Adolescent Cultures, School, and Society
"As schools struggle to redefine and restructure themselves, they need to be aware of the new realities
of adolescents. This series is committed to depicting the wide variety of adolescent cultures that exist
in todays troubled world. It is primarily a qualitative research, practice, and policy series devoted to
contextual interpretation and analysis that encompasses a broad range of interdisciplinary critique.
The series addresses such issues as curriculum theory and practice; multicultural education; adolescent
literacy; aggression, bullying, and violence; media and the arts; school dropouts; homeless and runaway
youth; gangs and other alienated youth; at-risk populations; peers, family structures, and parental
involvement; identity formation; race, ethnicity, class, and gender/LGBTQ studies; and overall social,
biological, psychological, and spiritual development.
Critical Pedagogy, Sexuality Education and Young People
Issues about Democracy and Active CitizenryVolume 71©2018 Edited Collection 224 Pages -
Living on the Edge
Rethinking Poverty, Class and Schooling, Second EditionVolume 70©2018 Textbook 310 Pages -
The Dynamic Student Development Meta-Theory
A New Model for Student SuccessVolume 69©2018 Textbook 410 Pages -
Becoming Educated
Young People’s Narratives of Disadvantage, Class, Place and IdentityVolume 67©2014 Textbook 174 Pages -
Dreams and Deception
Sports Lure, Racism, and Young Black Males' Struggles in Sports and EducationVolume 66©2017 Textbook 230 Pages -
Success Academy
How Native American Students Prepare for College (and How Colleges Can Prepare for Them)Volume 65©2013 Textbook 187 Pages -
Re-engaging Disconnected Youth
Transformative Learning through Restorative and Social Justice Education – Revised EditionVolume 63©2016 Textbook 195 Pages