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  • Counterpoints

    Studies in Criticality

    ISSN: 1058-1634

    Counterpoints publishes the most compelling and imaginative books being written in education today. Grounded on the theoretical advances in criticalism, feminism and postmodernism in the last two decades of the twentieth century, Counterpoints engages the meaning of these innovations in various forms of educational expression. Committed to the proposition that theoretical literature should be accessible to a variety of audiences, the series insists that its authors avoid esoteric and jargonistic languages that transform educational scholarship into an elite discourse for the initiated. Scholarly work matters only to the degree it affects consciousness and practice at multiple sites. Counterpoints’ editorial policy is based on these principles and the ability of scholars to break new ground, to open new conversations, to go where educators have never gone before. Counterpoints publishes the most compelling and imaginative books being written in education today. Grounded on the theoretical advances in criticalism, feminism and postmodernism in the last two decades of the twentieth century, Counterpoints engages the meaning of these innovations in various forms of educational expression. Committed to the proposition that theoretical literature should be accessible to a variety of audiences, the series insists that its authors avoid esoteric and jargonistic languages that transform educational scholarship into an elite discourse for the initiated. Scholarly work matters only to the degree it affects consciousness and practice at multiple sites. Counterpoints’ editorial policy is based on these principles and the ability of scholars to break new ground, to open new conversations, to go where educators have never gone before. Counterpoints publishes the most compelling and imaginative books being written in education today. Grounded on the theoretical advances in criticalism, feminism and postmodernism in the last two decades of the twentieth century, Counterpoints engages the meaning of these innovations in various forms of educational expression. Committed to the proposition that theoretical literature should be accessible to a variety of audiences, the series insists that its authors avoid esoteric and jargonistic languages that transform educational scholarship into an elite discourse for the initiated. Scholarly work matters only to the degree it affects consciousness and practice at multiple sites. Counterpoints’ editorial policy is based on these principles and the ability of scholars to break new ground, to open new conversations, to go where educators have never gone before.

    624 publications

  • Eruptions: New Feminism Across the Disciplines

    ISSN: 1091-8590

    This is a series of red-hot women's writing after the "isms." lt focuses on new cultural assemblages that are emerging from the deformation, breakout, ebullience, and discomfort of postmodern feminism. The series brings together a post-foundational generation of women's writing that, while still respectful of the idea of situated knowledge, does not rely on neat disciplinary distinctions and stable political coalitions. This writing transcends some of the more awkward textual performances of a first generation of "ferninism-meets-postmodernism" scholarship. lt has come to terms with its own body of knowledge as shifty, inflammatory, and ungovernable, The aim of the series is to make this cutting edge thinking more readily available to undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and new academics, and professional bodies and practitioners. Thus, we seek contributions from writers whose unruly scholastic projects are expressed in texts that are accessible and seductive to a wider academic readership. Proposals and/or manuscripts are invited from the domains of: "post" humanities, human movement studies, sexualities, media studies, literary criticism, information technologies, history of ideas, performing arts, gay and lesbian studies, cultural studies, post-colonial studies, pedagogics, social psychology, and the philosophy of science. We are particularly interested in publishing research and scholarship with international appeal from Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. This is a series of red-hot women's writing after the "isms." lt focuses on new cultural assemblages that are emerging from the deformation, breakout, ebullience, and discomfort of postmodern feminism. The series brings together a post-foundational generation of women's writing that, while still respectful of the idea of situated knowledge, does not rely on neat disciplinary distinctions and stable political coalitions. This writing transcends some of the more awkward textual performances of a first generation of "ferninism-meets-postmodernism" scholarship. lt has come to terms with its own body of knowledge as shifty, inflammatory, and ungovernable, The aim of the series is to make this cutting edge thinking more readily available to undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and new academics, and professional bodies and practitioners. Thus, we seek contributions from writers whose unruly scholastic projects are expressed in texts that are accessible and seductive to a wider academic readership. Proposals and/or manuscripts are invited from the domains of: "post" humanities, human movement studies, sexualities, media studies, literary criticism, information technologies, history of ideas, performing arts, gay and lesbian studies, cultural studies, post-colonial studies, pedagogics, social psychology, and the philosophy of science. We are particularly interested in publishing research and scholarship with international appeal from Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. This is a series of red-hot women's writing after the "isms." lt focuses on new cultural assemblages that are emerging from the deformation, breakout, ebullience, and discomfort of postmodern feminism. The series brings together a post-foundational generation of women's writing that, while still respectful of the idea of situated knowledge, does not rely on neat disciplinary distinctions and stable political coalitions. This writing transcends some of the more awkward textual performances of a first generation of "ferninism-meets-postmodernism" scholarship. lt has come to terms with its own body of knowledge as shifty, inflammatory, and ungovernable. The aim of the series is to make this cutting edge thinking more readily available to undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and new academics, and professional bodies and practitioners. Thus, we seek contributions from writers whose unruly scholastic projects are expressed in texts that are accessible and seductive to a wider academic readership. Proposals and/or manuscripts are invited from the domains of: "post" humanities, human movement studies, sexualities, media studies, literary criticism, information technologies, history of ideas, performing arts, gay and lesbian studies, cultural studies, post-colonial studies, pedagogics, social psychology, and the philosophy of science. We are particularly interested in publishing research and scholarship with international appeal from Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.

