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  • Wor(l)ds of Change: Latin American and Iberian Literature

    "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects." "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects." "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects."

    50 publications

  • Black Studies and Critical Thinking

    ISSN: 1947-5985

    Black Studies and Critical Thinking is an interdisciplinary series which examines the intellectual traditions of and cultural contributions made by people of African descent throughout the world. Whether it is in literature, art, music, science, or academics, these contributions are vast and far-reaching. As we work to stretch the boundaries of knowledge and understanding of issues critical to the Black experience, this series offers a unique opportunity to study the social, economic, and political forces that have shaped the historic experience of Black America, and that continue to determine our future. Black Studies and Critical Thinking is positioned at the forefront of research on the Black experience, and is the source for dynamic, innovative, and creative exploration of the most vital issues facing African Americans. The series invites contributions from all disciplines but is specially suited for cultural studies, anthropology, history, sociology, literature, art, and music. Subjects of interest include (but are not limited to): Education, Sociology, History, Media/Communication, Spirituality and Indigenous Thought, Women’s Studies, Policy Studies, Advertising, African American Studies, Black Political Thought.

    164 publications

  • Global Intersectionality of Education, Sports, Race, and Gender

    ISSN: 2578-7713

    This series responds to the interesting dialogue and unique social phenomena in the global context produced by the intersections of race, sport, gender, and culture. Global Intersectionality explores these intersections and expands the literature on how each inform our thinking around certain dominant ideologies. This series examines how sporting practices in the U.S. are becoming the global norm in defining what is sport, thus our understanding of race, gender, and culture. The purpose is to inform sport enthusiasts, college students— undergraduate or graduate— educators, researchers, policy makers, and other stakeholders—who are social justice oriented— about the role sport has in contributing to informing cultural ideology, reproducing and reinforcing race and gender ideologies. It also seeks to foster an understanding of how this social phenomenon, that is often situated as merely entertainment or a recreational activity for leisure, has shifted into a cultural practice that can engender global socio-political relations. The topics will include critical moments in sport, as well as broader social movements in sporting context. In addition, this series will dis- cuss topics ranging from youth to professional sporting experiences with attention given to the socialization and educational processes inherent in these experiences as it relates to race, gender, and culture—one title might explore the global sporting practices of Black women, another book topic will examine the sporting practices and the academic and athletic excellence achieved at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Or, for example, another topic might be examining the athletic migration patterns of African athletes to Europe and the U.S. The uniqueness of the titles in this series is that they will employ a variety of methodologies, including, but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods methodological approaches, non- empirical and socio-historical approaches that incorporate primary and secondary data sources.

    4 publications

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