41 results
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  • Title: The Unconnected

    The Unconnected

    Social Justice, Participation, and Engagement in the Information Society
    by Paul M.A. Baker (Volume editor) Jarice Hanson (Volume editor) Jeremy Hunsinger (Volume editor)
    ©2013 Textbook
  • Title: How the Dreamers Are Born

    How the Dreamers Are Born

    Struggles for Social Justice and the Identity Construction of Activist Educators in Brazil
    by Julio Diniz Pereira (Author)
    ©2013 Textbook
  • Title: Teaching College Students Communication Strategies for Effective Social Justice Advocacy

    Teaching College Students Communication Strategies for Effective Social Justice Advocacy

    by Robert J. Nash (Author) Richard Greggory Johnson III (Author) Michele C. Murray (Author)
    ©2012 Textbook
  • Title: Their Highest Vocation

    Their Highest Vocation

    Social Justice and the Millennial Generation
    by Helen Fox (Author)
    ©2012 Textbook
  • Title: Activist Art in Social Justice Pedagogy

    Activist Art in Social Justice Pedagogy

    Engaging Students in Glocal Issues through the Arts
    by Barbara Beyerbach (Volume editor) R. Deborah Davis (Volume editor)
    ©2011 Textbook
  • Title: Re-engaging Disconnected Youth

    Re-engaging Disconnected Youth

    Transformative Learning through Restorative and Social Justice Education
    by Amy Vatne Bintliff (Author)
    ©2011 Textbook
  • Title: Change Matters

    Change Matters

    Critical Essays on Moving Social Justice Research from Theory to Policy
    by sj Miller (Volume editor) David Kirkland (Volume editor)
    ©2011 Textbook
  • Title: «How Do We Know They Know?»

    «How Do We Know They Know?»

    A conversation about pre-service teachers learning about culture and social justice
    by R. Deborah Davis (Volume editor) Arcenia London (Volume editor) Barbara Beyerbach (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Textbook
  • Title: A Twenty-first Century Approach to Teaching Social Justice

    A Twenty-first Century Approach to Teaching Social Justice

    Educating for Both Advocacy and Action
    by Richard Greggory Johnson III (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Textbook
  • Title: Critical Literacy as Resistance

    Critical Literacy as Resistance

    Teaching for Social Justice Across the Secondary Curriculum
    by Laraine Wallowitz (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Textbook
  • Title: Doing Democracy

    Doing Democracy

    Striving for Political Literacy and Social Justice
    by Darren E. Lund (Volume editor) Paul R. Carr (Volume editor)
    ©2008 Textbook
  • Title: Narratives of Social Justice Teaching

    Narratives of Social Justice Teaching

    How English Teachers Negotiate Theory and Practice Between Preservice and Inservice Spaces
    by sj Miller (Author) Laura Bolf Beliveau (Author) Peggy Rice (Author) David Kirkland (Author)
    ©2008 Textbook
  • Title: Undoing Whiteness in the Classroom

    Undoing Whiteness in the Classroom

    Critical Educultural Teaching Approaches for Social Justice Activism
    by Virginia Lea (Volume editor) Erma Jean Sims (Volume editor)
    ©2008 Textbook
  • Title: Literacy as a Civil Right

    Literacy as a Civil Right

    Reclaiming Social Justice in Literacy Teaching and Learning
    by Stuart Greene (Volume editor)
    ©2008 Textbook
  • Title: Bringing Memory Forward

    Bringing Memory Forward

    Storied Remembrance in Social Justice Education with Teachers
    by Teresa Strong-Wilson (Author)
    ©2008 Textbook
  • Title: Youthful Imagination

    Youthful Imagination

    Schooling, Subcultures, and Social Justice
    by Georgina Tsolidis (Author)
    ©2006 Textbook
  • Title: Community and Difference

    Community and Difference

    Teaching, Pluralism, and Social Justice
    by Roberto A. Peña (Volume editor) Kristin Guest (Volume editor) Lawrence Y. Matsuda (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Textbook
  • Title: Parallel Practices

    Parallel Practices

    Social Justice-Focused Teacher Education and the Elementary School Classroom
    by Barbara Regenspan (Author)
    ©2002 Textbook
  • Title: The Freirean Legacy

    The Freirean Legacy

    Educating for Social Justice
    by Judith J. Slater (Volume editor) Steve Fain (Volume editor) Cesar A. Rossatto (Volume editor)
    ©2002 Textbook
  • Title: HipHopEd: The Compilation on Hip-Hop Education

    HipHopEd: The Compilation on Hip-Hop Education

    Volume 2: Hip-Hop as Praxis & Social Justice
    by Edmund Adjapong (Volume editor) Ian Levy (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Textbook
  • Title: Lorenzo Milani, The School of Barbiana and the Struggle for Social Justice

    Lorenzo Milani, The School of Barbiana and the Struggle for Social Justice

    by Federico Batini (Author) Peter Mayo (Author) Alessio Surian (Author) 2013
    ©2014 Textbook
  • Title: Engaging the Critical in English Education

    Engaging the Critical in English Education

    Approaches from the Commission on Social Justice in Teacher Education
    by Briana Asmus (Volume editor) Charles H. Gonzalez (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Textbook
  • Title: Defining Critical Animal Studies

    Defining Critical Animal Studies

    An Intersectional Social Justice Approach for Liberation
    by Anthony J. Nocella II (Volume editor) John Sorenson (Volume editor) Kim Socha (Volume editor) Atsuko Matsuoka (Volume editor) 2015
    ©2014 Textbook
  • Title: Capoeira, Black Males, and Social Justice

    Capoeira, Black Males, and Social Justice

    A Gym Class Transformed
    by Vernon C. Lindsay (Author) 2019
    ©2019 Textbook
  • Title: Re-engaging Disconnected Youth

    Re-engaging Disconnected Youth

    Transformative Learning through Restorative and Social Justice Education – Revised Edition
    by Amy Vatne Bintliff (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Textbook
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