
City-State Civism in Ancient Athens

Its Real and Ideal Expressions

by Thomas L. Dynneson (Author)
©2008 Monographs XVI, 224 Pages


This book focuses on the development of civism as it contributed to ancient Greek culture, and helped shape the psychology of citizenship in the Western world. The strength of this work is its interdisciplinary examination of those trends and influences that combined to give new insights into the rise and the fall of democracy in the ancient polis of Athens. The author presents an extensive description of the intellectual forces that attracted «international» scholars and teachers to Athens, who in turn established important schools of higher learning as they labored to develop and advance the study of rhetoric and philosophy as competing alternative approaches for addressing the perceived weakness of the democratic system. This volume is an ideal supplement for instruction in courses in classical history, political science, philosophy, history of Western education, and advanced foundations of education.


XVI, 224
ISBN (Hardcover)
Athen Staatsbürger Demokratie Citizenship Democracy Classical Sophism Philosophical Pericean Geschichte 500 v. Chr. - 300 v. Chr. Civism
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2008. XVI, 224 pp., num. ill.

Biographical notes

Thomas L. Dynneson (Author)

The Author: Thomas L. Dynneson is Professor Emeritus at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin in Odessa, Texas. He has served as Visiting Scholar at Stanford University and has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in social studies education and anthropology. He is the author of several volumes and has written extensively on topics related to education, anthropology, citizenship education, and civism.


Title: City-State Civism in Ancient Athens