    16 publications

  • Studies in Judaism

    Studies in Judaism draws together scholarly works in Jewish philosophy, constructive theology, and intellectual history. The series includes all historic periods, with a particular focus on modern and postmodern interpretive perspectives and practices. Studies in Judaism draws together scholarly works in Jewish philosophy, constructive theology, and intellectual history. The series includes all historic periods, with a particular focus on modern and postmodern interpretive perspectives and practices. Studies in Judaism draws together scholarly works in Jewish philosophy, constructive theology, and intellectual history. The series includes all historic periods, with a particular focus on modern and postmodern interpretive perspectives and practices.

    8 publications

  • Studies in Literary Criticism and Theory

    The focus of this series is on studies of all literary genres that elucidate and interpret works of art in the context of criticism and theory. Theory and criticism are held to provide the hermeneutically most rewarding access to specific authors, works, and issues under consideration. Studies of a comparative nature with special reference to issues of literary history, criticism, and postmodern theory are the distinctive features of this monograph series. Emphasis is on subjects that may set trends, generate discussion, expand horizons beyond present perspectives, and/or redefine previously held notions about "major" and "minor" authors and their achievements within or outside the canon. Approaches may center on works, authors, or abstract notions of criticism and/or theory, including issues of a comparative nature concerning world literature. The focus of this series is on studies of all literary genres that elucidate and interpret works of art in the context of criticism and theory. Theory and criticism are held to provide the hermeneutically most rewarding access to specific authors, works, and issues under consideration. Studies of a comparative nature with special reference to issues of literary history, criticism, and postmodern theory are the distinctive features of this monograph series. Emphasis is on subjects that may set trends, generate discussion, expand horizons beyond present perspectives, and/or redefine previously held notions about "major" and "minor" authors and their achievements within or outside the canon. Approaches may center on works, authors, or abstract notions of criticism and/or theory, including issues of a comparative nature concerning world literature. The focus of this series is on studies of all literary genres that elucidate and interpret works of art in the context of criticism and theory. Theory and criticism are held to provide the hermeneutically most rewarding access to specific authors, works, and issues under consideration. Studies of a comparative nature with special reference to issues of literary history, criticism, and postmodern theory are the distinctive features of this monograph series. Emphasis is on subjects that may set trends, generate discussion, expand horizons beyond present perspectives, and/or redefine previously held notions about "major" and "minor" authors and their achievements within or outside the canon. Approaches may center on works, authors, or abstract notions of criticism and/or theory, including issues of a comparative nature concerning world literature.

