
Nigerian English Phonology

A Preference Grammar

by Ugo Ugorji (Author)
©2010 Thesis XVIII, 197 Pages


Nigerian English Phonology is a stimulating volume on the world concern for English as a global language. In addition to contributing to the sociolinguistics of New Englishes, it contributes to their pedagogy. It employs the theoretical model of Preference Grammar to define the status of phonological elements. The book represents a vital contribution to the endonormative stabilisation of Nigerian English, among the canons of national varieties of English recognised worldwide. The results importantly yield materials for a normative inventory, essential to the pedagogical phonology of Nigerian English. This outcome bridges the gap between the erstwhile exogenous focus and the development of an indigenous one, and preserves the cultural democratisation of nations and communities enshrined in the philosophy of New Englishes. Students, researchers, language experts and educators, etc. who are interested in sociolinguistics, phonology, contact linguistics, language corpus planning and standardisation, will find this book valuable for understanding Nigerian English and New Englishes.


XVIII, 197
ISBN (Softcover)
sociolinguistics phonology Nigerian pidgin prosody
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2010. XVIII, 197 pp., 31 fig.

Biographical notes

Ugo Ugorji (Author)

The Author: C. U. C. Ugorji holds a Ph.D. in English Linguistics, and currently teaches in the School of Applied English Linguistics, University of Augsburg (Germany). His experience includes teaching and research in English and African Linguistics in Europe and Africa, at the university level. He is also a professional language teacher, involved in TESOL in schools. The author has contributed several articles in international academic journals and books and delivers papers in academic conferences and seminars.


Title: Nigerian English Phonology