Journeys to South Africa
Reflections on 20 Years of Short-term International Service-Learning
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- About the author
- About the book
- This eBook can be cited
- Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Acknowledgments
- List of Abbreviations
- “Hello” in all 11 official languages of South Africa
- Introduction: Seeking Pragmatic Hope in the Contact Zone of Short-Term International Service-Learning
- Inter-chapter: Tourist vs. Traveler–Pre-Departure Journal Entries
- Section One Our Journeys to South Africa
- “Friend” in all 11 official languages of South Africa
- Chapter One: An Unexpected Partnership: West Chester University & South Africa
- Inter-chapter One:
- Chapter Two: International Education at West Chester University: Global Learning and the Honors College Program in South Africa
- Inter-chapter Two:
- Chapter Three: Passions in Action: South African Tourism and the Mission to Heal a Nation
- Inter-chapter Three:
- Section Two Action and Activism in and for South Africa
- “Community” in all 11 official languages of South Africa
- Chapter Four: The Messiness of Progress: Lessons From 20 Years of International Service-Learning Trips to South Africa
- Inter-chapter Four:
- Chapter Five: Mary Ingouville Burton: A Life-Sized Person on a Giant Mission
- Inter-chapter Five:
- Chapter Six: Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Learning About the Consequences of Racism From the District Six Museum
- Inter-chapter Six:
- Chapter Seven: Queen and the Life of Soweto: Where Children March and Die for Freedom
- Inter-chapter Seven:
- Section Three Reflections on Serving and Learning in South Africa
- “Thank you” in all 11 official languages of South Africa
- Chapter Eight: Research in the Community as Service-Learning
- Inter-chapter Eight:
- Chapter Nine: A Warrior at Heart: Gail Johnson’s Mission at Nkosi’s Haven
- Inter-chapter Nine:
- Chapter Ten: Serving and Learning at the H.E.L.P. Ministries Soup Kitchen
- Inter-chapter Ten:
- Appendices
- Appendix A: Student-Written Service-Learning Project to Support the District Six Museum in Cape Town, South Africa
- Appendix B: Syllabus from the Pre-Departure Course 2019 (HON320) WCU Honors International Study Program (HON 320)—Global Issues: South Africa (I) Spring 2019
- Appendix C: Timeline of Community Research Service-Learning Projects
- Appendix D: Sample Travel Itinerary, May 2019
- Editor Biographies
- Contributor Biographies
- Index
List of Tables
This book is the culmination of a 20-year relationship between the West Chester University Honors College and several South African nonprofit organizations and communities we work with every time we visit. The book’s purpose is to highlight the growth of these organizations and communities alongside the learning of the students. In many ways, the WCU international service-learning (ISL) program and its students and faculty, and the South African individuals and organizations with which we interact are engaged in a reciprocal project of mutual healing. For South Africa, our sustained engagement benefits communities through our service work, fundraising, and through the opportunity to share the stories of this country back in the United States. For the students and faculty, the benefits include: developing an increased sense of what it means to be engaged global citizens, which includes being committed to examining one’s own complicity in and duty to challenge inequities at home and abroad. In many respects, we have been on a journey toward racial and economic healing with our South African partners, as our own country undergoes another phase in the project of racial and economic justice. We want to thank the South African communities we work with for their willingness to teach us as we serve them. None of this would have been possible without the generosity of time and spirit of our South African community partners, in particular Mary Burton, Gail Johnson, Rev. Cecil Begbie, Peter Storey, Alan Storey, Noor Ebrahim, Joseph Schaffers, Queen Malefane, Deon Kitching, and Anwill Valentine.
In keeping with the values of our ISL program, we wrote this book collaboratively, learning from each other in the process. It was written by the students in HON452 (2018), HON451 (2020). All of the students from those classes are listed as part of the editorial staff (below). Some of those students also contributed chapters to this volume. We also want to thank the students who offered their journal entries to this collection.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Dean Jen Bacon and Associate Dean Hyoejin Yoon of the West Chester University College of Arts and Humanities for their generous support of this project through the Research and Creative Activities grant program. We would also like to acknowledge the West Chester University Provost, Dr. Laurie Bernotsky, and the Director of the Honors College, Dr. Kevin Dean for their generous support of this project.
