7 results
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  • Title: The European Public Sphere

    The European Public Sphere

    From Critical Thinking to Responsible Action
    by Luciano Morganti (Volume editor) Léonce Bekemans (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2012 Edited Collection
  • Title: Identities across Media and Modes: Discursive Perspectives

    Identities across Media and Modes: Discursive Perspectives

    by Giuliana Elena Garzone (Volume editor) Paola Catenaccio (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2010 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Dark Side of Media and Technology

    The Dark Side of Media and Technology

    A 21st Century Guide to Media and Technological Literacy
    by Edward Downs (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2019 Textbook
  • Title: Health Communication

    Health Communication

    Strategies for Developing Global Health Programs
    by Do Kyun Kim (Volume editor) Arvind Singhal (Volume editor) Gary L. Kreps (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2013 Monographs
  • Title: Media and the Ukraine Crisis

    Media and the Ukraine Crisis

    Hybrid Media Practices and Narratives of Conflict
    by Mervi Pantti (Volume editor) 2016
    ©2016 Textbook
  • Title: Gender and Politics

    Gender and Politics

    Changing the Face of Civic Life
    by Mary C. Banwart (Author) Dianne G. Bystrom (Author)
    ©2024 Textbook
  • Title: Gender and Politics

    Gender and Politics

    Changing the Face of Civic Life
    by Mary C. Banwart (Author) Dianne G. Bystrom (Author)
    ©2024 Textbook
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