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Open Access
  • Title: ‘Curious about France’ : Visions littéraires victoriennes

    ‘Curious about France’ : Visions littéraires victoriennes

    Visions littéraires victoriennes
    by Ignacio Ramos Gay (Volume editor) 2014
    ©2015 Edited Collection
  • Title: L'homosexualité dans la vie et l'œuvre de Marcel Proust, une « sale tante » au grand cœur
  • Ars Interpretandi

    ISSN: 1043-5778

    The title indicates the open-ended nature of this series. lt includes books and monographs in all literatures and has as its primary focus the hermeneutic act. Topics are not restricted to critical theory, but can range from studies on a landmark poem or poetic cycle to broader essays on a literary generation or a genre, etc., provided they make clear the extent to which they insert themselves into the past or contemporary critical and self-critical discourse. Prospective authors are invited to send their proposal or an outline and text sample to the editor of the series prior to submitting a manuscript. The publisher requires a camera-ready copy of a minimum length of 200 pages and a maximum of 400 pages.

    7 publications

  • Dramaturgies

    Textes, Cultures et Représentations / Texts, Cultures and Performances

    ISSN: 1376-3199

    This series presents innovative research work in the dramaturgies of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Its main purpose is to re-assess the complex relationship between textual studies, cultural and/or performance aspects at the dawn of this new multicultural millennium. The series offers discussions of the link between drama and multiculturalism (studies of “minority” playwrights –– ethnic, Aboriginal, gay, and lesbian), reconsiderations of established playwrights in the light of contemporary critical theories, studies of the interface between theatre practice and textual analysis, studies of marginalized theatrical practices (circus, vaudeville, etc.), explorations of emerging postcolonial drama, research into new modes of dramatic expressions and comparative or theoretical drama studies. Cette série présente des travaux de recherche innovateurs dans le domaine de la dramaturgie des XXe et XXIe siècles. Son objectif essentiel est de ré-examiner la relation complexe entre études de textes, aspects culturels et/ou performatifs à l’aube d’un millénaire multiculturel. La collection offre des analyses du lien entre textes dramatiques et multiculturalisme (études de dramaturges issus de « minorités » diverses, ethniques, aborigènes et sexuelles), de nouvelles approches de dramaturges confirmés à la lumière des théories critiques contemporaines, des études de l’interface entre pratique théâtrale et analyse textuelle, des études de formes théâtrales marginales (cirque, vaudeville, etc.), des monographies relatives au théâtre postcolonial ainsi qu’aux nouveaux modes d’expression dramatique. Elle aborde également le domaine du théâtre comparé et de la théorie théâtrale.

    46 publications

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