Finally, we also want to thank our parents and our teachers, who taught us the most important lessons—kindness, perseverance, focus, organization, resilience, curiosity and openness. Without their guidance and teaching this book would never have been written.
The royalties from this book will go directly to the student-run fundraiser called “Aid to South Africa,” which was founded in 2007 by three students who traveled on the WCU Honors College’s ISL program in South Africa. We are inspired by their leadership. The funds raised by the organization they founded are donated to the communities we partner with in South Africa (including Nkosi’s Haven, H.E.L.P. Ministries Soup Kitchen, the District Six Museum, among others) and assists them in continuing their good work.
Lead Editor
Victoria Tischio, Ph.D.
Camryn Carwll
CJ Deskie
Dunya Markovic
Copy Editor and Research Assistant
Kathleen B. Fricke
Faculty Contributors
Kevin W. Dean, Ph.D.
Peter Loedel, Ph.D.
Victoria Tischio, Ph.D.
Print Editorial Staff (and contributing authors indicated by asterisk)
Allison Davis*
Miciah Brice-Frazier
Natalia Brown
Alex Dwyer
Nicole Fiorentino*
Danielle Gendler
Teresa Lee
Michaela Gormish*
Jose Hernandez*
Rebecca Kelly*
Savannah Lear*
Brendon Lordan*
Olivia Mancarella*
Ronan McDermott*
Michael Nangle*
Nicole Salapong*
Joelle Skacel
Annika Soderberg*
Ruby Wright
Digital Editorial Staff (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Blog)
Connor Beard
Abigail Boquist
Lauren Durante
Nicole Fiorentino
Michaela Gormish
Nolan Hibsman
Olivia Mancarella
Alena Marcinkoski
Emily Miller
Zoe Nowell
Sarah Richie
Andrew Rubas
Kyle Shaffer
Bonna Sheehan
Frederick Shegog* (Digital Intern)
Annika Soderberg
Mackenzie Taylor
List of Abbreviations
A2SA | Aid to South Africa student-led fundraiser |
CPP | critical pedagogy of place |
CRSL | community research service-learning |
GAA | Group Areas Act |
HON | West Chester University Honors College course abbreviation prefix |
ISL | international service-learning |
J2SA | Journeys to South Africa: Reflecting on Twenty Years of Short-term International Service-Learning |
JLZC | J.L. Zwane Memorial Church |
MYC | Mbekweni Youth Center |
WCU | West Chester University of Pennsylvania, USA |
WWII | World War Two |
“Hello” in all 11 official languages of South Africa
Mola (s)/Molaweni (pl)
Dumêlang Thôbêla Helele Hai
Northern Sotho
Dumela (s)/Dumelang (pl)
Xewani Avuxeni
Wemukelekile (s)/Numukelelkile(pl)
Nada (m)/Aa (f)
Hello1 1 South Africa has 11 official languages. They are all listed here in order of their prevalence in the country, with the exception of English, which is the fourth most prevalent language spoken in South Africa.
Introduction: Seeking Pragmatic Hope in the Contact Zone of Short-Term International Service-Learning
Victoria Tischio1
False charity constrains the fearful and subdued, the “rejects of life,” to extend their trembling hands. True generosity lies in striving so that these hands–whether individuals or entire peoples–need to be extended less and less in supplication, so that more and more they become human hands which work and, working, transform the world.
—Paulo Friere (1970), Pedagogy of the Oppressed, p. 45.
- Pages
- XXIV, 328
- Publication Year
- 2023
- 9781433189265
- 9781433189296
- 9781433189302
- ISBN (Softcover)
- 9781433189289
- ISBN (Hardcover)
- 9781433189272
- 10.3726/b20821
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2023 (December)
- Keywords
- Reflections on 20 Years of Short-term International Service-Learning. Victoria M. Tischio Camryn Carwll CJ Deskie Dunya Markovic Journeys to South Africa International Service-Learning Short-term Service-Learning Study Abroad Community Service South Africa Colleges and Universities leadership development in college students Honors Programs Honors Curriculum global citizenship student-led fundraisers
- Published
- New York, Berlin, Bruxelles, Chennai, Lausanne, Oxford, 2023. XXIV, 328 pp., 17 b/w ill., 2 tables.
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG