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  • Économie sociale et Économie publique / Social Economy and Public Economy

    ISSN: 2030-3408

    This «Social Economy & Public Economy» series brings together books and monographs with a common focus: the analysis of the economic activities of formal and informal organisations that aim to serve the «public/general interest» or broad «common welfare» of their societies. Diverse initiatives and a wide variety of organisational forms are concerned: public or private nonprofit organisations and services, social services, public utilities, regulatory rules and actions, public enterprises, local community and regional economic development bodies, cooperatives, mutualist enterprises, etc. The series aims to promote a more scientific, and in-depth international and comparative understanding of this type of research that has been rapidly expanding in recent years. The series will reflect about these developments and through its dissemination, it will also support the increasing inter-disciplinarity and multi-disciplinarity of much of this recent research (e.g. economics, sociology, political science, law, policy evaluation and policy analysis, etc.) Editorial responsibility for the series resides with CIRIEC, an international scientific organisation that promotes, supports and disseminates research on the public economy, the social economy, and cooperatives. One of CIRIEC’s key goals and activities is the promotion, support, and expansion of a large international network of researchers who specialise in these issues. This series will allow the publication of work by members of this network as well as providing an outlet for any related research work by other people outside the existing CIRIEC network. La collection « Économie sociale & Économie publique » rassemble des ouvrages proposant, dans une perspective de comparaison internationale, des analyses des organisations et des activités économiques orientées vers l’intérêt général et l’intérêt collectif : services sociaux, services publics, régulation, entreprises publiques, action économique des entités territoriales (régions, autorités locales), coopératives, mutuelles, associations, ... Dans un contexte de « grande transformation », l’activité scientifique dans ce domaine s’y est fortement développée et la collection se veut un nouveau vecteur de diffusion et de valorisation de cette activité dans une approche pluridisciplinaire (économie, sciences sociales, droit, sciences politiques, ...). La collection est placée sous la responsabilité éditoriale du CIRIEC. Organisation internationale à but scientifique, le CIRIEC a pour objet la réalisation et la diffusion de la recherche sur l’économie publique et l’économie sociale et coopérative. Une de ses principales activités est l’animation d’un vaste réseau international de chercheurs dans ces domaines. La collection permet de publier des ouvrages réalisés par les membres de ce réseau, mais est aussi ouverte à des personnes extérieures à ce réseau.

    7 publications

  • Studies in Communication and Politics

    ISSN: 2197-1625

    Technological development and the emergence of new notions of media and media-like services (blogs, online gaming, social networks, wikis, virtual worlds etc.) have changed the nature of communication, making it more open, personalized, fragmented and interactive. At the same a shift in paradigms in relation to traditional concepts of democracy, political communication and public participation has been observed. All of this has an impact on the functioning of contemporary societies and offers a wide range of opportunities for reexamination and redefinition of several concepts in social science. In Studies in Communication and Politics the editors are particularly interested in changing approaches to democracy, communication, political participation and media. By publishing collaborative works and monographs they aim at supporting and promoting interdisciplinary research, offering comparative approach and/or examining national factors for communication and politics development. Hence, the emphasis here is being put on the changing approaches to democracy and its institutions, political actors, electoral campaigns, as well as citizens' participation in political processes, electoral behavior, and so on. Having in mind the changing media landscape and the rise of media ecologies we also aim at investigating emerging communication and media policies, evolution of journalism culture, changing patterns of users' behavior and media innovations in the digital and multiplatform scenario. All of this when taking into account interrelations between communication and as well as the role of media in contemporary politics. The editors believe that the topic presented here will stimulate international and interdisciplinary research changes and challenges facing communication and politics today. We also hope that the wide range of approaches presented in each collection will be of interest for researchers, academic experts as well as policy makers and media professionals who might be particularly interested in taking a part in the debate on emerging theories and practices.

