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  • Disability, Media, Culture

    ISSN: 2633-0849

    Globally today, television, film and the internet comprise the principal sources of cultural consumption and engagement. Despite this, these areas have not featured strongly in the cultural study of disability. This book series will provide the first specific outlet for international scholars of disability to present their work on these topics. The series will build a body of work that brings together critical analysis of disability and impairments in media and culture. The series expands the work currently undertaken in literary studies on disability by using media and cultural theory to understand the place of disability and impairment in a range of media and cultural forms. The series encourages the development of work on disabled people in the media, within the media industries and in the wider cultural sphere. Whilst film and television analysis will be central to this series, we also encourage work on disability in other media, including journalism, radio, the internet and gaming. We welcome proposals from media studies: narrative constructions of disability; technical aspects of media production; disability, the economy and society; the impact of social media and gaming on disabled identities; and the role of architecture and image. Cultural studies are also encouraged: the uses of disabled and chronically ill bodies, ‘cripping culture’, corporeal projections in culture, intersectional identities, advertising, and the uses of cultural theory in furthering understandings of ableism and disablism. All proposals and manuscripts will be rigorously peer reviewed. The language of publication is English, although we welcome submissions from around the world and on topics that may take as their focus non-English media. We welcome new proposals for monographs and edited collections. Editorial Board: Eleoma Bodammer (Edinburgh), Catalin Brylla (Bournemouth), Colin Cameron (Northumbria), Sally Chivers (Trent, Canada), Eduard Cuelenaere (Ghent), Beth Haller (Towson, USA), Catherine Long, Nicole Marcotić (Windsor), Maria Tsakiri (Cyprus), Dolly Sen, Sonali Shah (Birmingham), Alison Sheldon (Leeds), Murray Simpson (Dundee), Angela M. Smith (Utah), Heike Steinhoff (Ruhr-University Bochum), Laura Waite (Liverpool Hope).

    3 publications

  • New Approaches to Applied Linguistics

    This series provides an outlet for academic monographs and edited volumes that offer a contemporary and original contribution to applied linguistics. Applied linguistics is understood in a broad sense, to encompass language pedagogy and second-language learning, discourse analysis, bi- and multilingualism, language policy and planning, language use in the internet age, lexicography, professional and organisational communication, literacies, forensic linguistics, pragmatics, and other fields associated with solving real-life language and communication problems. Interdisciplinary contributions, and research that challenges disciplinary assumptions, are particularly welcomed. The series does not impose limitations in terms of methodology or genre and does not support a particular linguistic school. Whilst the series volumes are of a high scholarly standard, they are intended to be accessible to researchers in other fields and to the interested general reader. New Approaches to Applied Linguistics is based at the Centre for Language Assessment Research, University of Roehampton.

    3 publications

  • New Trends in Translation Studies

    ISSN: 1664-249X

    In today’'s globalised society, translation and interpreting are gaining visibility and relevance as a means to foster communication and dialogue in increasingly multicultural and multilingual environments. Practised since time immemorial, both activities have become more complex and multifaceted in recent decades, intersecting with many other disciplines. New Trends in Translation Studies is an international series with the main objectives of promoting the scholarly study of translation and interpreting and of functioning as a forum for the translation and interpreting research community. This series publishes research on subjects related to multimedia translation and interpreting, in their various social roles. It is primarily intended to engage with contemporary issues surrounding the new multidimensional environments in which translation is flourishing, such as audiovisual media, the internet and emerging new media and technologies. It sets out to reflect new trends in research and in the profession, to encourage flexible methodologies and to promote interdisciplinary research ranging from the theoretical to the practical and from the applied to the pedagogical. New Trends in Translation Studies publishes translation- and interpreting-oriented books that present high-quality scholarship in an accessible, reader-friendly manner. The series embraces a wide range of publications – monographs, edited volumes, conference proceedings and translations of works in translation studies which do not exist in English. The editor, Professor Jorge Díaz-Cintas, welcomes proposals from all those interested in being involved with the series. The working language of the series is English, although in exceptional circumstances works in other languages can be considered for publication. Proposals dealing with specialised translation, translation tools and technology, audiovisual translation and the field of accessibility to the media are particularly welcomed. This series is based at the Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), University College London.

