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  • Non-Prolifération et Sécurité / Non-Proliferation and Security

    The aim of this book series is to study the various aspects of risk linked to human activities. Scientific and technological development is changing our society fundamentally and the concept of risk is crucial for the analysis of the ongoing social transformation process. Progress in genetic engineering and the use of military technology by civilians, for instance, raise questions concerning ethical, political, environmental and public-health issues. This series, therefore, opts for a multidisciplinary approach to the problem of risk, which involves the scientific community as much as the political world and civil society. It publishes monographs and collected papers, mainly in French or English. Cette collection a pour principal objectif de traiter les différents aspects de la problématique des risques associés aux activités humaines. Parmi celles-ci, le développement scientifique, technologique et économique s’impose de plus en plus comme un moteur fondamental du changement social. Dans cette perspective, le concept de risque se révèle un outil pertinent d’analyse des processus de transformation sociale. À titre d’exemple, les recherches en génie génétique, de même que l’utilisation civile de technologie militaire, soulèvent inévitablement des questions d’éthique, de santé publique, d’environnement et de gestion des politiques publiques. Il est dès lors souhaitable d’envisager la problématique des risques à la lumière d’une approche multidisciplinaire qui mobilise tant la communauté scientifique que le monde politique et économique, voire même la société civile. Cette collection intègre des monographies et des ouvrages collectifs, principalement en langue française ou anglaise. The aim of this book series is to study the various aspects of risk linked to human activities. Scientific and technological development is changing our society fundamentally and the concept of risk is crucial for the analysis of the ongoing social transformation process. Progress in genetic engineering and the use of military technology by civilians, for instance, raise questions concerning ethical, political, environmental and public-health issues. This series, therefore, opts for a multidisciplinary approach to the problem of risk, which involves the scientific community as much as the political world and civil society. It publishes monographs and collected papers, mainly in French or English.

    9 publications

  • Finance, FinTech, and Crowdfunding in Islam

    ISSN: 2572-7435

    Our second collaboration with the BIT-AMENA (University of California, Berkeley iTechpreneurship in Asia, Middle East, and North Africa) Center for Building Innovation Economies, this series focuses on how a financial system is comprised of different subsystems—such as the banking system, financial markets, capital markets, insurance, and derivatives—which are underpinned by legal and commercial infrastructure. When compared to the conventional system, the Islamic financial system has two distinct features: first, the prohibition of riba (interest), which eliminates the possibility of debt and of leveraging within the financial system, and second, the promotion of risk-sharing, facilitated through modes of transaction designed for investors to share the risks and rewards of investment on a more equitable basis. As such, the Islamic financial system is based on a banking system that operates without a debt economy, and instead promotes the financing of the real economy. Researchers have argued that an active and vibrant market of securitized assets, which has some resemblance to the conventional asset-based debt market, replaces the debt market and behaves and operates differently. We will subsequently examine the vital role that the stock market plays within a risk-sharing economy.

    1 publications

  • Systems Thinking for Safety

    ISSN: 2571-6913

    Advisory board Professor Erik Hollnagel, University of Southern Denmark Professor Ragnar Löfstedt, King's Centre for Risk Management, King’s College London, UK Professor Alan Irwin, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Captain Rogers E. Smith, NASA Dryden Flight Research Professor Washington Yotto Ochieng, Imperial College London, UK Professor Dominic Elliott, University of Liverpool Management School, UK Captain Tim Berry, Jet2.com Dr Robert Hunter, British Air Line Pilots Association (BALPA), UK Dr Anne Eyre, Trauma Training Ltd, UK Dr David Fletcher, University of Leicester, UK Associate Professor David Ison, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA Dr Terry Shevells, University of Leicester, UK Associate Professor Tony Masys, University of South Florida, USA Dr Simon Bennett, University of Leicester, UK     Series description This series draws on the success of the systems-thinking approach to safety management in commercial and military aviation, with a view to improving safety performance in other complex socio-technical systems, such as health-care, nuclear power generation, chemicals production, oil and gas extraction, deep mining and sea and rail transportation. Following the 1977 Tenerife air disaster (that killed 583 people), a traumatised and vilified aviation industry resolved to improve its safety performance. The adoption of a systems-thinking approach to risk analysis and mitigation, expressed in innovations such as the teamworking protocol crew resource management, has benefited the industry. In 2010 the industry achieved a world accident rate for scheduled flights of 4·0 accidents per million departures. This rate reflects a total of 121 accidents out of 30,556,513 scheduled flights. You are much, much safer in a pressurised aluminium tube cruising at eighty per cent the speed of sound six miles above terra firma than you are driving up the M1 on a sunny day in a modern, gas-bag equipped automobile, fully alert and not under the influence. The series is aimed at practitioners as well as academics and students. To this end, it is written in an accessible style with jargon explained. This reflects its purpose: to leverage change.

    1 publications

  • Adolescent Cultures, School, and Society

    "As schools struggle to redefine and restructure themselves, they need to be aware of the new realities of adolescents. This series is committed to depicting the wide variety of adolescent cultures that exist in today’s troubled world. It is primarily a qualitative research, practice, and policy series devoted to contextual interpretation and analysis that encompasses a broad range of interdisciplinary critique. The series addresses such issues as curriculum theory and practice; multicultural education; adolescent literacy; aggression, bullying, and violence; media and the arts; school dropouts; homeless and runaway youth; gangs and other alienated youth; at-risk populations; peers, family structures, and parental involvement; identity formation; race, ethnicity, class, and gender/LGBTQ studies; and overall social, biological, psychological, and spiritual development. "

    84 publications

  • Health Communication

    ISSN: 2153-1277

    This series examines the powerful influences of human and mediated communication in delivering care and promoting health. Books analyze the ways that strategic communication humanizes and increases access to quality care as well as examining the use of communication to encourage proactive health promotion. The books describe strategies for addressing major health issues, such as reducing health disparities, minimizing health risks, responding to health crises, encouraging early detection and care, facilitating informed health decision making, promoting coordination within and across health teams, overcoming health literacy challenges, designing responsive health information technologies, and delivering sensitive end-of-life care.

