
Muslim and Christian Women in Dialogue

The Case of Northern Nigeria

by Kathleen McGarvey, OLA (Author)
©2009 Monographs 450 Pages
Series: Religions and Discourse, Volume 42


Observations about dialogue and about the theology of religions are common enough these days, but they are rarely grounded in the analysis of a particular reality and are therefore of little help to practitioners. This book, on the other hand, gives an exhaustive documentation of the background and the actual situation of Muslim–Christian relations in Northern Nigeria before proceeding to proposals for understanding the contribution of women’s discourse in the development of dialogue and to a feminist theology of religions. Drawing from her empirical findings in Northern Nigeria as well as some feminist insights, the author suggests an approach to other religions, grounded in people’s lived experience and a shared commitment to justice, peace and transformed human relations. Recognizing the limitations of some pluralist theories, she suggests a feminist-ethical approach to religious pluralism. The practicality and feasibility of such an approach are shown as she elaborates on its possible application in the concrete context of Northern Nigeria.


ISBN (Softcover)
Feministische Theologie Nigeria (Nord) Islam Interreligiöse Beziehung Christentum Feminist Theology Women's Concern Interreligious dialogue
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2009. 450 pp.

Biographical notes

Kathleen McGarvey, OLA (Author)

The Author: Kathleen McGarvey is a member of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles. She acquired a Ph.D. in Missiology in the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, in 2007. She has worked in Argentina and Nigeria.


Title: Muslim and Christian Women in Dialogue