DASK – Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft / Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture
DASK presents a forum for linguistic research on the interrelationship between language and culture. The series is interdisciplinary in nature and consists of monographs and collections of papers. The main purpose of the editors is to initiate a dialogue between linguistic science and neighbouring disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, semiotics, literary studies and intercultural communication. The aim of establishing a series at the intersection of linguistic and cultural studies is to provide academics and interested students with a scientific framework for studying the interaction of language and culture.
The series has been founded by Ulrich Ammon, René Dirven and Martin Pütz.
Causative, Agent-Deprofiling, and Resultative Constructions in English and Urdu
A Cognitive-Contrastive ApproachVolume 131©2024 Thesis 228 Pages -
Explorations into Language, Literature and Culture
Studies in Honour of Martin PützVolume 130©2024 Edited Collection 492 Pages -
Linguistic Landscapes and Multilingualism in Yaoundé, Cameroon
Sociolinguistic and socio-cognitive processes at workVolume 129©2023 Thesis 288 Pages -
Cultural Linguistics Applied
Trends, Directions and ImplicationsVolume 127©2021 Conference proceedings 282 Pages -
Internationalization of Universities and the National Language
Language Policy Interventions and Case StudiesVolume 126©2020 Edited Collection 190 Pages -
The Role of (Deliberate) Metaphor in Communicating Knowledge in Academic Discourse
An Analysis of College Lectures from Different DisciplinesVolume 125©2019 Thesis 454 Pages -
English(es) in Post-Independence Namibia
An Investigation of Variety Status and Its Implications for English Language TeachingVolume 124©2020 Thesis 388 Pages -
Scenario Negotiation in Online Debates about the European Union
Analysing Metaphor in CommunicationVolume 123©2019 Thesis 250 Pages -
Multilingualismus erwachsener Migrantinnen und Migranten polnischer Herkunft
Eine qualitative Untersuchung in Deutschland und SchwedenVolume 122Thesis 398 Pages