
Merging Clinical Social Work Practice and Antiracist Positioning

How to be a Clinically Sound, Antiracist Social Work Practitioner

by Wendy Ashley (Author)
©2024 Textbook 0 Pages
Series: Counterpoints, Volume 552

Available soon


This textbook blends key social work competencies (engagement, assessment, treatment planning, risk assessment, intervention, termination, and evaluation) with an anti-oppressive, antiracist, trauma informed, clinical approach. This book offers information and knowledge on what anti-oppressive, clinical practice is and teaches skills to facilitate effective antiracist service provision.
Each chapter will provide basic knowledge, followed by reflective questions and exercises for critical analysis, case examples for practice, and tools for implementing these skill sets. Social workers need to understand clinical theory and develop practice skills with clients, families, and communities who have historical trauma, experiences with systemic oppression, and multiple intersectional identities. Learning how to increase practitioner self-awareness, engage in strategic action, and improve accountability are the beginnings of an antiracist clinical practice.


ISBN (Hardcover)
Intersectional practice critical praxis antiracist positioning clinical social work practice Merging Clinical Social Work Practice and Antiracist Positioning How to be a Clinically Sound, Antiracist Social Work Practitioner Wendy Ashley
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 20xx. xxx pp., num. ill.

Biographical notes

Wendy Ashley (Author)

Wendy Ashley, Psy.D., LCSW is a Professor and Department Chair of the California State University at Northridge’s MSW program. Dr. Ashley has over 25 years of social work experience and is the author of multiple publications. Her pedagogical acumen centers on conducting and facilitating antiracist, culturally relevant research and practice.


Title: Merging Clinical Social Work Practice and Antiracist Positioning