
The Romanian Economy. A Century of Transformation (1918-2018)

Proceedings of ESPERA 2018

by Luminita Chivu (Volume editor) Valeriu Ioan-Franc (Volume editor) George Georgescu (Volume editor) Jean-Vasile Andrei (Volume editor)
©2019 Conference proceedings XII, 606 Pages


ESPERA was initiated in 2013 by the National Institute for Economic Research "Costin C. Kirițescu", Romanian Academy. The aim of the International conference is to present and evaluate the economic scientific research portfolio, to argue and substantiate development strategies, including European and global best practices. ESPERA intend to become a scientific support for conceptualisation and establishment of policies and strategies and to provide a systematic, wide and challenging dialogue within the European area of economic and social research. The 2018 edition of the Conference took place under the title "The Romanian Economy. A Century of Transformation (1918-2018)", as part of the Romanian Academy anniversary events celebrating the "100th anniversary of the Great Union of Romania".


XII, 606
ISBN (Hardcover)
Economic growth Natural Resources Human capital Innovation Labour market Migration Energy Economic convergence European integration Financial crises Globalisation impact International investments International trade Forecasting tools
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2019., XII, 606 pp., 81 fig. b/w, 70 tables

Biographical notes

Luminita Chivu (Volume editor) Valeriu Ioan-Franc (Volume editor) George Georgescu (Volume editor) Jean-Vasile Andrei (Volume editor)

Chivu Luminita is General Director at the National Institute for Economic Research, Romanian Academy. She is a member of the Editorial Review Board, International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management. Ioan- Franc Valeriu is General Deputy Director at the National Institute for Economic Research, Romanian Academy. He is the head of the Centre for Economic Information and Documentation and Editor-in-chief of NIER publications. Georgescu George is General Deputy Director at the National Institute for Economic Research, Romanian Academy. He is a member of the National Statistical Council. Andrei Jean-Vasile is Assistant professor at Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Department of Business Administration. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management and Associate Editor of Economics of Agriculture.


Title: The Romanian Economy. A Century of Transformation (1918-2018)