
Studies in Religion, Politics and Public Life

ISSN: 1087-8459

"Both at home and abroad religion is recognized as an important
factor in many aspects of life-political, cultural, and economic. To
assist an informed public debate, this series publishes innovative
studies of unquestionably high standards of scholarship an the role
of religion and religiously motivated convictions in politics and
public life. Preference is given to interdisciplinary and comparative
approaches that explore the historical, conceptual, and normative
issues that come to bear an the political and public rote of religion,
as well as the nature of values and structures of arguments relevant
to general policy concerns.
The books in this series include monographs, anthologies, and
textbooks. They are of particular lnterest to political scientists,
historians, philosophers, theologians, and legal and social analysts.
Three ideas guide this series: (1) The role of religion in the making of
public policy has become and is likely to remain a subject of
considerable debate in American society; (2) Despite a political and
constitutional tradition that separates religion and government,
there is neither conceptual clarity nor political consensus an how to
resolve the many dilemmas created by the presence of religion in
the public sphere; (3) There is an urgent need to develop interdisciplinary
models for understanding the rote, if any, that religion
ought to play in our political and public lives.
