21 results
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  • Title: The New Greeks

    The New Greeks

    Polish Romantics’ Historicism and the Emergence of Altertumswissenschaft
    by Maciej Junkiert (Author) 2024
    ©2024 Monographs
  • Title: Three Greek Apologists- Drei griechische Apologeten

    Three Greek Apologists- Drei griechische Apologeten

    Origen, Eusebius, and Athanasius- Origenes, Eusebius und Athanasius
    by Anders-Christian Jacobsen (Volume editor) Jörg Ulrich (Volume editor)
    ©2007 Edited Collection
  • Title: Literature, Art, History: Studies on Classical Antiquity and Tradition

    Literature, Art, History: Studies on Classical Antiquity and Tradition

    In Honour of W. J. Henderson
    by André Basson (Volume editor) William J. Dominik (Volume editor)
    ©2003 Edited Collection
  • Title: Recovering a Late-Antique Edition of Pliny’s <i>Natural History</i>

    Recovering a Late-Antique Edition of Pliny’s <i>Natural History</i>

    by Paul T. Keyser (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Monographs
  • Title: Fielding’s «Tom Jones» and the European Novel since Antiquity

    Fielding’s «Tom Jones» and the European Novel since Antiquity

    Fielding’s «Tom Jones» as a Final Joinder
    by Reinhold Grimm (Author)
    ©2005 Monographs
  • Title: Her Art

    Her Art

    Greek Women in the Arts from Antiquity to Modernity
    by Diane Touliatos-Miles (Volume editor)
    ©2011 Edited Collection
  • Title: Origen and Hellenism

    Origen and Hellenism

    The Interplay between Greek and Christian Ideas in Late Antiquity
    by Panayiotis Tzamalikos (Author) 2022
    ©2022 Monographs
  • Title: Defining Species

    Defining Species

    A Sourcebook from Antiquity to Today
    by John S. Wilkins (Author)
    ©2009 Monographs
  • Title: Struggle of Faith and Reason: A History of Intolerance and Punitive Censorship

    Struggle of Faith and Reason: A History of Intolerance and Punitive Censorship

    Part I: From Homer to Peter Abelard and Arnold of Brescia
    by Juhani Sarsila (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Monographs
  • Title: The South in the German Imaginary

    The South in the German Imaginary

    The Italian Journeys of Goethe and Heine
    by Lukas Bauer (Author) 2015
    ©2015 Monographs
  • Title: Critique of Cosmopolitan Reason

    Critique of Cosmopolitan Reason

    Timing and Spacing the Concept of World Citizenship
    by Rebecka Lettevall (Volume editor) Kristian Petrov (Volume editor) 2014
    ©2014 Edited Collection
  • Title: Antike – Recht – Geschichte

    Antike – Recht – Geschichte

    Symposion zu Ehren von Peter E. Pieler- unter Mitwirkung von Birgit Forgó-Feldner, Elisabeth Kossarz, Lucian M. Röthlisberger und Philipp Scheibelreiter
    by Nikolaus Benke (Volume editor) Franz-Stefan Meissel (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Others
  • Title: Cyprian Norwid and the History of Greece

    Cyprian Norwid and the History of Greece

    by Maciej Junkiert (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Monographs
  • Title: The Power and Value of Music

    The Power and Value of Music

    Its Effect and Ethos in Classical Authors and Contemporary Music Theory
    by Andreas Kramarz (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Monographs
  • Title: Nietzsche and the Self-Revelations of a Martyr

    Nietzsche and the Self-Revelations of a Martyr

    by Giosuè Ghisalberti (Author) 2022
    ©2022 Monographs
  • Title: Life: A Study in Words

    Life: A Study in Words

    by Rick Welch (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Monographs
  • Title: Theories of Dynamic Cosmopolitanism in Modern European History

    Theories of Dynamic Cosmopolitanism in Modern European History

    by Georg Cavallar (Author) 2017
  • Title: The Musical Language of the Twentieth Century

    The Musical Language of the Twentieth Century

    The Discovery of a Missing Link- The Music of Georg von Albrecht
    by Elliot Antokoletz (Author) 2012
    ©2012 Monographs
  • Title: Friedrich Leopold Graf zu Stolberg and the German Romantics

    Friedrich Leopold Graf zu Stolberg and the German Romantics

    by Eleoma Joshua (Author)
    ©2005 Monographs
  • Byzantine and Neohellenic Studies

    ISSN: 1661-1187

    This series encompasses the religion, culture, history, and literary production of the Greek-speaking world and its neighbours from the fourth century AD to the present. It aims to provide a forum for original scholarly work in any of these fields, covering cultures as diverse as Late Antiquity, the Byzantine empire, the Venetian empire, the Christian communities under Ottoman rule, and the modern nation states of Greece and Cyprus. Submissions in English are welcomed in the form of monographs, annotated editions, or collections of papers.

