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  • Title: Les panneaux de vitrail isolés- Die Einzelscheibe - The single stained-glass panel

    Les panneaux de vitrail isolés- Die Einzelscheibe - The single stained-glass panel

    Actes du XXIV e Colloque International du Corpus Vitrearum Zurich 2008- Akten des XXIV. Internationalen Kolloquiums des Corpus Vitrearum Zürich 2008- Papers of the XXIV th International Colloquium of the Corpus Vitrearum Zurich 2008
    by Vitrocentre Romont (Volume editor)
    ©2010 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Tra Oltralpe e Mediterraneo

    Tra Oltralpe e Mediterraneo

    Arte in Italia 1860–1915
    by Manuel Carrera (Volume editor) Niccolò D'Agati (Volume editor) Sarah Kinzel (Volume editor) 2017
    ©2016 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Re-Inventing Traditions

    Re-Inventing Traditions

    On the Transmission of Artistic Patterns in Late Medieval Manuscript Illumination
    by Joris Corin Heyder (Volume editor) Christine Seidel (Volume editor) 2015
    ©2015 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Cinematic Queerness

    Cinematic Queerness

    Gay and Lesbian Hypervisibility in Contemporary Francophone Feature Films
    by Florian Grandena (Volume editor) Cristina Johnston (Volume editor)
    ©2011 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Modernity and Early Cultures

    Modernity and Early Cultures

    Reconsidering non western references for modern architecture in a cross-cultural perspective
    by Anna Minta (Volume editor) Bernd Nicolai (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2011 Conference proceedings
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