    32 publications

  • Cultural Critique

    ISSN: 1530-9568

    Cultural Critique is a research monograph series drawing from those scholarly traditions in the social sciences and the humanities that are premised on critical, performance-based cultural studies agenda. Preference is given to experimental, risk-taking manuscripts that are at the intersection of interpretative theory, critical methodology, culture, media, history, biography, and social structure.

    7 publications

  • The Belt and Road Initiative

    Interdisciplinary Perspectives

    ISSN: 2689-7989

    The Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) is perhaps the largest global project of both domestic significance and global import proposed by China in the history of its interactions with the world. Since its unveiling in 2013, BRI has not only been embraced by more than 120 countries spanning across all the continents and endorsed by several dozen international NGOs including UN on one hand; it has been drawing an outcry or resistance by some big powers such as the US and India on the other hand. Why is all this occurring? What are the real intentions, real results, real potential and possible risks, and future fate of BRI? Despite the growingly enormous amount of discourse both mediated and nonmediated including thousands of think tank reports about it both in Chinese and other languages such as English, Russian, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and so on, relatively little scholarship has been produced on BRI so far. However, the BRI studies could be arguably the newest China/Chinese studies and the newest area/regional/global/globalization studies all in one. Therefore, it is the goal of the present book series to advance knowledge about both China and the world from perspectives of various disciplines such as political science and economics, sociology and anthropology, communication, and so on. While proposed volumes from specific disciplines are desirable, proposed volumes on multi-disciplinary, interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary perspectives are especially welcome in the vetting process. This book series aim to produce both monographs and edited volumes from a variety of disciplinary perspectives such as economic science, political science, communication, sociology and anthropology, and so on and interdisciplinary/trans-disciplinary lenses such as area studies, international/intercultural, and global/globalization studies. The titles of the first few volumes include The United States Involvement in the South China Sea Dispute by MA Jianying, Ph. D. from Fudan University & Associate Professor of International Relations, Shandong Normal University, The Economics of the Belt and Road Initiative by CHEN Yongjun, Distinguished Professor of Economics, School of Business, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, and the Belt & Road Initiative: Index Report on its Five-Dimensions Connectivity by ZHAI Kun, Professor of International Studies and Associate Dean of the Institute of Area Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China.

    5 publications

  • Regional Integration and Social Cohesion

    ISSN: 2030-8787

    «Regional Integration and Social Cohesion» (RISC) is an interdisciplinary and multilingual (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese) series that examines the human and environmental impacts of regional integration, defined legally/politically (supranationalism), economically (globalization), socially (identity), and geographically (borders). The series aims to link global analysis of issues associated with social cohesion, such as market shifts, immigration, environmental risk and the deterioration of natural resources, human rights, violence and security, etc., with national and subnational studies that focus on political decision-making, the non-governmental sector and social participation in public debates, economic transformations, social marginalization, identity, etc. Thus, the series aims to combine the international, national and subnational arenas of politics in thematically-oriented research. While proposed case studies are welcome, the works presented in this series from all social science disciplines, are predominantly based on the comparative method. Studies that compare across geographic regions, defined continentally, are of particular interest. In addition to the scientific focus described above, this series aims to connect theoretical analysis of questions related to social cohesion with policy-based research. In doing so, it examines the role of political actors at different levels of regional integration processes and it studies citizen responses to changing opportunity structures in the economic, social and political spheres. Thus, the series attempts to shed light on contemporary shifts in the uses and types of power in policy-making processes. The issue of changes in how policies are being made is linked to: «who affects policy-making?» and «what impact do policies have in social and economic arenas?» « Intégration régionale et cohésion sociale » (RISC) est une collection interdisciplinaire et multilingue qui étudie les impacts humains et environnementaux qu’exerce l’intégration régionale, telle que définie légalement/politiquement (supranationalisme), économiquement (mondialisation), socialement (identité) et géographiquement (frontières). La collection cherche à mettre en relation d’une part l’analyse globale de problématiques associées à la cohésion sociale – les mouvements des marchés économiques, l’immigration, les enjeux écologiques, la préservation des ressources naturelles, les droits de l’homme, la violence et la sécurité, etc. – et d’autre part les études nationales et régionales/locales qui se centrent sur la prise de décision politique, le secteur non gouvernemental, la participation dans les débats publics, les transformations économiques, la marginalisation sociale, l’identité, etc. La collection cherche dès lors à combiner international, national et régional/local dans une perspective thématique. Si les études de cas y sont les bienvenues, on tentera cependant de privilégier les analyses comparatistes, dans le champ des sciences humaines, toutes disciplines confondues. Une attention toute particulière sera accordée aux études établissant des comparaisons entre continents. En outre, la collection souhaite relier l’analyse théorique de questions liées à la cohésion sociale à une recherche de type politique. Elle examine ainsi le rôle des acteurs politiques aux différents niveaux de l’intégration régionale et elle étudie la réaction des citoyens face aux mutations des structures économiques, sociales et politiques. RISC met dès lors en lumière les tendances contemporaines des usages et des types de pouvoir à l’œuvre dans les processus de prise de décision. La question de savoir comment les politiques sont élaborées est liée aux questions suivantes : « Qui peut influencer les politiques ? » et « quel est l’impact des politiques sur la scène politique et économique ? ».

    20 publications

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