    16 publications

  • Sapheneia

    Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie / Contributions à la philologie classique / Contributions to Classical Philology

    ISSN: 1421-7899

    As indicated by its name, this series is devoted to the interpretation of ancient Greek and Latin texts. It accommodates not only studies of special subjects and individual authors, but also annotated editions as well as commentaries. In the tradition of critical scholarship the collection is uncompromisingly philological without however excluding new approaches and methods of exegesis. Each of the volumes represents independent and original research which contributes to the understanding of ancient texts whether in the form of critical exposition or the investigation of specific problems. It is in this sense that they genuinely further the discipline of classical philology. At the same time the series welcomes studies of the reception and influence of ancient texts including in particular the history of their transmission as well as the historical development of philology in its various aspects. In order to reach as wide a readership as possible, publication is restricted to works written in those languages most commonly in use in classical scholarship. Special importance is attached to clear presentation and a choice of language that can be readily understood. Authors are moreover encouraged to provide translations wherever they would aid comprehension. Ultimately Sapheneia should not only advance classical studies,but also deepen our understanding of the intellectual tradition of the western world. As of volume 24, the series is no longer published by Peter Lang Verlag. Comme l’indique son nom, cette collection est consacrée à l’interprétation de textes anciens, grecs et latins. Elle offre un cadre à des monographies consacrées à un sujet ou à un auteur spécifique, mais aussi à des commentaires ou à des éditions annotées. La tradition de l’analyse critique nous oblige à concevoir son contenu comme une démarche philologique rigoureuse. Ceci ne saurait exclure cependant ni l’exploration de voies nouvelles, ni un élargissement des méthodes d’interprétation des textes. Les volumes de cette collection doivent relever d’une recherche indépendante, tant du point de vue de leur exégèse que de celui de l’approche analytique. En ce sens, elle offre un apport original à la philologie classique. Une grande importance y est donnée à la continuité et à l’actualité de la lecture des textes antiques, particulièrement dans les domaines de l’histoire de la transmission, de l’interprétation ainsi que de l’historique de la discipline philologique. Pour toucher un public aussi large que possible, cette collection comprendra des volumes dans les langues courantes du monde scientifique. Elle fonde son intérêt et sa valeur sur la clarté de la présentation et de la langue. Sapheneia doit enfin permettre, par le traitement de questions scientifiques, d’approfondir notre compréhension de la tradition intellectuelle occidentale. À partir du volume 24, la série n'est plus publiée par Peter Lang Verlag. Die Reihe fördert – ihrem Titel entsprechend – die Interpretation antiker griechischer und lateinischer Texte und bietet Raum nicht nur für Monographien zu speziellen Themen und Autoren, sondern auch für Ausgaben mit erklärenden Anmerkungen oder einem ausführlichen Kommentar. Der Tradition der kritischen Wissenschaft verpflichtet, versteht sich die Reihe als eine streng philologische, ohne sich jedoch neuen Richtungen und erweiterten Methoden der textlichen Auslegung zu verschliessen. Die aufgenommenen Bände tragen aus eigenständiger Forschung zum Verständnis antiker Texte bei, sei es durch deren Exegese, sei es durch problembezogene Untersuchungen. In diesem Sinn bilden sie originale Beiträge zur Klassischen Philologie. Grosse Bedeutung innerhalb der Reihe kommt dem Nachleben antiker Texte zu, und zwar in erster Linie der Überlieferungs- und Interpretationsgeschichte sowie dem historischen Aspekt der philologischen Disziplin. Um eine möglichst grosse Leserschaft zu erfassen, publiziert die Reihe in deutscher, englischer und französischer Sprache. Besonderen Wert legt sie auf klare Präsentation der Forschungsergebnisse sowie auf eine verständliche sprachliche Form. Letztlich soll Sapheneia über die wissenschaftliche Fragestellung hinaus das Verständnis für die geistige Tradition des Abendlandes vertiefen. Ab Band 24 erscheint die Reihe nicht mehr im Peter Lang Verlag.

    22 publications

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