
Modern Slavic Studies: Trends, Problems and Prospects / Современная Славистика: Тенденции, Проблемы и Перспективы

Slavistics Today / Cлавистика Сегодня: Polyslav XXV

by Tajana Loikova-Nasenko (Volume editor)
Conference proceedings 204 Pages


This collective monograph is devoted to modern aspects and directions of Slavic studies. It reflects the new trends observed in Slavic studies, as well as the problems and prospects for its further development. The authors offer scientific ideas in the field of paleography, polyparadigmality, functional semantics, lexicography, interference, phraseology, paremiology, ethnolinguistics, mytholinguistics, literature, culture.
Данная коллективная монография посвящена новым аспектам, направлениям и тенденциям современной славистики. В ней представлены актуальные проблемы и перспективы развития лингвистики, перевода, культуры, литературоведения, истории. Авторы предлагают свои уникальные концепции и идеи в области палеографии, функциональной семантики, лексикографии, фразеологии, паремиологии, этнолингвистики, мифолингвистики, литературы, культуры, исследуют интерференцию, полипарадигмальность.


Publication date
2024 (October)
Functional semantics lexicology and lexicography paremiology ethnolinguistics slavic literature
Berlin, Bruxelles, Chennai, Lausanne, New York, Oxford, 2024. 204 S.
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Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Tajana Loikova-Nasenko (Volume editor)

Svitlana I. Terekhova, Kyiv National Linguistic University (Kyiv, Ukraine). Founder of the multi-paradigmal approach in linguistics, translatology, literature studies, the universal typology of language units. Her research interests cover general and contrastive linguistics, translatology, the Slavic and Germanic languages. Taťjana Loikova-Nasenko, Jan Amos Komentsky University (Prague, Czech Republic). Cofounder and head of the Association of Slavists “POLYSLAV” since 2011. Her research interests are comparative linguistics, semantics, psycholinguistics, translation studies, foreign language teaching methods. Borislav D. Popov, Southwestern University (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria). He is the founder of a new approach in linguistics - mytholinguistics. His research interests are general and comparative linguistics, ethnolinguistics, semantics, phonology, terminology. Olga Saprikina, Founder of the study of the history of Central and Southeast Europe at Russian State University for the Humanities and Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow, Russia). Her research interests are the history of the Slavic languages and literatures, Czech history, Slavic nationalism. Светлана Терехова, Київський національний лінгвістичний університет, Україна. Татьяна Лоикова-Насенко, Университет Яна Амоса Коменского Прага, Чехия. Борислав Попов, Югозападен университет „Неофит Рилски“, Благоевград, България. Ольга Саприкина, Российский государственный гуманитарный университет/ Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы, Москва, Россия.


Title: Modern Slavic Studies: Trends, Problems and Prospects / Современная Славистика: Тенденции, Проблемы и Перспективы