
Defiant Diplomacy

Henrik Kauffmann, Denmark, and the United States in World War II and the Cold War, 1939-1958

by Bo Lidegaard (Author)
©2003 Monographs X, 380 Pages


Defiant Diplomacy analyzes the relationship between the United States and Denmark as allies in World War II and the Cold War. Cast as a biography of Henrik Kauffmann (1888-1963), a Danish diplomat serving in Washington (1939-1958), the book reveals how the Roosevelt Administration’s policy toward occupied Denmark was forced to address questions of paramount importance, particularly to Great Britain and Canada, regarding the general attitude of the neutral United States toward the war in Europe. The dramatic climax was President Roosevelt’s secret decision in early 1941 to establish military bases in Greenland, the Danish colony that became a crucial steppingstone between the United States and Europe during World War II and a strategic focal point in the nuclear strategies of the Cold War.


X, 380
ISBN (Hardcover)
relationship colony Europe
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt/M., Oxford, Wien, 2003. X, 380 pp., 26 ill.

Biographical notes

Bo Lidegaard (Author)

The Author: Bo Lidegaard earned his Doctorate in contemporary history from Copenhagen University in Denmark. He has published monographs, biographies, and essays mostly on the aspects of Danish foreign and welfare policy in the twentieth century. Several of his books have received national and international honors. Dr. Lidegaard is also a senior member of the Danish Foreign Service.


Title: Defiant Diplomacy