Border (Christine Crudo Blackburn)
- Will He Be Tortured? Mexico Security Experts on the Likely Fates of Tattooed Gang Members and Informant Deportees to Mexico (Nathan P. Jones)
- Series index
List of Contributors
Piotr Potejko, University of Warsaw
Magdalena Tomaszewska-Michalak, University of Warsaw
Sagrario Segado Sánchez-Cabezudo, National University of Distance Education UNED
Mimon Mohamed Si Ali, National University of Distance Education UNED
Neus Caparros Civera, University of La Rioja
Jesús M. Pérez Viejo, National University of Distance Education UNED
Aida López Serrano, International University of La Rioja.
Rubén Darío Torres Kumbrián, National University of Distance Education UNED
Jacek Schmidt, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Piotr Boćko, Koszalin University of Technology
Magdalena Anna Denham, Sam Houston State University
Christine Crudo Blackburn, Sam Houston State University
Nathan P. Jones, Sam Houston State University
Anna Sroka
International migration and related border security is a thematic area that definitely requires an interdisciplinary approach. International migration as a mass phenomenon of both global reach and global impact has found itself in the area of interest of researchers representing many disciplines, including sociologists, lawyers, and political scientists. This book also contains articles from various scientific disciplines, namely from broadly understood social sciences, including political sciences, sociology, security, and legal or economic articles.
The first and second article “Cybersecurity and Border Protection” and “Biometric Systems Application to Strengthen Border Security in the European Union with a Special Focus on the External Eastern Border of the Schengen Area” also concern challenges and threats related to new technologies used in cross-border activities. The next two articles “Evolution of the European Regulatory and Competence Framework for Unaccompanied Migrant Minors Legislation” and “Unaccompanied Migrant Boys, Girls, and Teenagers in Spain: Rights and Participation” deal with the issue of migrant minors, including the EU legal framework, as well as the situation in Spain in this regard The next article “Social Intervention as Key to Prevent and Intervene in Violent Radicalization” raises the issue of counteracting radicalization, which to a large extent concerns the immigrant communities and the problem of integration of immigrants. The topics of the next two articles “A Heuristic system of Sociocultural Identification of Immigrants in Poland: Education – Good Practices – Safety” and “The Influence of Religiosity on the Perception of Immigration and Foreigners in Poland” focus on the issue of immigrants in Poland, mainly their perception. The last three articles deal with migration in the United States. The first article “Invisible Borders: Undocumented Immigrants and Disaster Management in the United States” addresses the exclusion of undocumented immigrants in the United States in disaster management policy and practice. The next article “Assessing Binational Disease Surveillance and Prevention along the U.S.–Mexico Border” examines disease surveillance and prevention programs in Mexico and the United States and their impact on the U.S.–Mexico borderlands. A recent article “Will He Be Tortured? Mexico Security Experts on the Likely Fates of Tattooed Gang Members and Informant Deportees to Mexico” addresses violence against individuals deported from the United States to Mexico.
←9 | 10→Therefore, the articles included in this book deal with different aspects of international migration, which are analyzed from different methodological perspectives. What unites this collection of articles is that they deal with peripheral borders, separating rich and poor regions of our globe. They analyze the challenges and problems faced by the European Union and its member states, including Spain and Poland, which have external sea and land borders of the European Union. The position of a peripheral country causes a number of problems related to the functioning of illegal immigration routes, which Poland and Spain experience. The United States face a similar problem on the border with Mexico. Undoubtedly, as a result of migration pressure, both the European Union and the United States increasingly resemble a besieged fortress. However, as we may see from the articles in the book, these “fortifications” do not fully meet the expectations.
Warsaw, September 1, 2021.
Piotr Potejko
Cybersecurity and Border Protection
Abstract: The article indicates the problem of security in cyberspace and cybercrime in the framework of increasing the protection of borders of the European Union with particular emphasis on modern technologies. For this purpose, I describe the existing definitional and functional problems concerning cyberspace and to what extent security can improve the process of building resilience to attacks. In addition, the article addresses the problem of increasing the level of cooperation within the EU in building cross-border secure cyberspace.
Keywords: cybersecurity, cyberspace, cybercrime, cyberterrorism
The emergence of the Internet or a global information network and the change that occurred in the field of communication intensity do not happen in a vacuum. The fruits of the development of civilization have found application in almost every area of life, both in state institutions and homes or offices. The Internet serves as a tool to minimize the duration of certain activities and to make accurate measurements. Some of the achievements of civilization have become links to virtual space, an undefined entity. The attempt to undertake this identification and ranking of the positions which particular units occupy in it is currently one of the more problematic issues and the fact that many aspects of life have shifted to cyberspace only intensify the difficulty. In modern societies, it is easier to notice the lack of information technology as a result of failure than its presence. They have become an inseparable part of the reality that surrounds us. At the same time, the level of interest, skills, and technological awareness is increasing. It is interesting to note the use of the virtual dimension to carry out attacks beyond the traditional understanding of the borders on networks, state institutions and critical infrastructure of the state, as well as the growing number of crimes committed against individuals using the network.
In the modern world, the concepts of cyberterrorism, cyberspace, and cybercrime become an important subject of research especially in relation to national and international security. To this end, researchers consider the political aspects of this phenomenon, new relations between society and the state, and the ways of operating of criminal organizations in the trans-border virtual space.
←11 | 12→According to Georg Jellinek’s definition of a state, besides population and power, the third necessary feature for the existence of a state is that the state has its own territory. The population realizes on it its needs, both economic and social. The state border defines this territory.1 Jellinek points to three essential components of any state: population, defined territory, and supreme authority, which he believes ensures social unity.
- Pages
- 222
- Publication Year
- 2021
- 9783631870396
- 9783631870402
- 9783631870419
- ISBN (Hardcover)
- 9783631850169
- 10.3726/b19249
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2021 (December)
- Keywords
- Cybersecurity and biometric systems Undocumented Immigrants Violence and radicalisation Perception of Immigration
- Published
- Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2021. 222 pp., 9 fig. col., 18 tables.
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG