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  • Nationalisms across the Globe

    ISSN: 1662-9116

    Although in the 1980s the widely shared belief was that nationalism had become a spent force, the fragmentation of the studiously non-national Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia in the 1990s into a multitude of successor nation-states reaffirmed its continuing significance. Today all extant polities (with the exception of the Vatican) are construed as nationstates, and hence nationalism is the sole universally accepted criterion of statehood legitimization. Similarly, human groups wishing to be recognized as fully fledged participants in international relations must define themselves as nations. This concept of world politics underscores the need for openended, broad-ranging, novel, and interdisciplinary research into nationalism and ethnicity. It promotes better understanding of the phenomena relating to social, political, and economic life, both past and present. This peer-reviewed series publishes monographs, conference proceedings, and collections of articles. It attracts well-researched, often interdisciplinary, studies which open new approaches to nationalism and ethnicity or focus on interesting case studies. The language of the series is usually English. The series is affiliated with the Institute for Transnational and Spatial History at the University of St Andrews, headed by Bernhard Struck and Tomasz Kamusella. The Institute gathers scholars with a strong interest in the comparative, entangled and transnational history of modern Europe and the globalized world. Editorial Board: Balazs Apor (Dublin) – Peter Burke (Cambridge) – Monika Baár (Groningen) – Andrea Graziosi (Naples) – Akihiro Iwashita (Sapporo) – Sławomir Łodziński (Warsaw) – Alexander Markarov (Yerevan) – Elena Marushiakova and Veselin Popov (Sofia) – Alexander Maxwell (Wellington) – Anastasia Mitrofanova (Moscow) – Michael Moser (Vienna) - Frank Lorenz Müller (St Andrews) – Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (Pretoria) – Balázs Trencsényi (Budapest) – Sergei Zhuk (Muncie, Indiana).

    21 publications

  • Wor(l)ds of Change: Latin American and Iberian Literature

    "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects." "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects." "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects."

    50 publications

  • Yourcenar

    ISSN: 2030-7314

    Nobody disputes the modern relevance of Marguerite Yourcenar’s work. Back in 1981, when she was the first woman to be elected to the Académie Française, her work was received enthusiastically, rather deferentially even; there was something of an aura surrounding it with the media attention her election attracted. But this time is now past and more recent research activity has taken a new turn, with critical attention focusing on Yourcenar’s roots in her own century. The study of traditional major themes – death, the sacred, nature, history etc. – has given way to the study of more comparative, theoretical issues such as the relationship between text and images, and more incisive issues such as ecology, gender, political activism etc. And her work seems to expand accordingly, offering up a seemingly inexhaustible supply of subject matter, not only through her novels but also through her novellas, her many essays, plays, letters and so on. The primary objective of the «Yourcenar» series is to publish monographs, collected volumes, conference proceedings and volumes resulting from doctoral research which will give our intended public of academics and Yourcenar devotees a regularly updated idea of the state of the art in the field. Cross-disciplinary approaches are encouraged. The intention is to publish two volumes per year, in either English or French. The collection is directed by Francesca Counihan (Maynooth University) and Bérengère Deprez (Université catholique de Louvain). L’actualité de l’œuvre de Marguerite Yourcenar ne fait aucun doute. Passé un moment de réception enthousiaste et plutôt déférente de ses écrits, auréolés et très médiatisés par son admission comme première femme à l’Académie française en 1981, il semble que la recherche ait pris un virage vers la critique attentive de l’enracinement de l’écrivaine dans son siècle. À l’examen des grands thèmes comme la mort, le sacré, la nature, l’histoire, etc., ont succédé des questions plus comparatistes, plus théoriques telles le rapport texte/image ou plus incisives telles l’écologie, la dimension de genre, l’engagement politique, etc. Et l’œuvre répond présente : la matière semble inépuisable, non seulement les romans mais les nouvelles, les nombreux essais, le théâtre, la correspondance, etc. La collection « Yourcenar » a pour ambition de présenter à un public universitaire académique ou non, ainsi qu’aux nombreux passionnés de l’œuvre de Marguerite Yourcenar, un état des lieux régulier de la recherche, par la publication de monographies, de volumes collectifs, d’actes de colloques et d’essais issus de thèses de doctorat. Elle encourage les points de vue transdisciplinaires. L’objectif de publication est de deux volumes par an, en français ou en anglais. La collection est dirigée par Francesca Counihan (Maynooth University) et Bérengère Deprez (Université catholique de Louvain). Nobody disputes the modern relevance of Marguerite Yourcenar’s work. Back in 1981, when she was the first woman to be elected to the Académie Française, her work was received enthusiastically, rather deferentially even; there was something of an aura surrounding it with the media attention her election attracted. But this time is now past and more recent research activity has taken a new turn, with critical attention focusing on Yourcenar’s roots in her own century. The study of traditional major themes – death, the sacred, nature, history etc. – has given way to the study of more comparative, theoretical issues such as the relationship between text and images, and more incisive issues such as ecology, gender, political activism etc. And her work seems to expand accordingly, offering up a seemingly inexhaustible supply of subject matter, not only through her novels but also through her novellas, her many essays, plays, letters and so on. The primary objective of the «Yourcenar» series is to publish monographs, collected volumes, conference proceedings and volumes resulting from doctoral research which will give our intended public of academics and Yourcenar devotees a regularly updated idea of the state of the art in the field. Cross-disciplinary approaches are encouraged. The intention is to publish two volumes per year, in either English or French. The collection is directed by Francesca Counihan (Maynooth University) and Bérengère Deprez (Université catholique de Louvain).

    2 publications

  • Studia Educationis Historica

    Bildungsgeschichtliche Studien / Studies in the History of Education / Estudios de Historia de la Educación

    ISSN: 2195-5158

    Social and cultural processes are eminently historical. Historical research and historical studies, themselves embedded in historical contexts, meet this fact by reconstructing historical processes and by making offers for their analysis and interpretation. A series of new phenomena and transformations are currently challenging the exploration of education and formation and their different institutionalized forms. Among them, the process of dense globalization, increasing cultural transfers and entanglements, the scarcity of natural resources, the accelerated pace of the transformation of media environments and novel forms of individualization are some of the most pressing. These phenomena and transformations pose new questions for historical research in education. The book series "Studia Educationis Historica" offers historical studies that address these challenges with traditional and innovative historical research methods. The series offers analyses on the history of education in different countries as well as comparative and international studies. German, English, and Spanish are the languages of the book series. Historicidad es una dimensión fundamental de los procesos sociales y culturales. La historiografía, una práctica integrada en tramas históricas determinadas, responde a este fenómeno en tanto reconstruye procesos históricos y genera ofertas de análisis e interpretación de los mismos. La investigación sobre educación, formación y sus diversas formas de institucionalización está siendo desafiada actualmente por fenómenos y procesos vinculados a la globalización densa, a las crecientes transferencias y conexiones culturales, a la escasez de recursos naturales, al cambio vertiginoso de los medios de comunicación y a nuevos procesos de individualización. Estos fenómenos y procesos plantean nuevas preguntas para la investigación en historia de la educación. La serie "Studia Educationis Historica" presenta indagaciones que lidian con estos desafíos tanto con herramientas historiográficas tradicionales como innovadoras. La serie incluye estudios sobre la historia de la educación de diversos países y trabajos comparados que pueden ser publicados en alemán, inglés o español. Historizität ist eine grundlegende Dimension sozialer und kultureller Prozesse. Historiographie trägt dieser Tatsache Rechnung, indem sie selbst in bestimmte historische Kontexte eingebettet historische Prozesse rekonstruiert und verschiedene Analyse- und Deutungsangebote macht. Die Erforschung von Erziehung und Bildung und der verschiedenen Formen ihrer Institutionalisierung ist heute zugleich von Phänomenen und Prozessen einer dichten Globalisierung, verstärkter kultureller Verschränkungen und Transfers, von Ressourcenknappheit, einem beschleunigten Medienwandel und neuartigen Prozessen der Individualisierung geprägt. Sie werfen immer wieder auch neue Fragen für die bildungshistorische Forschung auf. Die Reihe "Studia Educationis Historica" präsentiert Untersuchungen, die den genannten Herausforderungen sowohl mit herkömmlichen als auch mit neueren historiographischen Mitteln begegnen. Sie umfasst Studien zur Bildungsgeschichte verschiedener Länder und auch international vergleichende Arbeiten, die jeweils in deutscher, englischer oder spanischer Sprache veröffentlicht werden.

    10 publications

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