    22 publications

  • Histoire des Échanges, Communications, Postes et Territoires / History of the Exchanges, Communications, Post Offices and Territories

    Échanges et territoires / Exchanges and Territories

    The Postal Service, guardian of a French-styled public service, has become, under the influence of Europe, a universal service, and by its history and by its roots in its environment, presents an opportunity to reflect on the manner in which traditional and contemporary societies have resolved the issues of communication, exchanges and control of territories. Thanks to the Committee for the history of the Post-Office, researchers in the humanities and social sciences have been allowed to reflect on its past and to shed light on the changes in the societies linked within its network. Thus, now active for nearly two decades, the committee has encouraged and promoted research on the Postal Service, its «tools/instruments» of exchanges, its diplomatic agents, its politics, economy, culture and even its land settlements, without forgetting its legislative and legal aspects. This series brings together work – doctorates, acts of symposia, biographies, testimonials – in French and in English, that specifically deal with the Post-Office and, more broadly, of the problems of commerce, communications and the control of territories. It is a platform for critical analyses of a world in perpetual motion. All the publications in this collection are subject to double peer review. Gardienne d’un service public à la française devenu, sous l’influence de l’Europe, un service universel, la Poste, par son histoire et par son ancrage dans son environnement, permet de réfléchir sur la façon dont les sociétés traditionnelles et contemporaines ont résolu les questions de communication, d’échanges et de maîtrise des territoires. Grâce au Comité pour l’Histoire de la Poste, il est donné aux chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales à réfléchir sur son passé et à éclairer les mutations des sociétés qu’elle relie grâce à son réseau. Ainsi, actif depuis plus de deux décennies, le comité suscite et encourage les recherches sur les Postes, « outils/instruments » d’échanges, et aussi agent de la diplomatie, de la politique, de l’économie, de la culture ou encore de l’aménagement des territoires, sans oublier les aspects législatifs et juridiques. Cette collection rassemble les travaux – doctorats, actes de colloques, biographies, témoignages –, en français et en anglais, traitant spécifiquement de la Poste/des postes et, de façon plus large, des problématiques des échanges, des communications et de la maîtrise des territoires. Elle se veut une plateforme d’analyses critiques d’un monde en perpétuel mouvement. Toutes les publications de cette collection sont soumises à une double évaluation à l’aveugle.

    14 publications

  • Studies in the History of Healthcare

    ISSN: 2631-522X

    Studies in the History of Healthcare provides an outlet for academic monographs (sole- or multi-authored) devoted to both the social and the intellectual dimensions of the history of medicine, with a special emphasis on public health, health care and health services. The focus of the series is on the nineteenth and/or twentieth centuries, and is international in scope. The series encourages investigations into public health including environmental health, preventive medicine, responses to lifestyle diseases, and maternal and child health. It also embraces studies of health policy, health systems and state medicine, including in colonial and postcolonial settings. While studies may focus on general medicine, they would also give appropriate weight to healthcare as it relates to sectors such as indigenous peoples, older people, mentally ill and/or other vulnerable social groups. Unless they are placed in a broad context and address significant historical questions the series does not include biographies or histories of individual institutions and organisations. The monographs included in this series reflect the cutting edge of research in the now well-established and still expanding field of medical history. Studies in the History of Healthcare is a successor to Studies in the History of Medicine, formerly edited by Charles Webster.

    1 publications

  • Reimagining Canada

    Canada, in all its messy manifestations, is in transition, but where is it going? With foundational myths eroded, identities fragmented, allegiances contested, the idea of Canada in the hearts and minds of those who live there is under intense scrutiny and careful criticism. Canada’s place in the wider world is just as uncertain. Against a backdrop of COVID, Indigenization, decolonization, inflation, immigration, and shifting global politics, what might Canada mean in five, ten or fifty years’ time? Reimagining Canada seeks to understand the forces at work, and to ask what comes next. Taking a broad and inclusive approach to the study of Canadian culture, history and society, the series interrogates Canada’s past and present in order to suggest possibilities for the future. Relevant issues might include, but are not limited to: arts and culture; Indigenization; decolonization; digital spaces and media; the future of the Canadian constitution; globalization; healthcare and social services; immigration and multiculturalism; memory and memorialisation; and sovereignty. The series is open to scholars and public intellectuals working in all areas of the humanities and social sciences, and aims to be interdisciplinary or even post-disciplinary in its approach. The editors are committed to equity, diversity and inclusion and welcome contributions from scholars of marginalized groups and communities that tend to be disproportionately underrepresented within public discourses in Canada. As such, they strongly encourage scholars from these groups and communities to contribute to the series. Contributors are free to self-identify as desired. Books in the series are aimed at a more general audience than the traditional academic monograph. Readers might include undergraduate students, academics working in other fields, practitioners, policymakers, and the public. The series provides a platform for authors to reach a larger audience than usual, or to speak to new audiences; to deliver bold new arguments; to write unencumbered by the usual obligations for referencing; and to be exciting, provocative and even polemical.

    0 publications

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