
Can Machines Have Free Will? The Concept of Free Will in Relation to the Psychophysical Problem

by Krzysztof Krenc (Author)
©2023 Monographs 150 Pages


The author analyses the concept of free will in the context of the psychophysical problem. He builds his analysis upon the presumption that the contemporary debate between compatibilists and incompatibilists is not of high relevance, since “free will” is a highly technical and vague term. So instead of directly answering questions like “Is free will possible?” or “What is free will?”, he starts his analyses from specifying a solution to the psychophysical problem and then works towards a possible definition of free will.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Mainstream contemporary solutions to the so-called “free will problem”
  • Introduction
  • The problem of free will
  • Possible relations between free will and determinism
  • Incompatibilism
  • Meaning of “could have done otherwise”
  • Argument for incompatibilism: The consequence argument
  • Free will and the consequence argument
  • Compatibilism
  • Arguments for compatibilism
  • Discussion of arguments for compatibilism
  • Summary
  • Chapter 2: Free will and dualism
  • Introduction
  • Cartesian dualism
  • Arguments for Cartesian dualism
  • Freedom of will
  • Problems of interactionism in Cartesian dualism
  • Problems of Cartesian dualism with respect to free will problem
  • Other dualist solutions
  • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Free will and materialism
  • Introduction
  • Biological naturalism
  • Anomalous monism
  • Eliminative materialism
  • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Free will and transcendental idealism
  • Introduction
  • Theoretical problems with eliminative materialism
  • Transcendental idealism and free will
  • Things in themselves, appearances and eliminative materialism
  • Kant and free will in relation to compatibilism and incompatibilism
  • Kantianism and mysterianism
  • Summary
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Series Index

Bibliographic Information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche
Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the internet
at http://dnb.d-nb.de.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the
Library of Congress.

About the author

The Author
Krzysztof Krenc is a philosopher, psychologist and computer scientist who specialises in the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of artificial intelligence.

About the book

Krzysztof Krenc

Can Machines Have Free Will?
The Concept of Free Will in Relation
to the Psychophysical Problem

The author analyses the concept of free will in the context of the psychophysical problem. He builds his analysis upon the presumption that the contemporary debate between compatibilists and incompatibilists is not of high relevance, since “free will” is a highly technical and vague term. So instead of directly answering questions like “Is free will possible?” or “What is free will?”, he starts his analyses from specifying a solution to the psychophysical problem and then works towards a possible definition of free will.

This eBook can be cited

This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.



ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2024 (January)
materialism and transcendental idealism propositional attitudes and eliminative materialism Analysis of the mainstream contemporary solutions to the problem of free will analysis of the notion of free will in relation to dualism
Berlin, Bruxelles, Chennai, Lausanne, New York, Oxford, 2023. 150 pp.

Biographical notes

Krzysztof Krenc (Author)

Krzysztof Krenc is a philosopher, psychologist and computer scientist who specialises in the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of artificial intelligence.


Title: Can Machines Have Free Will? The Concept of Free Will in Relation to the Psychophysical Problem