Brandeis meets Gutenberg Vol. 2
Contemporary Threats to Free Speech
Two major topics were discussed at the 2021 forum: "Robotic Speech" and "Contemporary Threats to Speech." The "Robotic Speech" topic included examination of such things as "chatbots," data-driven speech, "deep fakes," and the potential for internet speech to interfere with democratic elections. The "Contemporary Threats to Speech" focused on a variety of topics, including the growth and power of social media platforms.
This compendium includes selected articles that were discussed at the Forum. It also honors the long-standing faculty exchange of the University of Mainz‘s School of Law and die Louis D. Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville, Kentucky.
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- About the author
- About the book
- This eBook can be cited
- Table of Contents
- List of Contributors
- Vorwort: Das “Free Speech Discussion Forum” (Mainz, 2021) (Udo Fink, Ines Gillich)
- Introduction: Brandeis Meets Gutenberg (Vol. II) (Russell L. Weaver)
- Robotic Speech as Fake News? (Udo Fink)
- “Algorithmic Journalism” and Freedom of the Press (Ines Gillich)
- Robotic Speech and the First Amendment (Russell L. Weaver)
- The Notion of the ‘press’ with Regard to the Freedom of the Press (András Koltay)
- Freedom of Speech, Inviolability and Democratic Cyber Security – an End or a Beginning?: What Happens When Everyone Knows Everything About Us? (Michael Losavio)
- Analog Rights, Expressive Digital Property, and a First Amendment Exclusionary Rule (Morgan Cloud)
- Contemporary Threats to Freedom of Expression in Norway in the Context of the 2021 Parliamentary Election and the COVID-19 Pandemic (Iris Nguyên Duy)
List of Contributors
Morgan Cloud
Charles Howard Candler Professor of Law, Emory University.
Udo Fink
Professor of Public Law, European and Public International and International Business Law, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz.
Ines Gillich
Professor of Public Law, European Law and Public International Law, University of Rostock.
András Koltay
Professor of law, University of Public Service (Budapest) and Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Budapest).
Michael Losavio
Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Justice and instructor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Louisville.
Iris Nguyên Duy
Professor at the Department of Law, School of Business and Law, University of Agder, Norway.
Russell L. Weaver
Professor of Law & Distinguished University Scholar, University of Louisville, Louis D. Brandeis School of Law. Professor Weaver wishes to thank the University of Louisville’s Distinguished Scholar program for supporting his research activities.
Vorwort: Das “Free Speech Discussion Forum” (Mainz, 2021)
“Brandeis meets Gutenberg” – Unter diesem Motto steht der langjährige fruchtbare wissenschaftliche Austausch zwischen der Louis D. Brandeis Law School der University of Louisville, Kentucky und der rechtswissenschaftlichen Abteilung der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Der Austausch ist auf den unterschiedlichsten Ebenen angesiedelt. Eine Konstante ist der jährlich stattfindende Austausch von Dozenten. Kollegen aus Louisville lehren in Mainz US-amerikanisches Recht und Mainzer Kollegen bereichern das Lehrangebot der Partneruniversität um Vorlesungen im deutschen und im europäischen Recht. Auch das Völkerrecht wird sowohl aus der US-amerikanischen wie aus der deutschen und europäischen Perspektive beleuchtet. Daneben finden Vorträge zu den verschiedensten Themen statt, die entweder vor Studenten oder als „faculty speeches“ gehalten werden. Durch den persönlichen Kontakt der Herausgeber dieses Bandes ist Mainz in ein breites Netzwerk US-amerikanischer Hochschulen eingebunden, das jedes Jahr in einer weltweit von Kollegen besuchten Konferenz der South Eastern American Law Schools gipfelt. Im Gegenzug finden in Mainz und anderen Orten in Europa vergleichbare Konferenzen mit Kollegen aus der ganzen Welt statt.
All diese Programme leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zum internationalen Profil der beteiligten Universitäten. Verantwortlich für den wissenschaftlichen Austausch sind Professor Russell L. Weaver, Professor of Law and Distinguished University Scholar an der University of Louisville, und Professor Dr. Udo Fink, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Öffentliches Recht, Völker- und Europarecht sowie Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht und Louisville-Beauftragter der rechtswissenschaftlichen Abteilung an der Universität Mainz.
Im Rahmen dieser Kooperation fand im Juni 2021 ein “Free Speech Discussion Forum” an der Universität Mainz als zweitägiges digitales Forum statt. Namhafte Rechtswissenschaftler aus den USA, Deutschland, Luxemburg, Ungarn, Norwegen und England referierten und diskutierten über “Gegenwärtige Herausforderungen der Meinungsfreiheit.” Free speech und verwandte Themen im Zusammenhang mit der Meinungsfreiheit und den Medien sind schon mehrfach Gegenstand solcher Foren gewesen. Dies hängt mit den wissenschaftlichen Neigungen der Programmbeauftragten und den daraus resultierenden Kontakten mit in- und ausländischen Kollegen, aber auch ←9 | 10→mit der außerordentlichen Brisanz der Materie insgesamt zusammen, die immer wieder spannenden Stoff für den akademischen Austausch bietet.
Der vorliegende Tagungsband fasst die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Konferenz zusammen und knüpft damit auch an den ersten Band “Brandeis meets Gutenberg”, der 2012 erschienen ist, an.
Udo Fink Ines Gillich
Russell L. Weaver
Introduction: Brandeis Meets Gutenberg (Vol. II)
The Free Speech Discussion Forum is an annual event that is designed to bring together prominent free scholars from all over the world to discuss cutting-edge free speech issues. The 2021 meeting was scheduled to be held in Mainz,Germany, because of its connection to Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press. Unfortunately, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the participants were unable to meet in person at Johannes Gutenberg University, and were forced to move their discussions online.
In keeping with the thought-provoking location, two major topics were discussed at the 2021 forum: “Robotic Speech” and “Contemporary Threats to Speech.” The “Robotic Speech” topic included examination of such things as “chatbots,” data driven speech, “deep fakes,” and the potential for internet speech to interfere with democratic elections. The “Contemporary Threats to Speech” focused on a variety of topics, including the growth and power of social media platforms.
Included in this compendium of articles is Professor Dr. Udo Fink’s article, Robotic Speech as Fake News? Professor Fink notes so-called “fake news” has become a hallmark of modern communication because of the internet, and he notes how organizations like Cambridge Analytica have used bots to create fake online identities, as well as to generate and disseminate content to other users of social platforms, and interact with others. In addition, he expresses concern that it can be difficult to distinguish between human speech and bot speech, and he is not convinced that the fundamental right to engage in journalism should apply to bots, and he doubts that they can form and express opinions like human beings. Ultimately, he concludes that they should be subject to regulation. At the very least, “regulation for robots should guarantee their transparency and neutrality regarding the content produced.”
- Pages
- 154
- Publication Year
- 2022
- 9783631871171
- 9783631871188
- ISBN (Hardcover)
- 9783631870945
- 10.3726/b19319
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2022 (March)
- Keywords
- Free Speech Discussion Forum Robotic Speech Threats to Speech"
- Published
- Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2022. 154 pp., 1 tables.
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG