
Lèxic i Natura en les narracions d´Enric Valor

by Joan de Déu Martines Llinares (Author) Vicent Martines Martines (Volume editor)
©2024 Monographs 164 Pages

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This book analyzes the evolution of the lexicon on nature throughout time focusing on the works of Enric Valor, a renown Valencian author. It explores how changes in society and technology have influenced in how we describe and understand nature.
With a base on corpus linguistics, the author has compiled and analyzed the lexicon on nature in Valor´works. This descriptive dictionary entitled "Diccionari de l’obra literària d’Enric Valor: La natura (DOLEV-Natura Dictionary of Enric Valor´s Work: Nature))", not only documents the words and expressions utilized by the author, but it identifies the diachronic variations in language throughgout time.
This book reveals the richness of the Catalan used by Valor and his contribution to the preservation and promotion of this language within a Valencian context. In addition, it highlights the relevance of Valor as a lexicographer and his influence on contemporary Catalan literature in Valencia.
Through the use of examples and detailed analyses, this book offers a fascinating view of how language and nature are intertwined in Valor´s eouvre and how his work has contributed to enriching Catalan lexicon to the preservation of Valencian linguistic inheritance.


ISBN (Hardcover)
Catalan; Valencian
Publication date
2024 (January)
Enric Valor corpus lexicography dictionaries Catalan language
Berlin, Bruxelles, Chennai, Lausanne, New York, Oxford 2024. 164 pp., 5 fig. en color, 73 fig b/w.

Biographical notes

Joan de Déu Martines Llinares (Author) Vicent Martines Martines (Volume editor)

Professor en la Universitat d'Alacant. Doctor internacional, honor´s roll and research award Joan Coromines. He has shared his academic experience at an international level with articles in prestigious journals and has delivered lectures in prestigious universities such as University of California, Santa Barbara, and University of Bamberg. He has also collaborated in the creation of teaching materials.


Title: Lèxic i Natura en les narracions d´Enric Valor