
Family in Islamic Psychology Perspective: Challenges and Solutions

by Muhammad Ali Ramdhani (Volume editor) Agus Abdul Rahman (Volume editor) Nani Nuranisah Djamal (Volume editor) Asti Meiza (Volume editor)
Edited Collection 192 Pages


The present book was published with the desire to summarize the recent works about studies on psychology and family, particularly on how to strengthen families and overcome possible challenges that could come in the way. It also represents an interesting dialogue of two worlds. It is, on one hand, the world of psychology in the Islamic context also called Islamic psychology and, on the other hand, the findings and research methodology of Western psychology. Both worlds can learn from each other which is the basic idea of the Biocentric Sciences, where perspectives are integrated. The contributions in this volume were presented by scientists who met at an International Conference on Family and Islamic Values held in Indonesia in 2019.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Preface
  • Foreword of the authors of the book
  • Foreword of the editors of the book seria
  • Acknowledgement
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Strengthening Children’s Honest Character in Millennial Families
  • Role of Religious Coping and Perceived Risk on Childbirth-Related Anxiety in Primigravidas
  • The Role of Spirituality and Parental Support in Psychological Well-Being of Juvenile Offenders
  • Wisdom and Knowledge of Single Mothers Who Have Special Needs Children
  • Optimism and Family Resilience in Mothers of Children with Cerebral Palsy
  • Effects of Parental Involvement and Child’s Self-Regulation on Tolerant Behavior in Early Childhood
  • The Association between Parental Bonding and Social Anxiety: Is It Mediated by Self-Construal?
  • Effect of Positive Parenting on School Readiness in Early Childhood
  • Character Education for Adolescents as a Predictor of Social Sensitivity in the Digital Era
  • The Importance of Family Resilience in Islamic Context: A Thematic Content Analysis Approach
  • Islamic Premarital Education for Enhancing Marriage Readiness among Indonesian Muslim Emerging Adults
  • Preparing Parents in Facing Digital Era through Psycho-Education Program by Implementing Parenting Class at School: Life Skills to Prevent Negative Effect of Excessive Internet Use
  • Family Support for Adolescents in Drug Addiction Therapy
  • Self-Concept and Infidelity of Husbands Whose Wives Work Abroad as Women Workers
  • Social Control of Blocking Radicalism Community in Reducing Juvenile Delinquency
  • The Live Experiences of Fathers (The New Concept of a Father)

Marcus Stueck1 and Nur’aini Azizah2


International Biocentric Research Academy Leipzig1

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia 2

The family is an important source of social support and assistance during times of crisis. After the COVID 19 crisis, many family issues emerged that suddenly became important. For example, the parent-child relationship, conflict resolution, maternal and paternal parenting styles, coping with illness and difficulties. Especially in times of illness, unemployment, or other difficulties, family members can help and support each other, which can help them cope with challenging situations more effectively. The family is also an important institution for social integration by bringing together members of different generations, genders, and cultural backgrounds, and providing them with opportunities to share common experiences and learn from one another. This can help promote understanding and tolerance of others and strengthen social cohesion. Overall, the family is a crucial component of human life and has profound importance for individual and collective well-being and social development and the development of the character of children.

The discussion in the first book chapter starts with the theme of the role of the family in strengthening children’s character in the technological era. The family has a very fundamental role in helping to stimulate the good character of children, especially in providing good basic education in accordance with applicable regulations. The family qualitatively becomes the initial gate for the formation of a child’s good character, so it is important for the community to explore the roles of parents and their relationship with children.

The second chapter explains the role of religious coping and the perception of self-acceptance of the anxiety that arises in pregnant women. This second chapter presents a quantitative design which provides quite complete information about the things that a mother must prepare in preparing for the smooth running of their labour. The facts show that the positive aspect of religiosity in a wife can contribute to reducing their pregnancy anxiety.

In the next chapter, the authors present a quantitative study that is almost the same as the previous one, which places the power of spirituality as an important variable in determining adolescent Well-Being. Specifically, the interesting thing about this research is that it is their subjects who experience juvenile delinquency. The results of the research contribute to the formation of family social support and spirituality as an important factor for adolescents to perform optimally.

