
Popular Culture Primer

Revised Edition

by John A. Weaver (Author)
©2009 Textbook 164 Pages
Series: Counterpoints Primers, Volume 8


This revised edition of the Popular Culture Primer is an introductory text that traces the history of popular culture and cultural studies. Besides covering the traditional subjects such as the influence of the Frankfurt School and the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, this book covers the cultural studies of science and technology, the biosciences, drugs, and sports as well as other often-ignored topics such as science fiction, fan cultures, and childhood studies. It looks at the impact these topics have on our understanding of education and popular culture. The Popular Culture Primer is an essential text for any class devoted to teaching the history and importance of the subject.


ISBN (Hardcover)
ISBN (Softcover)
science fiction fan culture Popular culture cultural studies of education and curriculum studies. cultural studies of science and technology Frankfurt School pop culture mainstream Massenkultur
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2009. 176 pp.

Biographical notes

John A. Weaver (Author)

The Author: John A. Weaver received his Ph.D. in social and comparative analysis from the University of Pittsburgh. He is currently Professor of Curriculum Studies at Georgia Southern University. He is the co-editor with Toby Daspit of Popular Culture and Critical Pedagogy (2000), with Maria Morris and Peter Appelbaum of (Post)Modern Science (Education) (Peter Lang, 2001), and with Karen Anijar and Toby Daspit of Science Fiction Curriculum, Cyborg Teachers, and Youth Cultures (Peter Lang, 2004). He is the author of Rethinking Academic Politics in (Re)Unified Germany and the United States (2000). Weaver just completed a manuscript tentatively titled Educating the Posthuman which looks at the intersection of the biosciences, fiction, and curriculum studies.


Title: Popular Culture Primer