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2. The Neoliberal and Neoracist Potentialities of International Doctoral Student of Color Admissions in Graduate Education Programs

von Dian Squire (Autor:in)
25 Seiten
Open Access
Journal: PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY IN HIGHER EDUCATION Band 1 Ausgabe 2 Erscheinungsjahr 2019 pp. 29 - 53


The increasing internationalization and globalization of higher education exist in relation to a globalized capitalistic economy driven by neoliberal ideologies. Based on neoliberal and neoracist theory, this essay begins a conversation on the ways that the recruitment and admissions of graduate-level international students of color in Education programs bolsters the academic capitalist/ knowledge regime to the detriment of understanding the nuances of the human experience on college campuses. International students are recruited from countries with high economic potential, admitted to producing prestige-bolstering outputs, exploited to provide financial capital to the university, and treated as dehumanized commodities. This essay, therefore, peels away layers exposing the related and perceived purposes of international student recruitment and the neglectful treatment of those students. It points to a nuanced understanding of international admissions that must be considered in higher education.

Biographische Angaben

Dian Squire (Autor:in)


Titel: 2. The Neoliberal and Neoracist Potentialities of International Doctoral Student of Color Admissions in Graduate Education Programs