Entering the fourth chapter, the discussion goes into families who have special children or with special needs. Packed with a unique qualitative research design, this research strengthens readers about the importance of wisdom and knowledge in families who have children with special needs. Even though they have many limitations, it is possible that children with special needs have a myriad of extraordinary potentials that can be developed through a good family. This is the uniqueness of the research in this chapter

In chapter 5, the authors present a quantitative study conducted on mothers who have children with cerebral palsy. The uniqueness of the subjects in this study is very important to identify considering that it will provide in-depth information about the importance of character strength in a mother. Mothers with all the strength they have are required to have optimism and family resilience in raising their children.

Chapter 6 is discussing how the role of the family in shaping the character of a child. Unlike the previous characteristics of children, studies on children are focused on their tolerant behavior which will be very important to develop in childhood. In general, there are two factors that influence children’s behavior, namely the involvement of children and parents and self-regulation.

Furthermore, in chapter 7, the authors provide information regarding the role of the family in other aspects for individuals. The design used is quantitative with many samples so that it can be an advantage in this study. What’s interesting is that the results of this study show that the social anxiety experienced by a teenager is largely determined by his closeness to his parents and the strengthening of the adolescent’s own identity. The practical implications of the research results provide quite a lot of information for the clinical development of adolescents.

In chapter 8, the authors are discussing how the developmental stages of children at a young age will greatly impact their growth. Just like other sections that emphasize the role of the family in child development, this section also states that intense positive parenting given to children will strengthen their readiness when entering school. This is of course valuable information for parents as an initial strategy for their child’s success in school

The authors in chapter 9 explain the importance of character education for individuals to face their social life. In difficult and uncertain times like this, strengthening self-identity is important so that they don’t easily fall into a bad environment. As also explained in this chapter about the importance of character education

In chapter 10, there is an interesting method used by researchers in explaining resilience issues from an Islamic perspective. With the thematic content analysis research model, the researcher can produce a description explaining activities and rituals in building family resilience based on an Islamic perspective. This is a quite unique study because it emphasizes the strength of the method in the study of Islamic literature.

In chapter 11, the authors conduct research related to innovative solutions regarding cases of divorce and healthy marriages. This research examines the effectiveness of Islamic premarital education to increase marriage readiness. With a repeated measurement design research model involving 16 unmarried young adults. With a range of 19-31 years. The finding shows that there are differences in marriage readiness created by Islamic premarital education that have a large and substantive effect on increasing readiness for new adult marriage in Indonesia.

Chapter 12 discusses the relationship between family and technology. In the Digital Age, technology plays an important role in everyday life. Most human activities depend on technology, such as working, studying, and even preparing food. A survey conducted by the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) in collaboration with technopreneurs in 2017 found that in Indonesia there were 143.26 million internet users, including children. Through psychoeducation, parents will also learn new life skills to educate and equip their children to face the impacts of the digital era, especially excessive internet use. This research uses one group post test design with descriptive analysis. Based on these results, participants demonstrated a better understanding of the effects of excessive internet use and how to positively guide their children.

Chapter 13 examines whether self-efficacy and social support influence craving, both simultaneously and separately. The design of this study uses the correlational causality method, while the data collection uses a questionnaire. The sample used in this study was 40 clients at the Pamardi Putri Social Institution Galih Pakuan Bogor who had gone through 3 stages to be declared cured of drug abuse. It can be concluded that self-efficacy and social support have a simultaneous influence on the craving of drug users at the Pamardi Putra Panti. Social support especially from the family is needed by clients during the therapy period.


ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2023 (November)
Children Characters Religion Parental Support Parental Education Children with special needs
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2023. 192 pp., 4 fig. b/w.

Biographical notes

Muhammad Ali Ramdhani (Volume editor) Agus Abdul Rahman (Volume editor) Nani Nuranisah Djamal (Volume editor) Asti Meiza (Volume editor)

Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, S.TP, M.T is the Director General of Islamic Education (Dirjen Pendis) of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag), Republic of Indonesia. Agus Abdul Rahman, M.Psi, Psychologist as a lecturer at the Psychology faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The main scientific fields include self, family, social relations, conflict and peace, moral education, religiosity, and family. Nani Nuranisah Djamal, M.Pd., M.Psi is a Psychologist and lecturer in the Psychology Department as Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia. Asti Meiza is a Doctor of Mathematics in the Psychology Department as Faculty of Psychology in the Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia. Her expertise research areas include Mathematical, Statistics, and Psychometric.


Title: Family in Islamic Psychology Perspective: Challenges and Solutions