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  • Estudos Germânicos

    Estudos Germânicos is the publishing project of the Núcleo de Estudos de Línguas e Culturas Germânicas at the Universidade de Brasília, which promotes awareness of Germanic Studies in Brazil and throughout the world. The book series provides a forum for Brazilian and Portuguese-language scholarship on Germanic languages, literatures and cultures. A broader understanding of Germanic is encouraged, including research not only on German and Austrian but also on Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Afrikaans. The series is not limited to any particular field within literary studies, linguistics or translation studies and invites scholarship from the fields of anthropology, sociology, music, film studies and philosophy. An area of particular emphasis is the analysis of translations of all types of texts (literary, philosophical, sociological, etc.) both from and into the languages in question and their impact and distribution in the respective target cultures. This focal interest also implies that translations of scholarly works will be considered for publication. The primary language of the series is Portuguese, but publications in other languages will be considered. Proposals for both monographs and edited collections are welcome. A Estudos Germânicos é uma publicação seriada do Núcleo de Estudos de Línguas e Culturas Germânicas da Universidade de Brasília, o qual tem por objetivo promover e divulgar a pesquisa em áreas diversas dos Estudos Germânicos no Brasil e no mundo. Assim, pretende ser um fórum para a divulgação de trabalhos acadêmicos que versem sobre línguas, literaturas e culturas germânicas, compreendidas aí as realidades alemã, austríaca, holandesa, sueca, norueguesa, dinamarquesa e africâner. Os trabalhos publicados na Estudos Germânicos não se restringem aos campos dos estudos linguísticos, literários ou de tradução, e pesquisadores de outras disciplinas das ciências humanas e sociais, como antropologia, história, sociologia, música, cinema e filosofia, estão convidados a enviar seus textos. A Estudos Germânicos tem particular interesse pela análise de traduções que tenham as línguas germânicas como línguas de partida ou de chegada, assim como pela avaliação do impacto e da distribuição dessas traduções nas culturas de chegada. Traduções de textos relevantes nas áreas acadêmicas a que a série se dedica também poderão ser propostas para publicação. Embora a língua de trabalho da Estudos Germânicos seja o português, textos redigidos em outros idiomas poderão ser aceitos. Propostas para a publicação de monografia e coletâneas de artigos são bem-vindas.

    1 publications

  • MeLiS. Medien – Literaturen – Sprachen in Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Germanistik und Romanistik

    MeLiS is dedicated to media science, literature and linguistics from a cultural perspective. It also deals with issues derived from anthropology, the media, society, history and aesthetics. The cornerstone of MeLiS is an extended and descriptive interpretation of culture. The ability to decipher specific cultural derivatives and phenomena is dependent on time, space, the relevant context, and the disciplinary environment of the respective observer. MeLiS presents research approaches from various disciplines for discussion. A perspective that transcends trans-disciplinary or national-philological borders and promotes reflective dialogue among the academic disciplines is therefore expressly encouraged. MeLiS ist der kulturwissenschaftlichen Ausrichtung in den Medien-, Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaften verpflichtet. Dies schließt auch anthropologische, mediale, soziale, historische und ästhetische Fragestellungen ein. MeLiS legt einen erweiterten, deskriptiven Kulturbegriff zugrunde. Die Entschlüsselung spezifischer kultureller Erzeugnisse und Phänomene ist abhängig von Zeit, Raum, dem jeweiligen Kontext und dem disziplinären Umfeld des jeweiligen Betrachters. MeLiS stellt Forschungsansätze aus verschiedenen Fachdisziplinen zur Diskussion. Eine transdisziplinäre oder nationalphilologische Grenzen überschreitende Perspektive, die den reflektierten Dialog zwischen den Fachkulturen fördert, ist daher ausdrücklich erwünscht.

    33 publications

  • Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance

    Historical Narratives. Theater. Public Life

    The series aims at presenting innovative cross-disciplinary and intercultural research in performance practice and theory. Its mission is to expand and enrich performance studies with new research in theatre, film, dance, ritual and art. It also draws on queer and gender studies, anthropology, linguistics, archeaology, ethnography, sociology, history, media and political sciences, and even medicine and biology. The series focuses on promoting groundbreaking methodologies and new directions in studying performative culture by scrutinizing its transformative and transgressive aspects. The series Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance publishes in English and German. Volumes may be monographs as well as thematic collections of papers by scholars from Poland and from abroad.

    34 publications

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