    21 publications

  • The Modernist Revolution in World Literature

    ISSN: 1528-9672

    In the stormy time period approximately between the Paris Commune in 1871 and the revolutionary events in May 1968, or between the conclusion of the American Civil War and the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, the rise and fall of international modernism was crucial to all historical, political, and intellectual de-velopments around the world. By the time the United States had emerged from its military involvement in Indo-China, the modernist movement had given way to postmodernism. This series investigates the development of international modern-ism in the half century leading up to World War I and its disintegration in the fol-lowing fifty years. High modernism claimed that it represented a break with corrupt values of previous cultural traditions, but we now think that this very drive to “make it new” is itself derivative. What are the roots and characteristics of modernism? How did the philosophical and pedagogical system supporting modernism develop? Is mod-ernism, perhaps, not a liberating movement but a device to shield high culture from rising democratic vulgarization? What is the role of modernism in postcolonial struggles? Where does feminism fall in the modernist agenda? How do changing systems of patronage and the economy of art influence modernism as an enor-mously expanded reading public becomes augmented by cinema, radio, and televi-sion? Such questions on a worldwide stage, in the century approximately from 1870 to 1970, in all manifestations of literature, art, politics, and culture, represent the scope of this series In the stormy time period approximately between the Paris Commune in 1871 and the revolutionary events in May 1968, or between the conclusion of the American Civil War and the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, the rise and fall of international modernism was crucial to all historical, political, and intellectual de-velopments around the world. By the time the United States had emerged from its military involvement in Indo-China, the modernist movement had given way to postmodernism. This series investigates the development of international modern-ism in the half century leading up to World War I and its disintegration in the fol-lowing fifty years. High modernism claimed that it represented a break with corrupt values of previous cultural traditions, but we now think that this very drive to “make it new” is itself derivative. What are the roots and characteristics of modernism? How did the philosophical and pedagogical system supporting modernism develop? Is mod-ernism, perhaps, not a liberating movement but a device to shield high culture from rising democratic vulgarization? What is the role of modernism in postcolonial struggles? Where does feminism fall in the modernist agenda? How do changing systems of patronage and the economy of art influence modernism as an enor-mously expanded reading public becomes augmented by cinema, radio, and televi-sion? Such questions on a worldwide stage, in the century approximately from 1870 to 1970, in all manifestations of literature, art, politics, and culture, represent the scope of this series In the stormy time period approximately between the Paris Commune in 1871 and the revolutionary events in May 1968, or between the conclusion of the American Civil War and the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, the rise and fall of international modernism was crucial to all historical, political, and intellectual de-velopments around the world. By the time the United States had emerged from its military involvement in Indo-China, the modernist movement had given way to postmodernism. This series investigates the development of international modern-ism in the half century leading up to World War I and its disintegration in the fol-lowing fifty years. High modernism claimed that it represented a break with corrupt values of previous cultural traditions, but we now think that this very drive to “make it new” is itself derivative. What are the roots and characteristics of modernism? How did the philosophical and pedagogical system supporting modernism develop? Is mod-ernism, perhaps, not a liberating movement but a device to shield high culture from rising democratic vulgarization? What is the role of modernism in postcolonial struggles? Where does feminism fall in the modernist agenda? How do changing systems of patronage and the economy of art influence modernism as an enor-mously expanded reading public becomes augmented by cinema, radio, and televi-sion? Such questions on a worldwide stage, in the century approximately from 1870 to 1970, in all manifestations of literature, art, politics, and culture, represent the scope of this series

    3 publications

  • Art and Thought / Art et pensée

    Histories of the Avant-Garde / histoires des avant-gardes

    If the past is continually retold in the present, as Walter Benjamin suggests, what can critical perspectives reveal and what do they obscure about the history of our modern time? Art and Thought: Histories of the Avant-Garde revisits and reconceptualises the histories of modernism, avant-gardism and postmodernism. Volumes in the series will each offer a critical perspective developed in response to specific cultural artefacts and their qualities. They will engage with literary, artistic and theoretical works, from the past as well as the present, and explore the interactions between literature, visual art, film and music, including the livre d’artiste. The series showcases work by new as well as established scholars, whether monographs, single- or multi-authored collections of essays, and new editions of salient or neglected primary texts in English or French, including original aesthetic works. Writing on translation as well as in translation is welcome. Walter Benjamin nous rappelle que le passé se dit au présent. Dans quelle mesure la pensée critique permet-elle d’illuminer notre histoire ? La collection Art et pensée : histoires des avant-gardes se propose de penser à nouveaux frais les problématiques liant les esthétiques de la modernité, de l’avant-garde et du postmoderne. Chaque volume répondra aux qualités ponctuelles d'objets esthétiques et culturels considérés par une perspective critique propre. Des œuvres de littérature, d’art et de réflexion y seront abordées, qui souligneront les rapports intimes de l’écriture, du visuel, de la musique, du cinéma. Les livres d’artistes ne seront pas oubliés. La collection présentera, en langue française ou anglaise, le travail critique de chercheurs établis ou en début de carrière. Elle offrira à ses lecteurs des monographies, des collections d’essais, des volumes collectifs, et des éditions nouvelles d’œuvres marquantes ou jusqu’à présent négligées, y compris les œuvres littéraires et esthétiques. Les œuvres en traduction nouvelle tout comme les travaux sur la traduction même seront vivement accueillis.

    6 publications

  • Reimagining Ireland

    ISSN: 1662-9094

    The concepts of Ireland and ‘Irishness’ are in constant flux in the wake of an ever-increasing reappraisal of the notion of cultural and national specificity in a world assailed from all angles by the forces of globalisation and uniformity. Reimagining Ireland interrogates Ireland’'s past and present and suggests possibilities for the future by looking at Ireland'’s literature, culture and history and subjecting them to the most up-to-date critical appraisals associated with sociology, literary theory, historiography, political science and theology. Some of the pertinent issues include, but are not confined to, Irish writing in English and Irish, Nationalism, Unionism, the Northern ‘Troubles’, the Peace Process, economic development in Ireland, the impact and decline of the Celtic Tiger, Irish spirituality, the rise and fall of organised religion, the visual arts, popular cultures, sport, Irish music and dance, emigration and the Irish diaspora, immigration and multiculturalism, marginalisation, globalisation, modernity/postmodernity and postcolonialism. The series publishes monographs, comparative studies, interdisciplinary projects, conference proceedings and edited books. “A major intervention in Irish Studies. Irish Studies have come back to Ireland itself. The ‘Reimagining Ireland’ series is at the cutting edge of what it means to be Ireland.” (Prof. Luke Gibbons)

