
Social responsibility in healthcare: Which application in Africa?

The case of kidney disease management in African hospitals

by Intissar Haddiya (Author)
©2024 Monographs 220 Pages


Social responsibility in healthcare is currently the subject of increasing attention around the world and is often presented as one of the necessary responses to improving health systems in developed countries. The absence of African data on this subject motivated a survey that aimed to assess social responsibility of African public hospitals in terms of management of kidney disease, and explore the factors that influence it. based on patient and physician perceptions. This work has highlighted the crucial role of hospital governance and management, (involving the various stakeholders) in improving hospital social responsibility, and consequently the provision of care.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Dedication
  • Acknowledgments
  • Preface
  • Table of contents
  • Abbreviations
  • Introduction
  • Part I: Social responsibility in healthcare
  • Chapter 1: Corporate social responsibility
  • Chapter 2: The values and obligations of healthcare organisations
  • Chapter 3: The ethical principles of social responsibility in healthcare
  • Chapter 4: The social responsibility of faculties of medicine
  • Chapter 5: The social determinants of health
  • Part II: The situation of health in Africa
  • Chapter 1: The context and situation of health in Africa
  • Chapter 2: African nephrology
  • Part III: Social responsibility in healthcare: An African-wide survey
  • Chapter 1: An African-wide survey
  • Chapter 2: Patients: The characteristics and perceptions of hospital social responsibility
  • Chapter 3: Nephrologists: The characteristics and perceptions of hospital social responsibility
  • Chapter 4: The factors influencing hospital social responsibility
  • Chapter 5: Ideas for enhancing hospital social responsibility in Africa
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Table of contents

Intissar Haddiya

Social responsibility in healthcare: Which application in Africa? The case of kidney disease management in African hospitals

Translated by Abdelhafid JABRI

About the author

Intissar Haddiya, MD, PhD is a Moroccan nephrologist and author. She is Professor of higher education in medicine at the faculty of medicine and pharmacy-Mohammed Premier University, Oujda-Morocco and president of an association of kidney patients support in Eastern Morocco. The author also holds a (PhD) in social responsibility in healthcare.

About the book

Social responsibility in healthcare is currently the subject of increasing attention around the world and is often presented as one of the necessary responses to improving health systems in developed countries. The absence of African data on this subject motivated a survey that aimed to assess social responsibility of African public hospitals in terms of management of kidney disease, and explore the factors that influence it. based on patient and physician perceptions. This work has highlighted the crucial role of hospital governance and management, (involving the various stakeholders) in improving hospital social responsibility, and consequently the provision of care.

This eBook can be cited

This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.


I would like to dedicate this book to my parents whom I thank heartily for their endless love and confidence in me. My father, Professor El Mostafa Haddiya , a symbol of rigor, integrity, and scientific probity, and my mother, Professor Naïma Agnaou , a bottomless source of wisdom and clear-sightedness have always believed in me and pushed me to be the best. I particularly would like to thank my husband, Professor Hicham Yacoubi, for his unshakable trust and for being my greatest inspiration, and my beloved children, Youssef and Rayan, for their patience. I deeply hope they are proud of me.


I am grateful to all the medical and paramedical staff at the participating hospitals across the continent for taking part in this study. My sincere thanks go to the nephrologists and professors of nephrology from all African regions for granting me unconditional access to their patients and teams, despite the long distances between us and the difficult pandemic situation, making their everyday experience at the hospitals harder. They believed in this work and kept repeating these encouraging words: “Go all the way with this study and make our voice heard! It’s not that easy, but we’re confident you can do it”. These words were resonating deeply inside me during the various stages of this exciting scientific and human adventure. Their support allowed me to gain valuable insights into the healthcare systems of the African continent, identify weaknesses and deficiencies, and discuss solutions with my African friends and colleagues.

I would also like to extend my thanks to the epidemiologists and biostatisticians who accompanied me throughout this study. Their kindness, availability, and ability in managing a large amount of raw data deserve special recognition.

Finally, I would like to warmly thank all those who assisted, directly or indirectly, in the completion of this work, which I hope will meet the readers’ expectations.


Social responsibility in healthcare is extremely important for the development of healthcare systems. It has gained much attention in the last few years, as it is often portrayed as one of the necessary responses to improve patient care in most developed countries. The healthcare sector should be guided by ethics to provide healthcare through socially responsible activities based on quality, equity, pertinence, and resource efficiency. In this context, governance is also of utmost importance, as managers of healthcare organisations are expected to shape their strategies and policies around social responsibility to improve health system performance. It is equally important to consider the social determinants of health to promote the health of the general population and establish socially responsible healthcare organisations.

Still, the concept of social responsibility has not significantly penetrated the non-profit healthcare environment. Besides, only a few studies have examined this concept in public hospitals, but no study has explored it from the perspective of internal stakeholders (doctors) and external stakeholders (patients) in the African continent. This survey aimed to address this research gap by investigating the factors affecting the social responsibility of African hospitals regarding in managing costly chronic diseases, using kidney disease as an example.

It is important to note that conducting such a survey requires accurate knowledge of the African continent from a socio-economic and healthcare perspectives. Most of the continent is characterised by poverty, mismanagement of healthcare funds, a lack of specialised infrastructure, and a shortage of qualified healthcare staff. All of these challenges hinder the provision of healthcare and pose significant challenges to the healthcare systems in Africa.

Intissar Haddiya


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2024 (December)
Healthcare hospital social responsibility kidney disease nephrologists dialysis Africa
Bruxelles, Berlin, Bern, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2023. 220 p., 4 ill. en couleurs, 11 ill. n/b, 9 tabl.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Intissar Haddiya (Author)

Intissar HADDIYA, MD, PhD is a Moroccan nephrologist and author. She is Professor of higher education in medicine at the faculty of medicine and pharmacy-Mohammed Premier University, Oujda-Morocco and president of an association of kidney patients support in Eastern Morocco. The author also holds a (PhD) in social responsibility in healthcare.


Title: Social responsibility in healthcare: Which application in Africa?