
Images of Elsewhere

Editors: Timothy Jenkins

Flying saucers first appeared in the late 1940s, in the aftermath of the Second World War. They immediately became the subject of fascination, and their mystery has persisted. They can be understood through three lenses, that of science and technology, popular culture and, at the human level, personal experience. In general, approaches to flying saucers concentrate either on military and space hardware, or on science fiction and film, or on religious and occult ways of thinking. This mini-series brings these different perspectives into conversation for the first time, tracing the appearances of UFOs and their development. It explores how machines and humans learn to think together, producing new objects in a world that is dominated by technology and yet continually escaping our control.


  • Title: Images of Elsewhere

    Images of Elsewhere

    Volume 6
    by Timothy Jenkins (Author) 2024
    ©2025 Monographs 126 Pages
  • Title: Alien Sightings

    Alien Sightings

    Volume 5
    by Timothy Jenkins (Author) 2024
    ©2025 Monographs 168 Pages
  • Title: UFO Reports

    UFO Reports

    Volume 4
    by Timothy Jenkins (Author) 2024
    ©2025 Monographs 138 Pages
  • Title: Martian Linguistics

    Martian Linguistics

    Volume 3
    by Timothy Jenkins (Author) 2024
    ©2025 Monographs 156 Pages
  • Title: Religion and Science Fiction

    Religion and Science Fiction

    Volume 2
    by Timothy Jenkins (Author) 2024
    ©2025 Monographs 158 Pages
  • Title: Flying Saucers

    Flying Saucers

    An Introduction
    Volume 1
    by Timothy Jenkins (Author) 2024
    ©2025 Monographs 164 Pages