    159 publications

  • Italian Modernities

    ISSN: 1662-9108

    The series aims to publish innovative research on the written, material and visual cultures and intellectual history of modern Italy, from the 19th century to the present day. It is open to a wide variety of different approaches and methodologies, disciplines and interdisciplinary fields: from literary criticism and comparative literature to archival history, from cultural studies to material culture, from film and media studies to art history. It is especially interested in work which articulates aspects of Italy's particular, and in many respects, peculiar, interactions with notions of modernity and postmodernity, broadly understood. It also aims to encourage critical dialogue between new developments in scholarship in Italy and in the English-speaking world. The Italian Modernities series also includes the Panoramas sub-series. These volumes provide accessible, wide-ranging, research-led accounts of significant new trends, emerging fields of study and new methodologies within work on modern Italian culture, history and related disciplines.

    46 publications

  • New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies

    ISSN: 1523-9543

    New literacies emerge and evolve apace as people from all walks of life engage with new technologies, shifting values and institutional change, and increasingly assume 'postmodern' orientations toward their everyday worlds. Despite many efforts to take account of such changes, educational institutions largely remain out of touch with the range of new ways of making and sharing meanings that increasingly mediate and shape the lives of the young people they teach and the futures they face. This series aims to explore some key dimensions of the changes occurring within social practices of literacy and the educational challenges they present, with a view to informing educational practice in helpful ways. It asks what are new literacies,how do they impact on life in schools, homes, communities, workplaces, sites of leisure, and other key settings of human cultural engagement, and what significance do new literacies have for how people learn and how they understand and construct knowledge? It aims to challenge established and 'official' ways of framing literacy, and to ask what it means for literacies to be powerful, effective, and enabling under current and foreseeable conditions. Collectively, the works in this series will help to reorient literacy debates and literacy education agendas.

    120 publications

  • Studies in Theology, Society and Culture

    ISSN: 1662-9930

    Religious and theological reflection has often been confined to the realm of the private, the personal or the Church. In Europe this restriction of religion and theology can be traced back to the Enlightenment and has had long-lasting and pernicious consequences for the understanding of religious faith and society. On the one hand, there has been a rise in religious fundamentalisms around the globe, while, on the other hand, so-called advanced societies are constructed mainly along economic, pragmatic and rationalistic lines. Added to this is the reality that religious faith is increasingly lived out in pluralistic and multi-faith contexts with all the challenges and opportunities this offers to denominational religion. This series explores what it means to be religious in such contexts. It invites scholarly contributions to themes including patterns of secularisation, postmodern challenges to religion, and the relation of faith and culture. From a theological perspective it seeks constructive re-interpretations of traditional Christian topics – including God, creation, salvation, Christology, ecclesiology, etc. in a way that makes them more credible for today. It also welcomes studies on religion and science, and on theology and the arts. The series publishes monographs, comparative studies, interdisciplinary projects, conference proceedings and edited books. It attracts well-researched, especially interdisciplinary, studies which open new approaches to religion or focus on interesting case studies. The language of the series is English.

    22 publications

  • Studies in Composition and Rhetoric

    "This series welcomes both individually-authored and collaboratively-authored books and monographs as well as edited collections of essays. We are especially interested in books that might be used in either advanced undergraduate or graduate courses in one or more of the following subjects: cultural or multicultural studies and the teaching of writing; feminist perspectives on composition and rhetoric; postmodernism and the theory and practice of composition; “post-process” pedagogies; values, ethics, and ideologies in the teaching of writing; information technology and composition pedagogy; the assessment of writing; authorship and intellectual property issues; and studies of oppositional discourse in the academy, particularly challenges to exclusionary or hegemonic conventions. We also seek proposals in the following areas: the role of autobiography and of identity issues in both writing and writing pedagogy; the influence of social context on composing; the relationship of composition and rhetoric to various disciplines and schools of thought; collaborative learning and peer tutoring; facilitating and responding to student writing; approaches to empowering marginalized learners; the role or status of composition studies within English studies and the academy at large; and the role or status of student writers within the fields of composition and English studies."

    37 publications

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