    44 publications

  • Telecollaboration in Education

    ISSN: 1662-3037

    The series' focus is on the pedagogical processes and outcomes of engaging learners in different geographical locations in virtual contact and collaboration together. This contact can take place through the application of online communication tools such as e-mail, synchronous chat and threaded discussion as well as the tools of Web 2.0: like wikis, blogs, and online publishing. The series is also particularly interested in innovative teaching practices involving telecollaboration that integrate the use of newly emerging forms of Internet tools such as social networking or 3D virtual worlds. A major aim is to reflect the diversity of research and practice in this area of knowledge, providing a space for transversal dialogue among teachers and teacher trainers, administrators, researchers, and educators working in different subject areas as well as various areas of education. Telecollaboration in Education deals with the application of such activity in different subject areas (e.g. Foreign Languages, History, Science) and in different educational contexts, including but not limited to primary, secondary, university and adult education. Publications within the series include scholarly monographs and collected papers editions as well as cutting-edge projects that exemplify good practice in the application of distanced collaborative efforts. Training manuals for educators in the organisation and application of telecollaboration are also a possible type of publication within the series. Language of publication is English.

    6 publications

  • Studies in Life Writing

    Biography, Autobiography, Memoir

    Studies in Life Writing: Biography, Autobiography, Memoir welcomes full-length studies of life writing in all its forms: biography, autobiography, memoir, journals, diaries, blogs, and so forth. Dovetailing nicely with the critical theories of the later twentieth century, life writing questions the divide between fact and fiction, challenges the possibility of presenting a life objectively, and examines how the shaping forces of language and memory prohibits any simple attempts at truth and reference. Provocatively, interest in life writing has increased as both autobiographical and biographical narratives have become a major presence on the Internet, and the growth of literary nonfiction has prompted a resurgence of life narratives and memoirs. The series invites both single-authored book-length studies and multi-authored essay collections on the theory and/or pedagogy of life writing.

    1 publications

  • Critical Intercultural Communication Studies

    ISSN: 1528-6118

    Critical approaches to the study of intercultural communication have arisen at the end of the 20th century and are poised to flourish in the new millenium. As cultures come into contact driven by migration, refugees, the internet, wars, media, transnational capitalism, cultural imperialism, and more, critical interrogations of the ways that cultures interact communicatively are a needed aspect of understanding culture and communication. This series will interrogate--from a critical perspective--the role of communication in intercultural contact, in both domestic and international contexts. Through attentiveness to the complexities of power relations in intercultural communication, this series is open to studies in key areas such as postcolonialism, transnationalism, critical race theory, queer diaspora studies, and critical feminist approaches as they relate to intercultural communication. Proposals might focus on various contexts of intercultural communication such as international advertising, popular culture, language policies, hate crimes, ethnic cleansing and ethnic group conficts, as well as engaging theoretical issues such as hybridity, displacement, multiplicity, identity, orientalism, and materialism. By creating a space for these critical approaches, this series will be a the forefrong of this new wave in intercultural communication scholarship. Manuscripts and proposals are welcome which advance this new approach.

    45 publications

  • Mediated Youth

    ISSN: 1555-1814

    Mediated Youth publishes cutting-edge research on the cultures, artifacts, and media of children, tweens, teens, and college-aged youth. Whether studying any forms of popular culture – television, popular music, fashion, sports, toys, the Internet, self-publishing, leisure, clubs, school cultures/activities, film, dance, language, tie-in merchandising, concerts, subcultures – books in this series go beyond the dominant paradigm of traditional studies of the effects of media/culture on youth. Instead, works published in this series endeavor to understand the complex relationship between youth and popular culture, and, whenever possible, include the voices of youth themselves. 

    63 publications

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