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Die Haftung der Organe einer Aktiengesellschaft bei Entscheidungen unter Rechtsunsicherheit
De lege lata et ferenda©2016 Thesis -
The Moral World of «Billy Budd»
©2014 Monographs -
In Pursuit of Narrative Dynamics
A Study of James Phelan’s Rhetorical Theory of Narrative©2012 Thesis -
Die Innenhaftung des Vorstands in einer Aktiengesellschaft - eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung zum deutschen und polnischen Recht
Zugleich ein Vorschlag zur Kodifizierung der Business Judgment Rule in Polen©2018 Thesis -
Standstill Agreements in Deutschland und den USA
©2003 Thesis -
The Social Meanings of Language, Dialect and Accent
International Perspectives on Speech Styles©2013 Textbook -
Educational Management Turned on Its Head
Exploring a Professional Ethic for Educational Leadership- A Critical Reader©2013 Textbook -
Hannah Arendt and Friedrich Schiller on Kant’s Aesthetics
The Public Character of the BeautifulThesis -
The Role of Representatives of Minority Shareholders in the System of Corporate Governance
In the Context of Corporate Governance in the US, EU and China©2017 Thesis