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  • Nationalisms across the Globe

    ISSN: 1662-9116

    Although in the 1980s the widely shared belief was that nationalism had become a spent force, the fragmentation of the studiously non-national Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia in the 1990s into a multitude of successor nation-states reaffirmed its continuing significance. Today all extant polities (with the exception of the Vatican) are construed as nationstates, and hence nationalism is the sole universally accepted criterion of statehood legitimization. Similarly, human groups wishing to be recognized as fully fledged participants in international relations must define themselves as nations. This concept of world politics underscores the need for openended, broad-ranging, novel, and interdisciplinary research into nationalism and ethnicity. It promotes better understanding of the phenomena relating to social, political, and economic life, both past and present. This peer-reviewed series publishes monographs, conference proceedings, and collections of articles. It attracts well-researched, often interdisciplinary, studies which open new approaches to nationalism and ethnicity or focus on interesting case studies. The language of the series is usually English. The series is affiliated with the Institute for Transnational and Spatial History at the University of St Andrews, headed by Bernhard Struck and Tomasz Kamusella. The Institute gathers scholars with a strong interest in the comparative, entangled and transnational history of modern Europe and the globalized world. Editorial Board: Balazs Apor (Dublin) – Peter Burke (Cambridge) – Monika Baár (Groningen) – Andrea Graziosi (Naples) – Akihiro Iwashita (Sapporo) – Sławomir Łodziński (Warsaw) – Alexander Markarov (Yerevan) – Elena Marushiakova and Veselin Popov (Sofia) – Alexander Maxwell (Wellington) – Anastasia Mitrofanova (Moscow) – Michael Moser (Vienna) - Frank Lorenz Müller (St Andrews) – Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (Pretoria) – Balázs Trencsényi (Budapest) – Sergei Zhuk (Muncie, Indiana).

    21 publications

  • Carysfort Press Ltd.

    Selected titles from Carysfort Press Peter Lang is pleased to announce that it has recently begun to distribute a new selection of outstanding titles from Carysfort Press. This Dublin-based company was formed in 1998. Its programme embraces contemporary writing for and about the theatre and about other performing arts. We believe that drama is playing an ever-increasing role in society today and that enjoyment of the theatre, both professional and amateur, currently plays a central part, for example in Irish culture. Carysfort Press aims to produce high-quality publications which, though written or edited by academics, will be accessible to a wide general readership. Titres sélectionné de Carysfort Press Peter Lang est heureux d’annoncer qu’il distribuera dorénavant une nouvelle sélection de titres de très grande qualité publiés par Carysfort Press. Cette maison d’édition irlandaise a été fondée à Dublin en 1998 et axe son programme autour d’écrits contemporains portant sur le théâtre et sur les arts du spectacle en général. Nous opinons que le théâtre joue un rôle majeur dans notre société et que le plaisir du théâtre, qu’il soit professionnel ou amateur, occupe une place prépondérante dans la culture irlandaise contemporaine, par exemple. Par ailleurs, Carysfort Press produit des publications de haut niveau qui, bien que réalisées par des académiques, s’adressent à une audience plus large. Ausgewählte Titel von Carysfort Press Neu vertreibt Peter Lang eine Serie herausragender Titel von Carysfort Press. Dieser in Dublin domizilierte Verlag wurde 1998 gegründet. Das Programm umfasst zeitgenössische Literatur für und um Theateraufführungen und andere darstellende Künste. Wir glauben, dass die Kunstform Drama eine immer wichtigere Rolle in der heutigen Gesellschaft spielt. Vor allem weil die Begeisterung für Aufführungen, unter Berufsleuten aber auch unter Privaten, eine immer zentralere Rolle einnimmt. Sei hier lediglich die Irische Kunstwelt als Vorreiter erwähnt. Die Stärke von Carysfort Press liegt in der Veröffentlichung hochstehender und für eine breite Leserschaft bestimmter Literatur, welche durch eine akademische Herausgeberschaft publiziert wird.

    93 publications

  • Travaux interdisciplinaires et plurilingues

    ISSN: 1663-9367

    In collaboration with the CRPM (Centre de Recherches Pluridisciplinaires Multilingues) of the University of Paris Nanterre, the "Travaux Interdisciplinaires et Plurilingues" series aims to promote interdisciplinary and plurilingual research. It welcomes works which contribute to the understanding of cultural, national and transnational imaginaries, in their historical, political, translational and media dimensions. Series edited by Dorothée Cailleux, Lucia Quaquarelli et Licia Reggiani Scientific board Sylvie Aprile, Université Paris Nanterre Pascale Cohen-Avenel, Université Paris Nanterre Michael Cronin, Trinity College Dublin Rainier Grutman, Université d’Ottawa Marina Guglielmi, Università di Cagliari Brigitte Krulic, Université Paris Nanterre Rita Monticelli, Università di Bologna Jean Robert Raviot, Université Paris Nanterre Lawrence Venuti, Temple University Eric Vial, Université de Cergy-Pontoise Yoan Vilain, Humboldt Universität Berlin Dirk Weissmann, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès En collaboration avec le CRPM (Centre de Recherches Pluridisciplinaires Multilingues) de l’Université Paris Nanterre, la collection "Travaux Interdisciplinaires et Plurilingues" a pour but de favoriser la recherche interdisciplinaire et plurilingue. Elle accueille des ouvrages qui contribuent à la compréhension des imaginaires culturels, nationaux et transnationaux, dans leurs dimensions historiques, politiques, traductives et médiatiques. Collection placée sous la direction de Dorothée Cailleux, Lucia Quaquarelli et Licia Reggiani Comité scientifique Sylvie Aprile, Université Paris Nanterre Pascale Cohen-Avenel, Université Paris Nanterre Michael Cronin, Trinity College Dublin Rainier Grutman, Université d’Ottawa Marina Guglielmi, Università di Cagliari Brigitte Krulic, Université Paris Nanterre Rita Monticelli, Università di Bologna Jean Robert Raviot, Université Paris Nanterre Lawrence Venuti, Temple University Eric Vial, Université de Cergy-Pontoise Yoan Vilain, Humboldt Universität Berlin Dirk Weissmann, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès

    40 publications

  • Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance

    ISSN: 2296-4118

    Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance is a peer-reviewed series focused on the inter- and multi-disciplinary cultural output of medieval and Renaissance court culture on an international scale. The series invites proposals for single- and multi-authored monographs, edited collections and editions of early works relating to the court. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit proposals which highlight the central importance of the court to medieval and Renaissance culture, including projects that explore the life and/or works of writers, artists, historiographers, soldiers, composers, diplomats and courtiers, in the East as well as the West. Other areas of particular interest are courtly ritual (e.g. chivalric code, ceremonies, spectacle) and literary and artistic representations of the court. The series will also explore the role of the court in shaping national, religious and political identities, as well as its function as an interface between different cultures. The series is affiliated with the Trinity Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Trinity College Dublin. Each proposal is vetted by the Editorial Board and Chief Editor and undergoes a comprehensive peer-review process.

    15 publications

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